how do you fight it???

anrev42 Posts: 331
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
My biggest challenge is I'm an emotional eater. Once my emotion takes over....I eat! That is why my weight have always been a yo-yo. Any suggestions or advice out there?


  • Melimonkey
    Melimonkey Posts: 34
    I am exactly the same way so I will be watching this thread for some advice aswell.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    It's harder to control emotions than it is food. Maybe a suggestion would be to go for a walk or pop in an exercise video when you are feeling emotional? Little by little, maybe you will become an avid exerciser when you feel that way instead of turning to food? I know that when I get mad, I hop on the elliptical until the frustration is gone. It feels good to sweat it out. Good luck to you!
  • XxBri22xX
    XxBri22xX Posts: 183
    I would suggest going outside for a run or walk if you are about ready to eat. Just try and stay busy. Thats about the best advice I can give you. Or if you don't want to do that, chew on some gum or grab a mint. That will hopefully keep you from eating.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    when I feel like this, the first thing I do is wait for the feeling to go away...then I pour a HUGE glass of water and gulp it down, and try occupy my thoughts with something else..a nintendo 3ds comes in very handy for weight loss!
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    Chose foods with lots of crunch or chewing and my first reaction when I'm upset now is usually gum. I still think about and actually reach for stuff that isn't good for me, but I usually stop myself from actually consuming it. That being said, I still have some of the things I love, but I make sure I'm choosing it cause it tastes good, and I savor every bite. Deprevasion will only make me want it more. I've lost 55 pounds so far.
  • tgpetty
    tgpetty Posts: 10 Member
    I'm dealing with that issue, too. I know that if I do "break" and eat something full of sugar, I will feel worse afterwards. It doesn't just make me feel worse emotionally, but physically, too. I know that in the past I have tried to find something to do with my hands and if I'm not really hungry, I grab something to drink.
  • TankPKDW
    TankPKDW Posts: 4
    Try sticking to a structured meal schedule and menu, and limit the amount of "snack food" available around your house. The harder it is to find the junk food or extra helpings on those high stress days, the easier it is to pass them up. Exercise is a great way to burn off some stress as opposed to eating.

    And remember, food is fuel, it's not happiness!
  • uniqute1888
    uniqute1888 Posts: 182 Member
    Its not an easy battle. I sometimes slip into bad habits. Like the other post said try swapping out that time you want to eat for exercise - that helps me - nothing like a little kickboxing to let out pent up aggression! My new motto became "One decision at a time, one day at a time" And when you succeed avoid food related prizes ... it will negate the good your doing..
  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    Become an emotional exerciser.

    A little healthier.

    The best option would be to work out why you have an emotional need to eat. Failing that, substitute a healthier reacrtion to stress.
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    One of the hardest things I had to do this time was to tell my best friend she'd hurt my feelings. I knew it would devastate her to know that she'd hurt me and I knew that I would need some time to work it out -- I also knew that I was being unfair but I was hurt so I acknowledged that I was reacting badly but still made it clear that I was reacting in an emotionally negative way. It was really hard.

    So my advice is to try talking first. Don't let things bottle up, don't blame yourself for your feelings and don't be afraid to share your negative emotions. Yes there will be fallout, but hopefully you'll find yourself in stronger relationships afterwards.
  • vegansara
    vegansara Posts: 192 Member

    And remember, food is fuel, it's not happiness!

    So true! Hard to remember, but developing awareness of when we are about to eat for the wrong reasons is half the battle. If you are aware you can make a decision about what is really best for you - dealing with emotions or diving into food.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    It helps if you don't keep junk food in the house. Second, don't ever go shopping when you're hungry or emotional.
  • JSULLY68
    JSULLY68 Posts: 1
    Someone said "EVERY WOMAN HAS THE BODY SHE WANTS"... which is absolutely true if you think about it.. so I did and ya know what I don't want this body that I am in right now, so I am going to change it, I want to feel better, I want to walk into a room and turn heads, It all comes down to YOU... ONLY you can change, only you can change the way you want to look and feel... MY motto: "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!!"........ Get up, do something, stay busy.. clean out the fridge, go through your clothes for charity.. just keep busy!!!
  • ebilharz
    ebilharz Posts: 20
    I agree with any and all of these suggestions. Definitely make a conscious effort to drink a couple of glasses of water to help calm and refresh yourself. It will help fill you up and make you take a minute to regroup. And then turn to exercise! There have been so so so many times that I have been feeling down or stressed or tired. Previously I may have turned to food, but now I think about how much worse it would make me feel to log those foods (I would probably be too ashamed to log them, feel like a failure, and then eat more). Instead of doing that to yourself, why not take a brisk walk or dance around or hit the elliptical? The endorphins WILL help you feel better, and you'll feel so accomplished and proud of yourself!
  • anrev42
    anrev42 Posts: 331
    My biggest challenge is I'm an emotional eater. Once my emotion takes over....I eat! That is why my weight have always been a yo-yo. Any suggestions or advice out there?

    Thanks you guys...I'll keep everybody's advice in mind! I have to always remind myself how badly I want to change myself this time!
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    water and exercise.
    the exercise helps relieve the stress.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I really liked reading this - I struggled today with emotional eating when I was mad. I knew it was emotional, I was already full, but I just kept eating and eating...thanks for all the advice everybody :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I agree with many of the other posters. If you find something else to replace eating as a response to emotions, it is easier than to just stop eating. You can exercise, walk (rapid or stroll), drink water, chew gum, etc.

    It takes a few weeks to replace a habit (about 3, I think), so you'll have to be more vigilant at first, but over time you'll find yourself automatically thinking of the new behavior instead of eating when emotions kick in.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I am the same way, and it is getting easier. I have learned the triggers to my eating and instead of grabbing food, I take a deep breath and do something physical. Even if it is just some jumping jacks. I also found a quote on here that has helped me a lot, it's in my signature. Good luck :)
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    The last time I felt like eating as much as I could in the house, I cleaned up the house instead and then later took a bath because I wanted to soothe myself.
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