Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • alishadg
    alishadg Posts: 11
    Welcome everyone,
    Just a quick note before I go to a TF workout (which though I loved TJ---I love TF more!)

    Alisha...yes you can jump right in and I just started lean's tough but I think it will be the one to really show results!!!!!

    about logging...I've just been using the Burn it up and Intervals as (high aerobic) cardio and logging in the rest as strength. Although, after yesterdays Lean 1, I may have to rethink that !!!


    Thanks for the welcome Bev.

    How is the Lean phase going? I still haven't started it...I plan on starting Monday so I can keep with my original schedule. Is it more reps or heavier weights...or both?

  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    I am scheduled to do Lean 3 today but am cleaning instead. I'll do it...I just get side tracked sometimes!

    Alisha--Lean is 10-12 reps WITH your heavy weights WITH a lower body part!!!! That's why it's tough. But that's also why others are saying they lost the most w/it. I'll be on week 2 of Lean on Monday.

    I have a question on what others are planning...are you going to do the 4th month of CLX or start it over or do something else? I have 3 weeks to decide!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I have a question on what others are planning...are you going to do the 4th month of CLX or start it over or do something else? I have 3 weeks to decide!

    I believe the "Lean for Life" schedule is what you would do every month from now forward to maintain - at least that is how I interpret it. I never do that month, I just start the entire routine again. However, I have decided to change it up a bit so that every other month is a Push month because I'd like to keep challenging myself to increase my strength. So, my plan is Burn month, Push month, Lean month, Push month, Burn month, Push month, Lean month, Push month, etc. I do switch out the cardio fairly often (I'm on my fourth round of CLX so gotta keep it fresh!), but always keep the weight lifting days with Chalene.

    Having said that - cardio for tomorrow is KenpoX! :wink:
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    I finally did Push 3 this morning, as well as Turbo Fire 45 Class - I didn't even use the 'New to Class' option....!

    I have been really slack this week - I've done the weight training sessions in CLX but nothing else...!

    It must be ok though... I've already lost a pound since Wednesday.... and I even had McDonald's ((shhhhhhh... ...!) for lunch (couldn't even eat it all....) and half a pizza for dinner (lazy....!) yesterday......

    I guess my metabolism is quite efficient... have to thank CLX for that....!
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    I've been soooooo lost!!!! I missed you guys! What's wrong with me?!?!?! LOL I'm baaaaaack! :laugh:

    Bev: I'm gonna do the Lean For Life month & then I'm gonna do the CLX/TF hybrid!

    Marianne: Your body probably needed that break (especially your muscles!)!! But no doubt, you are back to KICKIN *kitten*!! <3 IT!!!

    So instead of buying TF just yet (cuz my friend keeps swearing up & down that she's gonna lend it to me for a good loooong while, while she goes on her P90X journey)- I bought ChaLean Extreme Deluxe Upgrade!

    It got here on Thursday, so I've only tried 2 workout so far!

    "Extreme Intervals" is INTENSE!!!!!!!! Think Burn Intervals on STEROIDS! Cuz not only are you doing hardcore, heart-pounding-out-your-chest bursts of cario & breaks with bazillion rep, light weighted lifting- but add the stability ball to that equation! I made the mistake of doing that video as my cardio on Friday AFTER I did Push Circuit 3 & I thought I was gonna DIE of soreness that night & the next day!

    "I've Got Abs" came the very next day after that insanity (yesterday). I did this video sandwiched between Burn It Off! & Recharge. OMG! I thought "Extreme Abs" was TORTURE, "I've Got Abs" is the :devil: !!! You're doing insane crunches, some with a 10 lb weight, plus push up/plank combos! Today my abs feel like I've been wearing a girdle all night! LMAO

    "Power Yoga" is going to be my workout for today since it is my one "rest day" for this week! I'll tell you how THAT goes, PLUS I'll give you more reviews on the other 4 workouts as soon as I try em!

    So far, I LOVE Deluxe Upgrade. My only complaint is that I think I should have ordered the large ball instead of the medium one. It said to order the medium ball if you're shorter than 5'4 & to order the large ball if you're taller than 5'4. Well, I'm 5'4, so you could imagine my dilema! So I rodered the medium ball just hoping I was right! WRONG! :grumble: I may have to buy a bigger ball & just save this smaller ball for my 5'3 sister who will be working out with me when I move to the Chicago area in a month & 1/2.

