One bad day ruining weigh in...

Hello. I just need someone to talk some sense in to me. So I have been doing pretty well with my diet. I've lost 15 lbs since I decided to try and 9 of those lbs were lost when I got serious. Well...I had a bad day. Did great with breakfast, light lunch and then I dive bombed my face in to a broccoli and cheese pizza...I now feel absolutely terrible! My weigh in days are usually sundays. Is this going to make a difference in the scale? Will it say I have gained? I have a lot of anxiety about the scale and it can ruin an entire week if I gain. Just give it to me straight...I can take it!


  • DarkOctoberNight
    DarkOctoberNight Posts: 111 Member
    @adoette I was over by 700 for my daily. It was 4 slices of pizza, 2 mozzarella sticks and a small coffee. In my head...for the way I have been eating recently...that's like thanksgiving for me. As far as my anxiety goes...I am going to therapy. Tomorrow is my second session. I used to be well on my way to anorexia so I try not to get obsessed because I don't want to be back to eating 1/4 of a bagel a was hell and I was tired all of the time. Thank you for the explanation and concern. It did make me feel a bit better. I'm supposed to go hiking with some friends of mine tomorrow...Prehaps that will keep my mind off of it and maybe I'll move my weigh in day. Thanks again! :smiley:
  • adoette
    adoette Posts: 181 Member
    700 over for the day? Thats equivalent to ... 3.2 oz.

    Seriously. 3.2oz. That's all. That's the amount of fat per calories you could have possibly gone over today. And when you divide that out over the week... that's an extra 100 over a seven day period. That's not even enough to slow down your weight loss rate if it's just one week.

    Four slices of pizza and the mozz sticks will probably kick up your gut water for a bit. They've got a lot of bread and a good amount of sodium, so I would recommend re-weighing on maybe Tuesday just this once to see how your number changes. I'm guessing that weighing more than once a week will up your anxiety a lot, but if you freak out way to much Sunday, it might make a difference.

    I'm glad you're getting therapy! A lot of people feel shame or what not with mental health care, but its no more shameful than going to the MD for an ear infection, or the eye doctor for new glasses.

    Have fun on your hike! I just bought new hiking pants (the mosquitos chewed me up last time in my gym pants) and I'm frothing at the mouth to get back outside! After nearly two weeks of not getting out for a good long walk in the woods I'm getting... twitchy.

    Go forth, listen to the birds, hunt honeysuckle by scent, and enjoy the feeling of the breeze washing over your face. I'm going to sit here and be jealous because I need to sleep when I get home on Saturdays (I work 12 hour nights and my Fridays start way too early).
  • dlkfox
    dlkfox Posts: 463 Member
    Therapy is awesome!

    I switched my weigh in day to Wednesday, sometimes Thursdays, so any weekend indulgence wouldn't effect the scale to much.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    According your diary, you're still over 2,000 calories under your goal for the week. I think you'll be fine.
  • DarkOctoberNight
    DarkOctoberNight Posts: 111 Member
    @adoette thanks! And yes...hiking is my therapy! :) I should write in the community more often...I'm surprised by how nice everyone is!!
  • DarkOctoberNight
    DarkOctoberNight Posts: 111 Member
    @Jakep2323 I may try that. I tend to have more cheating on weekends. That might make me feel a bit better. Thanks for the tip. You as well, @dlkfox
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,336 Member
    Even if you have an uptick on the scale, just stay the course with your food and it will drop right back off.

    I've been trying to lose that last five pounds for weeks and I often go "over" by 1000 calories or more. It's just life, man. Keep at it - it all balances out.

    I weigh every day. It takes all the drama out of the "reveal," and it lets me see how food affects me or doesn't affect me on any given day. The scale no longer holds power over my emotions. It's just another number to plug into my Excel spreadsheet.
  • ninavalentine
    ninavalentine Posts: 131 Member
    Those little pizza (etc.) "accidents" can be so scary because the scale can jump up 5 pounds or more. But it's not real! Just extra water gain that will go away with a few days of good eating. I often come back from vacation up 7 pounds or more, even if I've done well. It's just all the restaurant eating and those 7 pounds fall off pretty fast if I get back into my routine.

    Just a note -- I always liked giving myself a few days after the weekend for my weigh in until I realized I was using that schedule to cheat and then starving myself the next few days before weigh in. I bit the bullet and moved weigh in to Monday. I do so much better on weekends now and, honestly, I don't seem to miss the cheats that much. Or I do have a cheat or two but adjust for it the rest of the day. I may move it back to the middle of the week sometime but for now, Monday weigh in -- while sort of scary -- seems to be working.
  • kirstenb13
    kirstenb13 Posts: 181 Member
    edited July 2016
    Just a note -- I always liked giving myself a few days after the weekend for my weigh in until I realized I was using that schedule to cheat and then starving myself the next few days before weigh in. I bit the bullet and moved weigh in to Monday. I do so much better on weekends now and, honestly, I don't seem to miss the cheats that much. Or I do have a cheat or two but adjust for it the rest of the day. I may move it back to the middle of the week sometime but for now, Monday weigh in -- while sort of scary -- seems to be working.

