Do people actually read others posts

I have a bunch of friends and they all have their friends here on MFP, and I notice people comment on food diaries, exercise ect with a positive short response good work, well done etc, which is positive and great! but I always look at the food diaries and make comments about the content of the food diary. If one person had only eaten one meal and a lot of booze and people would still say good job....are we meant to be blindly supporting people or helping them to succeed? how many people actually read our info?

Discuss :)


  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    I read through some of them. I haven't had my friends but just this evening but I do applause them for staying under their calories :) I'm sure I'll be doing a lot more reading of them as time goes on.
  • lizc_87
    lizc_87 Posts: 45
    I had never thought about that. I'm trying to get me to eat when I feel I have that down I think then I will feel that I have the right to comment on how others eat.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I always do read those that I comment on. I may say something about the specifics, I may not. I get nervous that it would be too creepy if I talk about their specific meals all the time.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    That is a good question!
    I tend to avoid food diaries due to my eating you could say preferences. I looked once at what someone had consumed and it was beyond the call of duty! Though i do "praise" exercise.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I would err on the side of caution. Unless they specifically asked for input or help, I will not provide it. Only support them to keep working on it. You just never know if they had an off day, if they are feeling ill, if they are dealing with outside stress, etc. It is best to keep encouraging them to continue on with a healthy lifestyle. When they want feedback, they will ask for it. Just my opinion.
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    i look at diaries, and if they had a good food day, i will comment, but if i can't see the diary, or they didn't really have a good food day, i won't say anything. but i generally stick to commenting on losses and not food. really, my diary may be horrible to another person, you never know why a person ate what they ate, i just don't want to be negative, and yet don't want to be silent either.
  • justavoice1989
    justavoice1989 Posts: 132 Member
    depends. if im in a hurry i wont look at it until maybe later. ill say good job and then when i get a chance ill go back and maybe comment on something specific like "way to get the ice cream in there etc" or "way to substitute the mayo for light mayo or soemthing positive" but for the most part ill scan it and then comment =] but like others have said i will always comment no matter what if they lost weight! or did a great burn!!
  • RoseVernon
    RoseVernon Posts: 88
    Either way, they worked hard. Good job to that...
  • starryheart83
    I had one friend actually comment on having a good day regarding my food diary! I was looking at other's and wanted to comment but did not want them to feel like I'm criticizing them or anything remotely close to that! So as it might be a good idea to comment on people's food choices, it might also be a good idea on doing it tactfully! I just know that not everyone is good at taking criticism even if it is constructive! The biggest thing is to be encouraging...everyone has a bad day here or there! I know I do!
  • kristinathenina
    I look at food diaries almost everyday-sometimes i just dont feel like it. I look for ideas on what I might like. I praise people when they exercise because I like it when I get praised- makes me feel like I am doing it for someone (though it is for ME)
  • charmednz
    charmednz Posts: 49 Member
    Would you hope if your food diaries were "on the wrong track" someone would speak up and guide you? Maybe I have a different idea of support and motivation...
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    I usually comment on exercise and weight loss but rarely on staying under calories, and don't usually look at diaries unless someone has commented about something specific they ate. I wouldn't blindly compliment staying under calories without looking to see what they ate though, cuz why compliment a day when they starved themselves or drank all their calories?

    I had to laugh the other day when a friend posted a weight loss, then commented on it saying that that was the result of being sick for 3 days, but shortly after, people we're saying "great work" & "keep it up". I know we can't keep track of everything that everyone is doing, but I try not to comment without having a clue what's up.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Would you hope if your food diaries were "on the wrong track" someone would speak up and guide you? Maybe I have a different idea of support and motivation...

    Not unless I asked them to.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I think most people who eat one meal and drink the rest of their calories already realise that it isn't ideal. The more important thing, as far as I'm concerned, is that they are honestly logging. Criticism might stop that. I just wouldn't comment.
  • imprimez
    imprimez Posts: 36
    Good job!!! Keep up the great work!
  • justavoice1989
    justavoice1989 Posts: 132 Member
    Would you hope if your food diaries were "on the wrong track" someone would speak up and guide you? Maybe I have a different idea of support and motivation... i think that as long as im losing weight and im not posting "oh i had a bad day or god i need to make better choicies" and essentially not regretting my choices then let me be lol. i dont have a healthy diet at all but i try to stay under my cal. goal and exercise. i havent once had someone criticize me for having mcdonalds for lunch or a doughnut for a snack.and i wouldnt do it to them either. if anything id probably congratulate them for being able to treat themself to SOMETHING lol. if it works for them great!!! but once someone starts complaining then i would show them a possible 'right track'
  • charmednz
    charmednz Posts: 49 Member
    You can always word something in a positive way so it doesnt sound like criticism. There doesnt have to be a negative connotation to honest comments...

    for example if one of your friends said they were frustrated they werent losing weight, when it was clear to see they werent eating their calories for the day, or they had been filling up on sweets/ high fat foods and wondering why they were not meeting their goals...
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    I used to comment on other's diaries until I read a post that I happened to agree with. It stated that when we congratulate someone for being under their calorie goal we are actually encouraging them to under eat and since there are people on this site with an ED, that is not a good thing. Now, I make it a rule never to go into anyone's food diary or comment on their diary posts. I will and do wholeheartedly support NSV posts, exercise posts or a post where they just need to vent or need encouragement. I don't have my diary open for this reason too. I haven't ever gone over my goal for the day and I don't go under 1200 either or if I do, it's only by a couple of calories but I'm not on here for food support, just motivation. This is MY opinion and I understand that it isn't the only opinion and I respect that. :flowerforyou:
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    Good job!!! Keep up the great work!

    *like* lol
  • wannabeslim67
    I would err on the side of caution. Unless they specifically asked for input or help, I will not provide it. Only support them to keep working on it. You just never know if they had an off day, if they are feeling ill, if they are dealing with outside stress, etc. It is best to keep encouraging them to continue on with a healthy lifestyle. When they want feedback, they will ask for it. Just my opinion.

    I would have to agree with this comment. It is a very individual journey, we all come from different walks of life, and each of us is dealing with different issues in life, but the one thing that we do have in common is the desire to lose weight and become more healthy. i am relatively new to the website, but I believe as one becomes more accustomed to using it, and observing what other people do and say, you get a feel for what your individual friends are looking for. Some people may ask for input, then it's good to provide it. Otherwise, I think we all can use all the positive feedback we can get. Right now, I'm not really giving advice, mainly asking others for their advice, and looking at their diaries to see if I can learn something from them. Maybe in time, I will feel comfortable giving advice. Right now, I don't think my weight loss warrants that, so I simply try to provide encouragement and positive feedback. :)