    I hope everyone is having a fun & safe 4th of July weekend! :heart: you guys!
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    OKAY! I'm baaaaaack! I missed you guys too much already! :laugh:

    I just did the Yoga workout from CLX Deluxe!!! It's not called "Power Yoga" (crazy ME) it's called "Dynamic Yoga Flow" and it was heavenly!!!! :love: Now I AM NOT a Yoga-type person by any means! But this is such a GOOD stretch! Better than Recharge. It's 40 minutes of Flowing Yoga with weighted gloves on (the gloves come with the upgrade). The last five minutes is a rest INCLUDING a short & EXTREMELY (pun TOTALLY intended) SWEET guided meditation. I "feel like a million bucks" (as Chalene is ALWAYS saying) AND I burned almost 200 calories during what felt like a treat/rest/relaxation fest for my oochie-ouchy, sore body. I'm MELTING right now with a warm fuzzzzzzy feeling! :smooched: THUMBS UP!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    HI ladies! I'm in my 4th week of CLX. I've used the program in the past, but kept getting pregnant and never made it to Push phase, so I'm excited to start it next week! And I was reading up that the Lean Phase helps with fat loss, which I really need (haven't really lost any weight with CLX thus far). It looks like this is a good place to get some support to finish out the last couple months!

    Hi Rachel,
    :flowerforyou: Welcome! I start PUSH phase next week too. I am off a day or two so it will be midweek for me. We will "push
    through this together! :bigsmile:
  • wildeone4
    wildeone4 Posts: 204 Member
    I just started ChaLEAN extreme! I've been doing Insanity and LOVE IT! I thought I would switch it up some and do a a workout with weights! So excited to get more into this program!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Hi Everyone,

    Hope your having a fun holiday weekend AND staying w/in your calories/exercise goals. I have no life! I did CLX burn it up, hip hop abs cardio, and BBL bum bum. Wow! I didn't want to start but am so glad I did it!!!!

    Have fun for the 4th! Bev
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Weigh-in today. Lost 2.2 pounds and a few more inches. YEAH :happy:

    Hope everyone else is doing well. Have a great 4th! Bev

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  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Bev! That's amazing!!!!! I wanna go over & work out with YOU! You've got all the goods!
    I've got no life either. Been doing my CLX & my big excitement for the weekend, as you can already tell, is test driving the CLX Deluxe dvd's. LMAO! We're crazy! :heart:

    Welcome all new CLXers! You'll be ADDICTED soon enough!
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Hey guys! Got my deluxe dvds, love them!!
    I did Burn 1 on Saturday and decided not to do Burn2+3 this week just to get a little break before the Push phase (my favorite!) However, I did the Lower Extreme from the deluxe set... omg BURN. My butt was on fire, LOL!! I did Upper 20 (TF) and HIIT 20. So not much of a break, lol.

    Lacubana - I love the upgrade too!! But with the ball problem.. I agree!! I'm actually 5'0, and I still think this ball is too small. Were you able to inflate it to the 55cm? I was a couple inches short, but I feel like it's going to burst!!

    Welcome, wildone!! <3 Insanity! I think Insanity and CE is a great hybrid!

    Nice combo Bev!
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    TByrd: I haven't tried putting more air in the ball yet. I think I just might go get me a bigger ball at Ross or TJMaxx cuz I usually find them for like $6 - $8 there. I'm still kinda bummed about that so I'm trying to warn anyone who's getting the Upgrade to get a large ball. :grumble:

    I tried CLX Deluxe "Fat Burn Challenge" today after I did my Push Circuit 1 (last one of the month, I get to go to Lean next week! :bigsmile: ). OMG I am SPENT! I've never sweat more in my ENTIRE LIFE! This one reminds me of Burn It Off! times a thousand!!!! HUGE cardio push in the very beginning & I was like "CHALENE! LET US REST ALREADY!" We get 30 second "rests" to walk around the room, catch our breath & drink some water. LOTS of Burpies AND moves that are called "Hits". They're taken from the football drills. You do those kinda squatting movements while moving your feet really fast and she tells you whether to move to the left, right or center, but when she screams "Hit!" you have to jump down into push up position (like a burpee) then jump back up and do the whole drill over & over again for like 1 & 1/2 minutes. And that's just ONE of the highlights! I'm in LOVE with it cuz my performance only felt like an 8 and I'm soooo spent, but I can't wait to master it!! Definitely my favorite workout so far! I'm a glutton for TORTURE!!!!!!