    I agree, if you are the sort of person who takes the scale so seriously I wouldn't do something like that either. You can set yourself up for some really unhealthy eating habits if you go over on weekends and then go super low the next few days just to make weigh in. And being lighter because you have no food in your body is not your true weight either just as a few pounds up because of excess waste in you isn't. So what's the point.
    I would suggest to just keep plugging along, over time you will start to trust the process and know that even a temporary up is not the end of the world and it will go down again. It just takes a few times going through that to really get it into your brain (took me a while too).

  • haviegirl
    haviegirl Posts: 230 Member
    Even if you have an uptick on the scale, just stay the course with your food and it will drop right back off.

    I've been trying to lose that last five pounds for weeks and I often go "over" by 1000 calories or more. It's just life, man. Keep at it - it all balances out.

    I weigh every day. It takes all the drama out of the "reveal," and it lets me see how food affects me or doesn't affect me on any given day. The scale no longer holds power over my emotions. It's just another number to plug into my Excel spreadsheet.

    You and me both regarding the last little bit of weight. There's just not much wiggle room when you're close to goal. We had dinner at a fancy restaurant last night, and although I didn't overeat by much, the sodium pushed my weight up today. But that's all it is. And since I weigh daily, it's just one number out of many.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,336 Member
    haviegirl wrote: »
    Even if you have an uptick on the scale, just stay the course with your food and it will drop right back off.

    I've been trying to lose that last five pounds for weeks and I often go "over" by 1000 calories or more. It's just life, man. Keep at it - it all balances out.

    I weigh every day. It takes all the drama out of the "reveal," and it lets me see how food affects me or doesn't affect me on any given day. The scale no longer holds power over my emotions. It's just another number to plug into my Excel spreadsheet.

    You and me both regarding the last little bit of weight. There's just not much wiggle room when you're close to goal. We had dinner at a fancy restaurant last night, and although I didn't overeat by much, the sodium pushed my weight up today. But that's all it is. And since I weigh daily, it's just one number out of many.

    ha. Well, I like to say, "I'm working on that last five pounds," but like you say, no wiggle room - so it's pretty much just trying to stay below maintenance calories a few days out of the week. If I push it much more than that I end up having a few binge days to feel normal again. It's a battle for me...for sure. I'm older and my maintenance calories are pretty low anyway - I've been at this for nine years, so I have good data that I am certain about. I think that is the key to this whole thing. Good records over a long period of time.
  • determined_14
    determined_14 Posts: 258 Member
    I'm a fan of Thursday or Friday morning weekly weigh-ins. I tend to be more precise in my logging and careful in my eating choices during the week than on the weekend. We also eat Mexican on Friday nights, which I love, so a Saturday morning weigh-in could be artificially high from increased sodium and food volume.

    My weight has been back up a few pounds from my lowest a week or ten days ago. It's frustrating, but I used a tape measure yesterday and discovered another inch gone off my tummy. So the scale sometimes lies. Don't freak out if it's up for a little while! :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    According your diary, you're still over 2,000 calories under your goal for the week. I think you'll be fine.

    OP do you speak to your therapist about your eating disorder as well as the anxiety?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    haviegirl wrote: »
    Even if you have an uptick on the scale, just stay the course with your food and it will drop right back off.

    I've been trying to lose that last five pounds for weeks and I often go "over" by 1000 calories or more. It's just life, man. Keep at it - it all balances out.

    I weigh every day. It takes all the drama out of the "reveal," and it lets me see how food affects me or doesn't affect me on any given day. The scale no longer holds power over my emotions. It's just another number to plug into my Excel spreadsheet.

    You and me both regarding the last little bit of weight. There's just not much wiggle room when you're close to goal. We had dinner at a fancy restaurant last night, and although I didn't overeat by much, the sodium pushed my weight up today. But that's all it is. And since I weigh daily, it's just one number out of many.

    ha. Well, I like to say, "I'm working on that last five pounds," but like you say, no wiggle room - so it's pretty much just trying to stay below maintenance calories a few days out of the week. If I push it much more than that I end up having a few binge days to feel normal again. It's a battle for me...for sure. I'm older and my maintenance calories are pretty low anyway - I've been at this for nine years, so I have good data that I am certain about. I think that is the key to this whole thing. Good records over a long period of time.

    @cmriverside when you lose those last 5lbs, can you let me know how did it! Because I'm in the same boat and it refuses to budge :sad:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    That's why weekly weigh ins suck.
  • daweasel
    daweasel Posts: 68 Member
    Doesn't work for everyone, but I weigh daily (or almost) but don't focus on the day's number, since it can fluctuate by as much as a few kg depending on what I've eaten and what I've done exercise-wise (a few months back the day after a hard 150km ride it went up nearly 5kg, not kidding, but down again in a few days, was retaining stacks of water, I could feel it as well). But that way I don't get hung up on "oh no it's going to be so high this week because of yesterday" or at different times of the month, I just log it and move on. I don't expect to see a loss every day, it's almost always down one day then up the next, but then looking at the trend over the weeks it heads downward, so I know everything's heading in the right direction.

    You'd need to work out for you whether this increases or mitigates the anxiety about it, for me I found it really helped because it helped me to get past "but why is it higher, I did everything right!?" and just look at the bigger picture.
  • Piloteer2009
    Piloteer2009 Posts: 39 Member
    edited July 2016
    Don't even think twice about coming off the rails at supper. Stick to your plan tomorrow and keep going. One meal isn't magic either way. It's just a meal. You are going to lose weight slowly...little down tomorrow...maybe a little up the next day...down more later next week... The numbers drift down like a feather in the wind.