Friends for Motivation :)

I've been fat my whole life. It's kind of sad how I got used to it. People including friends and family make jokes about my weight everytime and I just laugh with them but the truth is, I slowly die inside. There are days where I can't take it anymore and I just want to give up. I'm a very happy person maybe that's why people think it's ok to call me names. I feel like nobody i know undertands my struggles so I came here desperately seeking for friends who'll understand. I never actually opened up about this to anyone cause I'm embarrased.


  • lamprechterilene
    lamprechterilene Posts: 7 Member
    Added you.
    I admire you for talking about your feelings.
  • RaymondWilber
    RaymondWilber Posts: 33 Member
    Added you. I too have been overweight My whole life. Hopefully we can conquer this together.