    I'll let you know how the next 3 workouts go!

    TByrd! We're gonna ROCK this upgrade!!! ^five!
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    Lacubana - Thanks for the review on the Deluxe upgrade! Sounds like a great workout!

    I started Push Phase yesterday. It feels good to really push my limits and see how strong I am! This morning was Burn Intervals, was a great way to recover from this weekend. Let's just say that my diet was not exactly clean all weekend and I have a lot of work to do to get back on track! Starting today!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    LOTS of Burpies AND moves that are called "Hits". They're taken from the football drills. You do those kinda squatting movements while moving your feet really fast and she tells you whether to move to the left, right or center, but when she screams "Hit!" you have to jump down into push up position (like a burpee) then jump back up and do the whole drill over & over again for like 1 & 1/2 minutes. And that's just ONE of the highlights! I'm in LOVE with it cuz my performance only felt like an 8 and I'm soooo spent, but I can't wait to master it!! Definitely my favorite workout so far! I'm a glutton for TORTURE!!!!!!
    Sometimes I think Chalene and Shaun T are the same person. :laugh: We do the EXACT same move in Insanity and he yells out hit too! That's crazy.

    I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! I had a great time hanging with kids. My baby (6) tells me every day as soon as she wakes up how many days we have left for the cruise - today makes 3. She's got me all sorts of anxious now though. I still haven't started packing yet!
  • FitMama1982
    FitMama1982 Posts: 20 Member
    I finally did Push 3 this morning, as well as Turbo Fire 45 Class - I didn't even use the 'New to Class' option....!

    I have been really slack this week - I've done the weight training sessions in CLX but nothing else...!

    It must be ok though... I've already lost a pound since Wednesday.... and I even had McDonald's ((shhhhhhh... ...!) for lunch (couldn't even eat it all....) and half a pizza for dinner (lazy....!) yesterday......

    I guess my metabolism is quite efficient... have to thank CLX for that....!

    Yay! Your metabolism is on FIRE!!! This is why I LOVE LOVE LOVE Chalean Extreme :)
  • alishadg
    alishadg Posts: 11
    OMGoodness!!! I did the first day Lean circuit yesterday. I was completely unprepared for how tough it was! I feel like I need to go back & do Burn & Push all over again just to be able to do Lean!! Yikes!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Hiya everyone...

    I'm trying to get back on my game...

    Yesterday I did Turbo Fire 55EZ class.... I so wanted to give up half way through.... but I pushed on... Turbo Fire is NO joke....!
    Today is my last week of Push, so did Push Circuit 1 and Turbo Fire 30 class....

    I'm not sure if I'm going to do that combo again..... I don't if I'm just unfit or my muscles were to sore from Push to give my all to Turbo Fire....

    But I don't feel like I've worked out until I've done some cardio.... plus I like to at least burn 300 - 400 calories on each day I work out... so what to do instead?
    OMGoodness!!! I did the first day Lean circuit yesterday. I was completely unprepared for how tough it was! I feel like I need to go back & do Burn & Push all over again just to be able to do Lean!! Yikes!

    OK..... this is making me scared now.....!!! :sick:
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    I'm scared too, Marianne! This is our last week of Push, girl! I'm ready for the supposed losses on the scale that Lean's supposed to bring, but I'm shaking in my Chalene Push 3 Boots as we speak! :laugh:
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    So I have had a couple of days off Chalean but I did swim on Sunday.... I took yesterday as a rest day. So! today was Burn it off and Abs, then I went for a small walk. I feel good and am glad I haven't given up after a holiday... :) I only have 8 more days and then I am off to Push! I am excited... I will probably have to get heavier weights.
    LaCubana- I am thinking of getting the upgrade.. Should I wait until I get to Push or Lean??
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