How much calories do you eat to maintain weight?



  • IceBaroque
    IceBaroque Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 5'8" and 118 lbs. Working on muscle, just got a home gym and I currently do HIIT and CIZE. Drink whey and soy protein shakes and am a vegetarian almost vegan lol. I eat 1300 to maintain but need to up a little to help with muscle gain. If I eat less, I lose, if I eat more and don't work out enough I gain. My Garmin (vivofit 2) does a good job of telling me about what I use in calories a day between active and resting and it's between 1300-1600. I used to be 165 all even though that's not high, my fat percentage was extremely high! I was sedentary!!
  • rawhidenadz
    rawhidenadz Posts: 254 Member
    between 5'6'' and 5'7'' 172 pounds and it really depends on the day. Active days my TDEE is like 3000-3100, but on sedentary days it can be as low as 2000. So I guess I maintain at about 2500 if you want to look at an average. I try to look at weekly averages instead of daily for this reason.
  • tiffanyfoundit
    tiffanyfoundit Posts: 130 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm 5' 6" ~ 139 lbs (varies between 137-140) and I'm 23.
    My maintenance is at 1700 (I eat below that usually during the week, and usually right at/slightly above on weekends) I don't typically eat back my work out calories (only because I don't think the burn calculators are accurate enough for me to eat any of them and I like having the reserve there)

    I work out 5-6 days a week. Mixture of kettlebells, HIIT (with interval runs, self-made cardio circuits, and I've just added bikes), longish runs (never anymore than 5 miles), and I've just started to do weight training too (yay for finally having access to a gym!)
  • richardpkennedy1
    richardpkennedy1 Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited June 2016
    Maintenance is around 1900.
    32 years old, 5'7", 145 lbs and male
    Intense cardio and weights 3 days a week
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    edited June 2016
    Around 4-5000 to maintain (varies by distance)
    6'0 150lb
    27 yrs old
    Distance runner
    run 6+ days/wk
  • TheRootofGroot
    TheRootofGroot Posts: 118 Member
    Around 3000.
    5'9 180lbs.
    31 years old.
    Workout 4-6 times a week.
    Minimal cardio, but what I'll do is interval.
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    ROBOTFOOD wrote: »
    Around 4-5000 to maintain (varies by distance)
    6'0 150lb
    27 yrs old
    Distance runner
    run 6+ days/wk

    Holy crap! Do you reduce the distance in the off season and if so, how easy do you find it is to reduce your calories from such a high amount?
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    ROBOTFOOD wrote: »
    Around 4-5000 to maintain (varies by distance)
    6'0 150lb
    27 yrs old
    Distance runner
    run 6+ days/wk

    Holy crap! Do you reduce the distance in the off season and if so, how easy do you find it is to reduce your calories from such a high amount?

    This is kinda my off season right now. 47mi this week. And I don't reduce cals. I eat when hungry. Some days I hit maintenance, some I do not.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    katepig54 wrote: »
    I'm 41 female. 124 pounds. gym 2 -3 times per week. weights only - never cardio. 1200 calories per day to maintain. Its impossible. I mean really - where is the room for wine with that daily amount of calories. the answer is cardio.......... oh and im 5foot 5- there is no way i can eat so little for the rest of my life. i have never weighed a lot - but i do want to stay well under nine stone. frustrating.

    Yes, doing cardio is how we little ladies get to eat more! Walking 20K steps let's me eat 2200 cals instead of 1400.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    CoachJen71 wrote: »
    katepig54 wrote: »
    I'm 41 female. 124 pounds. gym 2 -3 times per week. weights only - never cardio. 1200 calories per day to maintain. Its impossible. I mean really - where is the room for wine with that daily amount of calories. the answer is cardio.......... oh and im 5foot 5- there is no way i can eat so little for the rest of my life. i have never weighed a lot - but i do want to stay well under nine stone. frustrating.

    Yes, doing cardio is how we little ladies get to eat more! Walking 20K steps let's me eat 2200 cals instead of 1400.

