Treadmill vs outdoors

Hi everyone... i recently started taking up running as a regular routine for my cardio. (Only intervals) i wanted thoughts on with is best outdoors or treadmill... i most have been doing the treadmil because its been so hot. This morning i got the opportunity to run on a rail near where i live. Are the any benfits with one vs the other? Or is it preference?. Thanks everyone!


  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I prefer outdoors... I can't stand being indoors in a room staring at a wall and not going anywhere- plus, it's too easy to get off the treadmill and quit too soon.

    Outdoors has nicer scenery and you can't just quit because you have to get back home (or to wherever you started from!)
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Running outside is more challenging and a heap more fun!
  • DresdenSinn
    DresdenSinn Posts: 665 Member
    Treadmill running is much forward momentum/propulsion..your basically just bouncing up & down while moving your legs. One positive benefit is that it is also easier on the knees/joints since the treadmill "gives" much more than solid ground. I incorporate both in my cardio training.
  • dlm7507
    dlm7507 Posts: 237 Member
    If you live someplace like Phoenix Arizona, July and August are a good time for dreadmills. Closing hiking trails when the temp is over 110 (typically all of July and August) and over 100 for pets (June - Sept) is under consideration. If you cant get up early in the morning outdoors can be life threatening. Often in the summer it is 100 at midnight.
  • ericatoday
    ericatoday Posts: 454 Member
    Treadmill vs. Outdoors

    Pros for treamill
    1. No heat (unless you love it like me)
    2. Its easier less strain
    3. Safer

    Pros for outdoors
    1. Youre running somewhere not nowhere
    2. Fresh air
    3. More calories burned
    4. Lots of vitamin d (if done during the day)
    5. Better stress reliever (it is proven that people who are outdoors have less stress, less depression and a better outlook on life)

    I wont do cons because theyre both a great work out. But i prefer outdoors its better for your mind and body plus you dont enter marathons or 5ks on a treadmill. Going from a treadmill to outdoors can be discouraging sometimes because you obviously do better on the treadmill but its well worth all the benefits. I just ran 3.25 miles today outdoors and burned 500 calories. I use mapmyrun app
  • danibabii11
    danibabii11 Posts: 72 Member
    ericatoday wrote: »
    Treadmill vs. Outdoors

    Pros for treamill
    1. No heat (unless you love it like me)
    2. Its easier less strain
    3. Safer

    Pros for outdoors
    1. Youre running somewhere not nowhere
    2. Fresh air
    3. More calories burned
    4. Lots of vitamin d (if done during the day)
    5. Better stress reliever (it is proven that people who are outdoors have less stress, less depression and a better outlook on life)

    I wont do cons because theyre both a great work out. But i prefer outdoors its better for your mind and body plus you dont enter marathons or 5ks on a treadmill. Going from a treadmill to outdoors can be discouraging sometimes because you obviously do better on the treadmill but its well worth all the benefits. I just ran 3.25 miles today outdoors and burned 500 calories. I use mapmyrun app

    Thats amazing! I am no where near there.... im using the couch to 5k app... i dont have the will to do a 5k but its a great way to push it especially after sticking to the same old routine of running. Thanks for the advise!!!!!
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Its personal preference. I greatly prefer a trail, but usually run on a treadmill because I have 4 kids and the gym has a childcare :)
  • bsh52
    bsh52 Posts: 2 Member
    I ran for many years on a treadmill and then wanted to start doing 5K's and eventually I did a half marathon. If your training for a race definitely outdoors it's much more challenging. With that being said after all the outdoor running I totally messed up my knee and gained about 25 lbs because I wasn't able to do anything for a couple of years. I am finally recovering and have started doing intervals on the treadmill again. To make it more challenging up the incline.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I struggled to run for 15 mins at a time on a treadmill, but I can run for 30+ minutes outside. The treadmill is 'easier' because you don't have to push yourself forward, but can feel harder, because once you set a speed you can't just slow down slightly when you're winded and then push harder when you catch your breath again. You're SET at that speed (you could change it frequently I guess but that's a lot of fiddling). Running outside for me feels easier because I can vary my speed however much I need to, so I can run for longer.

