Rockin' Body calories burned

Hi. I just started doing Shaun T.'s Rockin' Body workout routine and I cannot figure out how to log my workout bc its not listed. And I can't create my own workout bc idk how many calories I burned.
Can anyone help?


  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    edited May 2016
    you could log it as dancing, aerobic. that's in the MFP exercise database. or it you used lots of intensity, aerobics. whatever you use, it's going to be a general approximation, but still useful.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Log most of them as dancing

    Hard-Core Abs...maybe calisthenics
    Rock It Out... ? maybe circuit training (I know this one has you using weights, but can't remember exactly what it's like)
  • NissaSmith
    NissaSmith Posts: 27 Member
    Key is to get a hrm watch. That's what I did. It helped a lot when tracking these specific work outs because as your weigh changes so will the calories burned. How many you burn is determined by how hard you go! They have cheap ones I think I paid $30 for mine at a sports store.