
Hi everyone. I definitely need a pick me up.... i have worked out now 3 days in a row (something i never do!!!) And have been pretty consistant with doing running intervals.... but today i didnt do that... i didnt want too normally i say to myself "i know you hate it but lets go." And i go... bit today i just let myself stop :( i did adujust the incline to 12 to keep my heart rate up... this stuff isnt instant and thats the tough part now... thanks for the help friends!


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    No need to get down or discouraged. After three days in a row of the same workout just about anyone would be bored. Change it up. Are you only using a treadmill currently? If that's all you have access to then do incline intervals and speed intervals the next day. You can do speed intervals even if you don't run or jog. I don't. I walk only which is why variety on the treadmill is very important.

    Play numbers games. Input your stats into the machine and see how many calories it says you burned. Note: this is NOT an accurate, actual burn, but a number to use as a gauge. Next workout beat that number by 5 calories. Next workout exceed it by another 5. Takes your focus off of time only (boring) and gives you a quick, reachable goal.
  • KaleidoscopicMind
    KaleidoscopicMind Posts: 55 Member
    It's pretty normal, you weren't used to working out regularly before and suddenly you wanna do it on daily basis it's normal you are gonna get tired or bored or even demotivated, just take it easy and know that it's okay to miss a day or even two, as long as you are gonna get back to it later because you "want" to, to achieve something you started working out to reach in the first place.
    Also our mentality can be our biggest enemy at times, if you don't wanna do intervals workout now this is not the end of the world, you could just walk! and hey you will burn calories too, and you will sweat too, and most importantly it's very easy, so your body won't have an excuse to tell you to be lazy about it, so take a deep breath and know it's okay and you got this, and go for a 30 mins walk and maybe tomorrow get back to intervals, good luck! :)
  • danibabii11
    danibabii11 Posts: 72 Member
    I pretty much wprk out every other day.... i also have been running earky mornings out side the past 2 days so that could be my problem as well.... lol
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Sounds like you're doing great. It's good mentally & physically to switch things up.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Just a suggestion but if you hate it why do you do it? Find something you love to do and you won't dread it. I hate running but pushed myself to do C25K. In week 3 I finally gave up. I was dreading going to the gym and I knew I would eventually stop going. So I stopped C25K instead and found something else that I liked a lot more and now I look forward to my gym time.
  • danibabii11
    danibabii11 Posts: 72 Member
    Sharon_C wrote: »
    Just a suggestion but if you hate it why do you do it? Find something you love to do and you won't dread it. I hate running but pushed myself to do C25K. In week 3 I finally gave up. I was dreading going to the gym and I knew I would eventually stop going. So I stopped C25K instead and found something else that I liked a lot more and now I look forward to my gym time.

    I like how infeel once i finish it. I am doing the c25k app... but im more or less using the intervals and in no way intend on running that much ever. I feel incredibly accomplished once i finish a running session. Which is why o push myself through it. I hate deadlifts too but im not going to stop doing an incredible lifting technique with anazing benifits because its not my favorite.