Sorry Guys.............Ladies & PMS



  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    1. I usually gain up to 5 lbs. so I don't really pay attention to the number on the scale. I have a body fat percentage monitor and that normally stays consistent.

    2. I give in to my cravings but only a little. I crave crunchy things and chocolate so sometimes I'll put a few reduced fat wheat thins into a bowl or some pretzel minis with reduced fat peanut butter. mmm peanut butter. to curb the chocolate sometimes i'll have the 50 calorie skinny cow chocolate fudge pops or a small chocolate chip cookie. i work out extra the days before or even the day of so i'll have the calories to cheat a bit.

    3. work out extra. the day before your period make sure your workout clothes are ready to grab and go so you don't have to think twice about it. working out helps cramps a lot. i used to absolutely HATE that time of the month because I was always in pain. I used to live on Motrin the whole first 2 days just to get myself out and used to go home and just sit on the couch or sleep after work. ever since i've been working out 3 - 5 days a week i don't even feel my period. sometimes the first day or two i'll feel disgusting but it comes and goes without me even noticing. its different for some people but as long as you stay active (cardio helps) a lot of people stop even feeling the cramps. The bloating and weight gain will come and go.

    good luck!
  • apeydawn
    apeydawn Posts: 52

    I usually don't workout the day that I start simply because of the cramps and such. But, I force myself to go after the first day since it helps a lot to workout. Makes the aches and pains feel better AND I've noticed it cuts the length of my cycle (from like 7 days to like 4!) when I workout during.
    I'm just a bit different. I don't like exercising on my second day of the cycle. I'm always heavy on the second day and I always feel exhausted. But I Do make myself work out the rest of the time............ It's like with kids. They are a part of our lives not our entire lives and we can't sit around making excuses not to do simply because we have them!!!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    1. Weight: I'm a bit odd but I always have a good weight loss during my period. I bloat up like crazy though! :grumble: But about mid cycle for about 7 days I tend not to lose. So not much help there.

    2. Cravings: For me it's chocolate. I found better options. I like jello chocolate pudding. Maybe a few pretzels if you like salt and crunchy?

    3. Exercise: I have cramps that make labor seem easy! I do more gentle exercises. Yoga and stretching is fantastic for the cramps and lower back pain. You could also try a slow walk.

    Good luck with it! :flowerforyou:
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    I consider my period the time of month when i take it easy. I still do light exercising (mostly cardio). I give in to a few extra cravings, but also drink water like its my day job. In general my weight can fluctuate up to 5 lbs, so i pull out the period pants and stop weighing myself... trust me its much healthier to ignore the scale and how you feel about yourself then to obsess over it.
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    1. I gain about 5 lb on average, but it can be anywhere from 2 to 7!

    2. I treat myself in small portions. I tend to crave chocolate like WOAH (it consumes my thoughts every waking hour), and getting 100 calories of a chocolate snack usually takes care of that.

    3. I usually get 1-2 days of really awful cramps, fatigue and joint aches (thanks, chronic illnesses that flare up with my cycle), so sometimes I just cannot do my exercises...instead, I'll go for a walk and do some gentle stretching. Some people do feel better with exercise, but I'm definitely not one of them. :P