Go plastic or leave it alone?



  • meazy6784
    meazy6784 Posts: 19 Member
    Nothing beautiful is ever perfect
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,644 Member
    The op hasn't posted for like 2 weeks. I wonder if she went in for the surgery. :I
  • jessicaquiros1994
    jessicaquiros1994 Posts: 164 Member
    I was just wanting to know people's opinions on how they feel about plastic surgery not opinions on if they think I need it or not lol. (Not trying to sound rude)

    Thank you guys so much for your opinions of make up tricks and explaining that I need to look into good doctors and everything! Thank you guys.
  • beliaamerica
    beliaamerica Posts: 40 Member
    edited July 2016
    I don't think you have a ugly nose. And going through plastic surgery i don't think you need it. I have a noise issue to i don't have an ugly nose but it's not how i want it. Just know there's someone out there who really has a f$&&% up nose. That usually makes me feel good haha jk. But really, I've seen rhinoplasty and I think it looks worse, it just don't look right. & I've heard when you have rhinoplasty and laugh ppl can tell it's fake. Idk if it's true but you don't need it you look cute =)
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    Of course it's entirely your decision, but I agree that you look super cute just as you are. I always thought I had a big nose with a hump on top. I called it my ski mogul, LOL. Never could afford plastic surgery so just decided to accept it. Now in my 50's I'm really glad I didn't have surgery. I've been looking at this face in the mirror for a long time and I would miss her (me) if I looked different. Good luck with your decision!
  • Thisnameischosen_
    Thisnameischosen_ Posts: 619 Member
    I've seriously been considering getting plastic surgery on my nose.. I swear as I'm getting older it's getting bigger.. Wtf nose!?
  • tcarp8
    tcarp8 Posts: 369 Member
    I've always been super self-conscious when it comes to my appearance. I've always thought my nose was way to big. So what's your opinion on plastic surgery? If you've had plastic surgery would you recommend it. Do you think plastic surgery is a bad thing? Give me oyfrgpmzwmzq.jpeg
    opinions....Thank you in advance.

    Leave it alone. You're lovely as you are.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    You are the one who needs to be happy with it, but I think it looks perfectly fine... why mess with a good thing??
  • enchiladajo
    enchiladajo Posts: 18 Member
    I look at it this way, if you could fix it for free would you? Where you're guaranteed to love it and not want to change a thing. Would you do that instead? I promise you, it's a mindset. If you don't accept yourself now, you'll just find more things to change after you "fix" your nose. It's a gamble and not a guarantee. Good luck with your decision.
  • jessicaquiros1994
    jessicaquiros1994 Posts: 164 Member
    I don't think you have a ugly nose. And going through plastic surgery i don't think you need it. I have a noise issue to i don't have an ugly nose but it's not how i want it. Just know there's someone out there who really has a f$&&% up nose. That usually makes me feel good haha jk. But really, I've seen rhinoplasty and I think it looks worse, it just don't look right. & I've heard when you have rhinoplasty and laugh ppl can tell it's fake. Idk if it's true but you don't need it you look cute =)

    Hahahah thank you!!!
  • jessicaquiros1994
    jessicaquiros1994 Posts: 164 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    Of course it's entirely your decision, but I agree that you look super cute just as you are. I always thought I had a big nose with a hump on top. I called it my ski mogul, LOL. Never could afford plastic surgery so just decided to accept it. Now in my 50's I'm really glad I didn't have surgery. I've been looking at this face in the mirror for a long time and I would miss her (me) if I looked different. Good luck with your decision!

    Yeah! I'd be scared of get it done then look back when I'm older and regret it.
  • jessicaquiros1994
    jessicaquiros1994 Posts: 164 Member
    I've seriously been considering getting plastic surgery on my nose.. I swear as I'm getting older it's getting bigger.. Wtf nose!?

    Gah I know the feeling!!lol
  • jessicaquiros1994
    jessicaquiros1994 Posts: 164 Member
    tcarp8 wrote: »
    I've always been super self-conscious when it comes to my appearance. I've always thought my nose was way to big. So what's your opinion on plastic surgery? If you've had plastic surgery would you recommend it. Do you think plastic surgery is a bad thing? Give me oyfrgpmzwmzq.jpeg
    opinions....Thank you in advance.

    Leave it alone. You're lovely as you are.

    Thank you!
  • lexi3500
    lexi3500 Posts: 346 Member
    Leave it alone .. Don't do plastic surgery
    Trust me don't
  • Justn83
    Justn83 Posts: 5,226 Member
    Leave it alone! :)
  • lexi3500
    lexi3500 Posts: 346 Member
    Don't do it girl
    It's dangerous , one of my friend had plastic surgery done than to found out something was wrong . So don't take that change..
  • Veryana
    Veryana Posts: 122 Member
    I had a nose surgery myself but not for appearance. I had really hard time breathing because my nasal septum was crooked (it didn't show outside at all) and blocking nostrils because of it. It still didn't quite fix the problem completely and some scarring inside nostrils happened but it helped breathing little bit. Just find out info about risks like that that might cause problems with breathing as well, scarring is one of them.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I think that you need bigger problems to worry about. :) Your nose is absolutely fine, both in form and size. Where did you get the idea that there was something wrong with your nose?

    I have mixed feelings about plastic surgery. It can be a good thing, but it depends on the circumstances. For a lot of people, some combination of therapy and other confidence-building activities might be a better investment.

    I really should have some plastic surgery to fix problems caused by surgeries that I needed to save my life. The thing is, surgery HURTS. Recovery is unpleasant, complications happen, doctors make mistakes and it's just generally not a fun experience. Personally, I can't bring myself to do it unless it absolutely necessary.
  • ktfranke
    ktfranke Posts: 217 Member
    God made you gorgeous! Don't change a thing! We can be so hard on ourselves, but other people see us so much differently! What's important is that you comes to terms with who you are, and find confidence in who God made you to be.
  • jessicaquiros1994
    jessicaquiros1994 Posts: 164 Member
    lexi3500 wrote: »
    Don't do it girl
    It's dangerous , one of my friend had plastic surgery done than to found out something was wrong . So don't take that change..

    I've heard of people absolutely loving it and some people having the worse experience with it. Now that I've done a lot more research it's definitely not a risk id like to take. Thank you so much for your advice though.