Fat and menopausal- friends needed

Hi All,
I need/want to lose around 25kg. I've put on around 10kg in the last year and just found out I'm in early(ish) menopause. A ravenous appetite for crap is a symptom- who knew?! I just thought I was being a pig for doughnuts!

I have started a walk/run programme and bought a pedometer which I will use everyday and try to reach the target of 10,000 steps.

I am a nurse- hence the username- but I tend to spend a lot of time stood in one place, so I will need to be creative with adding extra steps. I have an 18 month old labrador who loves walks so she'll keep me off the sofa. I just need to avoid the chocolate and buns.

I'm looking for friends in a similar situation to help with the crap that comes with menopause and we can motivate each other.



  • maryjoweather
    maryjoweather Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am new to Fittness Pal and I am also an RN. I am a patient educator for a large clinic. I have had a few signs of menopause and am a chocoholic. Planning on lifting weights and walking as well as cleaning up my eating. I am trying the low carb route. Labs are great dogs! Yours is still a baby : ) Would love to be weight loss buddies
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    I'm 36 and in perimenopause. I have other health issues that already make weight loss more difficult and am finding this time around to be especially challenging.

    After healing from recent injury I just got approved to start my work outs again too
  • lisaflocker
    lisaflocker Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm new here too. Also menopausal along with a newly diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, needless to say, I am addicted to sugar and trying to get off the sweets bandwagon. Trying to go low carb because that seems to be the only way I can lose weight. Would love to become weight loss buddies with you
  • sonia9240
    sonia9240 Posts: 140 Member
    I have menopause don't feel bad.. Same boat as u
  • 41motherof3
    41motherof3 Posts: 1 Member
    would love to join, could use the support myself :-)
    41, mother of 3 teens, hypothyroid (still trying to find the right rx balance...)
    last time I weighed this much, I was 9 months pregnant!!
  • Numericmama373
    Numericmama373 Posts: 125 Member
    I'm 45 and am showing signs of menopause too.
  • sonia9240
    sonia9240 Posts: 140 Member
    The first time I found out I started have hot flashes a lot so I went to my Obgyn Doctor & I told them about my symptoms I been having so there took a blood test & I waited a week so there called me & say Sonia u have menopause . I had it when I'm was 28yrs old now I'm 35 now & I'm getting some changes in life.. I have now thin hair . I do take medication for it for the symptoms I have . I take estrogen Patch weekly. Than I take a pill at bedtime also it's helping me control the hot flashes .. It sucks but I'll manage it. it was different me to lose weight but I did it .. I'm on some kind of diet I'm trying on it calls fasting diet I'm doing good.. Going to gym probably 3x day
  • Theresad2707
    Theresad2707 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm also in the same boat, feel free to add me
  • debsdoingthis
    debsdoingthis Posts: 454 Member
    Post menopausal and still have more weight to lose. Its taken me awhile to lose 65lbs but it's my choice to take it off slow and steady. No more yo yo for this gal! Feel free to add if you wish.
  • CardimomCarolyn
    CardimomCarolyn Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I'm post menopausal and I'm trying for millionth time to change my eating habits and get fit enough to be my personal best at the USDAA national championship in November. Agility is my life but my weight is interfering with my movement. I'm on the road a lot on the weekends and that means eating on the go and wanting to eat everything in sight after each competition day. I'm on day six on a low carb/high protein diet and I'll need all the help I can get. I'm going in for my first session with trainer at the gym. I'm also checking in with my doctor just before...because I'm a doddering old lady in my early 60's!
  • lexi3500
    lexi3500 Posts: 346 Member
    I would love to join too. I also have pre menopause too I'm 35
  • 02172009
    02172009 Posts: 31 Member
    Please add me I'm 35 and really need some buddies
  • zenweeder
    zenweeder Posts: 23 Member
    Hi. I'm 57 and thought I was completely menopausal. My endocrinologist added some testosterone to the bio-identical progesterone and estrogen I use. She said I might get some acne and irritability. Well, I'm irritated that I started having periods again! I'll see her again next month. She recommended I follow the Paleo/Primal way of living. I need some accountability buddies!
  • Seabrook22
    Seabrook22 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I had a hysterectomy with ovary removal due to cancer so experience menopause at 40. Fast forward 5 year, diagnosed with breast cancer at age 45. I had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. Now I take an estrogen suppressant daily. Like a poster above, I weight as much as I did in my last month of pregnancy!! It's slow to come off but I am determined to get healthy! I recently had a fasting glucose test and it was a little high. After beating cancer twice, I don't want to get diabetes! I would love to provide support and motivation to others so please add me if you are interested. Thanks!