Broken heart success stories?

ka33433 Posts: 32 Member
Currently suffering from a broken heart. I just wondered if a broken heart caused anyone else to go no a diet etc and had any good success stories?


  • emilyreif1
    emilyreif1 Posts: 4 Member
    When I was going through the same thing I ended up losing my appetite, hardly eating for 3 or 4 weeks and dropping a significant amount of weight. Of course when I started eating again I gained it back. I just felt so sick all the time from feeling so sad. I went to the gym when I had free time as well to try to get my mind off it. Use this time to really focus on who you want to be and reaching your goal. You're not focusing on anyone else, this is the best time to improve yourself! Good luck!
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Fact of the matter is that people who are successful at losing weight and keeping it off do it for themselves, not because someone hurt their feelings but because they're tired of feeling walked on and want to feel empowered. Some people are able to take a broken heart and turn it into just that, but the majority are not able to do that during an extreme emotional state. When you're broken hearted you're just not thinking clearly and frequently that's what going on this journey requires. A clear and motivated head. But if you can do something with it good for you. If not, you're not alone. When you're ready to start focusing on making yourself feel great and not focusing on how that other person made you feel you'll find that the sky is the limit.
  • ckelly5634
    ckelly5634 Posts: 6 Member
    Two days after my SO broke up with me I decided to make a change. That was about five months ago and I have lost 20 pounds since then. But find other motivators because its difficult to continue losing weight and get over them if they are your only reason. Make a list of other reasons to lose weight, that's what helped me. Good luck! You can do it!
  • lexi3500
    lexi3500 Posts: 346 Member
    My broken heart is going threw treatments , & I'm so sick of it, but I have to. Well my name is Lexi
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I got out of a long term relationship after I bulked (purposely put on weight) and was trying to cut. Needless to say the cut stopped short. Yeah, I gained weight back. But there's only so far I will let myself go. And I'm okay. I'm basically a chubby little power lifter, 30 years old, starting my life all over. Single/new job. Diet had to come second, or third, for awhile.
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    The good news about getting your heart broken is you lose about 130lbs of dead weight all at once. Then you have more money to spend on things you want. Also nobody has any demand on any of your free time!
  • ka33433
    ka33433 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks all.

    Well I lost weight initially just from feeling sick etc last summer, was knots in my stomach all summer really - horrible. I recorded my weight as 210lbs in May 2016 so a month before we broke up... as I was going to get back into it again... I now weight 193.2lbs. I haven't actually done anything to be honest - I think its just "relationship weight" as he used to surprise me with snacks every time he would come to my house!!

    I actually ended up splurging a lot last year by eating out during the week as I wasn't do much at the weekends. I lived by "YOLO" and treated myself ALOT... Then by Christmas I recorded my weight as 200 pounds. I drunk a lot in December due to Christmas parties etc getting back into single life so in January I "detoxed" as much as possible during the days and weekends spent most my life in Planet Organic buying healthy stuff and went down to 189 pound. Then I got distracted due to an exam so gone up to 193.2 pound. That was without really trying though...... I'm only just on myfitnesspal again now.

    I have decided to go travelling for a month on my own in July so need to get fitter for it so have 12 weeks to be more active so hopefully will lose a stone in that time - possibly more. Just to feel like my breathing is improving when I walk on a hill and stronger muscles etc - then to feel better in clothes would be fab.

    I decided last year just to enjoy the rest of the year as mentally my head was all over the place. So I cried the tears that I needed to and just did what I needed to do really to get through the year which worked for me.

    I would say if you have just had your heart broken and see this one day, best advice is to ride out the heart break and do what you need to do and not put pressure on yourself during that period as it will eventually catch up with you. Then when ready, make some goals for YOU not anyone else.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    ka33433 wrote: »
    I just wondered if a broken heart caused anyone else to go no a diet etc and had any good success stories?

    Lots of friends that have gone through break-ups and divorces take that time, energy, and emotion to focus on better fitness and losing weight, thinking they can attract some one better. Great motivator overall. But that fades most the time, so it is better to do fitness and health for yourself and the right reason instead of doing it to "show the ex" what they lost.

  • TaymanL
    TaymanL Posts: 75 Member
    Recently went through a breakup with a girl I was seeing for a number of years. Decided I needed to change myself for the better and started to focus on things that I could control and made me happy about myself. At the moment I have a new job and have lost a nice amount of weight through dieting. Next goal is most likely to gain some muscle and definition.
  • ka33433
    ka33433 Posts: 32 Member
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    ka33433 wrote: »
    I just wondered if a broken heart caused anyone else to go no a diet etc and had any good success stories?

    Lots of friends that have gone through break-ups and divorces take that time, energy, and emotion to focus on better fitness and losing weight, thinking they can attract some one better. Great motivator overall. But that fades most the time, so it is better to do fitness and health for yourself and the right reason instead of doing it to "show the ex" what they lost.

    Yes exactly. I lost 10 or so lbs quickly from the stress of going through a divorce. It wasn't intentional but I call it my divorce diet. I took time to get my head straight and really get into my fitness again. Sadly, here I am over 3 years later still single. I do it for me, because I love being healthy and strong, not for anyone else. That would def be a great bonus though, to have someone who appreciates my hard work. I have to admit, I do love that I look so great when I see my ex, and I get compliments from his family. I think that's just human nature, though.

    Better than rebounding! Xx
  • Cerealsensei
    Cerealsensei Posts: 1,625 Member
    I ended a relationship, felt terrible afterward, broke her heart and destroyed mine. A few months later i dedicated myself to putting my life back together, lost over 40 lbs so far. Sometimes in order to gain it all you have to lose some.
  • ka33433
    ka33433 Posts: 32 Member
    I ended a relationship, felt terrible afterward, broke her heart and destroyed mine. A few months later i dedicated myself to putting my life back together, lost over 40 lbs so far. Sometimes in order to gain it all you have to lose some.

    Good on ya!! x