    Plus there's a much nicer view outside than a gym wall. The treadmill with the TV attached would probably be my favourite!

    The con to running outside? Strange tanlines lol.
  • CincyNeid
    CincyNeid Posts: 1,249 Member
    I can run 6-8 miles outside pretty easily. I hate running 3 on a treadmill.

    A web blog ran by Jamie Altas actually doesn't recommend running on a Treadmill ...
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    I prefer running on a treadmill, personally. But then again, I run while watching zombie movies in the dark with surround sound... so there's that.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,492 Member
    ericatoday wrote: »
    Treadmill vs. Outdoors

    Pros for treamill
    1. No heat (unless you love it like me)
    2. Its easier less strain
    3. Safer

    Pros for outdoors
    1. Youre running somewhere not nowhere
    2. Fresh air
    3. More calories burned
    4. Lots of vitamin d (if done during the day)
    5. Better stress reliever (it is proven that people who are outdoors have less stress, less depression and a better outlook on life)

    I wont do cons because theyre both a great work out. But i prefer outdoors its better for your mind and body plus you dont enter marathons or 5ks on a treadmill. Going from a treadmill to outdoors can be discouraging sometimes because you obviously do better on the treadmill but its well worth all the benefits. I just ran 3.25 miles today outdoors and burned 500 calories. I use mapmyrun app

    Have you ever used a fitbit or something to see the difference in calories burned going the same distance inside vs outside? I am just curious if it registers on them.
  • RosieRose7673
    RosieRose7673 Posts: 438 Member
    I haven't ran outside in years unfortunately. When I did, I loved it.

    I screwed up my knee really bad back then and was basically told by the doctor to quit running outside. I didn't listen and it got much worse and I couldn't run for a long time.

    Now I just run on the treadmill. My knees act up occasionally but with good running shoes for my underpronation, it doesn't bother me much anymore. Treadmills get boring but often times now I try to do uphill sprints and other random stuff. It feels like that makes the time go by quicker!
  • niblue
    niblue Posts: 339 Member
    I much prefer running outdoors but do have a treadmill at home and use that sometimes when the weather is bad. The treadmill is good to start on though as it's easy to maintain a consistent pace and also takes some of the strain off the knees.
  • danibabii11
    danibabii11 Posts: 72 Member
    I haven't ran outside in years unfortunately. When I did, I loved it.

    I screwed up my knee really bad back then and was basically told by the doctor to quit running outside. I didn't listen and it got much worse and I couldn't run for a long time.

    Now I just run on the treadmill. My knees act up occasionally but with good running shoes for my underpronation, it doesn't bother me much anymore. Treadmills get boring but often times now I try to do uphill sprints and other random stuff. It feels like that makes the time go by quicker!

    I watch movies when im on thethe treadmill at my gym
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    Mix it up. I do mostly treadmill because I get to watch shows on Netflix that aren't really worth the time to sit down and watch.
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    I hate the dreadmill. I'd rather run on the eliptical machines over the treadmill and feel like I'll get a fuller body workout that way.

    I have a treadmill at home and I have used it for running when its icey outside but otherwise it collects clothing and boxes of stuff.

    I run outside because:
    All the stupid or funny things I see along my route
    its too easy to stop the treadmill and get a snack
    I can't hear my kids asking me for stuff
    I have to walk or run all the way back home no matter how crappy it gets
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    edited July 2016
    I love going outside for a walk or run, but I love not dying from heatstroke more. So I do both, depending on the weather and other circumstances.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    30 minutes on a Dreadmill is pure torture for me . 30 minutes outdoors is a nice warmup.
    I prefer the great Outdoors. Scenery, Terrain and easier to socialize with a friend beside you.
    I got into doing some local running events/races ( 10km & HM ) and have had so much fun that I am now dragging other runners out to events. One of the things I really enjoy is the variable terrain which works my core maintaining balance and control. Ask at the local Running/Sports Store and FB for your area if they know of a local running club/group. The local running club that I am involved in hosts 3 semi-organized runs each week and has our own Logo on Gear. The Logo for our winter Toques - Winter Warrior - with an runner in full stride.