    I'm not short or really lite, but my sedentary TDEE is woefully inadequate for me. I have no choice but to exercise if i want to eat a reasonable amount.
  • JuicerLab
    JuicerLab Posts: 22 Member
    An average man needs 2500 calories to maintain, and 2000 to lose one pound of weight per week. However, this depends on numerous factors.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    CoachJen71 wrote: »
    katepig54 wrote: »

    I'm not short or really lite, but my sedentary TDEE is woefully inadequate for me. I have no choice but to exercise if i want to eat a reasonable amount.

    Oh yeah, I have to keep moving in order to get to eat a lot during the day and still bank for a weekend meal out. Wish I could eat like an 1800s lumberjack, but I can't. :(
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    CoachJen71 wrote: »
    katepig54 wrote: »
    I'm 41 female. 124 pounds. gym 2 -3 times per week. weights only - never cardio. 1200 calories per day to maintain. Its impossible. I mean really - where is the room for wine with that daily amount of calories. the answer is cardio.......... oh and im 5foot 5- there is no way i can eat so little for the rest of my life. i have never weighed a lot - but i do want to stay well under nine stone. frustrating.

    Yes, doing cardio is how we little ladies get to eat more! Walking 20K steps let's me eat 2200 cals instead of 1400.

    Pretty much this. I'm 5'2 and maintaining at 120 with a TDEE of 2200 per my FitBit. I walk 15k steps/day and do circuit training about 3 times a week.

    I probably eat more now after losing 30 lbs than I did when I was overweight and sedentary.
  • HanMW96
    HanMW96 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm 20 years old, female, 1.69m (5ft6.5) tall and weigh 121-123lbs (55-56kg/8st9-8st11). I've been weight-recovered from an eating disorder for about 15 months, if that makes a difference? I maintain on 2100-2700 a day, depending on my activity level (I never have a completely sedentary day) ☺
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    edited July 2016
    5'4" , slightly active and 1.750 cal, I ate around 1.300 cal for about 4 month, lost enough weight (17 lbs) and try to maintain now. Really not many calories per day to eat for the rest of my life.
  • 46HealthyMe
    46HealthyMe Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 120 pound, 5'4" 46 year old female and maintain at 1480 but eat any exercise calories back as well.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    42 y.o. 5'10" male 180 Lbs...around 3,000. I'm pretty active. I cycle most days and lift a few days per week. When I'm not at work I'm also just generally pretty active...I'd rather be out doing stuff than sitting around watching t.v. or something.
  • jesse20685
    jesse20685 Posts: 1 Member
    background: I'm 6 feet, 173lbs (31 yo, female), lost about 48 lbs the right way (eating right, exercising, cutting out most sugar, eating veggies, drinking water etc) the last 2 years and have maintained for a few months now. I do strength training 3 times a week at the gym, occasional hiit, strength, step aerobic videos in my living room, walk a lot, and cardio dance class 1-2x/week, 1 3 mile run f I have time. I want to be in the 165- to 170 range, but my body seems to want to stay where I am (172 to 174), since that's where I've been for the past 2.5 months - and I'm totally fine with that. Food = 1600 to 1800 a day (depending on my workout), and my goals lately have been working on high amounts of green veggies and proteins, with the 'right' carbs, and getting a stronger back/arms and core. I never eat back my exercise calories, as my goal is a bit more continued weight loss, but I know my body is gaining muscle and that doesn't equate to loss, just redistribution.
  • JaneKnoll1
    JaneKnoll1 Posts: 406 Member
    62 year old female
    (Nursing a rotator cuff injury at the moment) but usually active, swimming, running, strength training, tai chi 30 min-1hr most days and 10-12k steps daily
    Barely able to maintain my weight on 2000 calories per day when I do all my activities
    If I eat even 200 less calories per I will lose weight.
    Maintaining nicely just walking due to my shoulder.
    It was not always this way...for some reason once I started running and swimming laps I couldn't keep the weight on.
  • Taylorgo90
    Taylorgo90 Posts: 56 Member