Former Weight Watcher



  • kiwiknit
    kiwiknit Posts: 2 Member
    I am a former WW member too. I got to goal a couple of years ago but the weight is creeping back on, up about 8 kilos. It was my second time around. Was considering going back as it did work both times for me, I really liked the accountability and structure but was put off by a few things. Firstly it is SO expensive for pretty mediocre advice, lots of processed food anyone? Next I really didn't like either leader at my meeting place. Both were overweight and increasing, they had previously hit goal. I know how hard it is to stay at goal but it is difficult to stay motivated when neither leader can manage it on the program. All they did was talk, talk, sell, sell, sell and not listen. (Although maybe the leaders have changed by now). Lastly I am vegan and would have to avoid talking about it as the environment was very vegan unfriendly. I was repeatly told I couldn't meet my nutritional requirements on a vegan diet, it really bothered my main leader. The only reason she ending up knowing as she kept pushing all the WW snacks, chocolates and cookbooks on me and I would always refuse. Used to crack me up as "wasting away" was hardly my problem. I eat a really balanced diet just too much of it. However the other members were terrific and I found the overall environment supportive.
    Anyway I am in a quandary, hence my long babble! I really want to lose this weight and are seriously considering returning to WW. How successful are you all finding MFP? I have used it to track my food and excerise but not much more.
  • vivadreamgk377
    vivadreamgk377 Posts: 4 Member
    To add someone go to friends and hit the plus button top right. Hope this helps. Add please
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    edited July 2016
    If you need a real life connection check out a T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). It is much less expensive and you can follow the diet plan you want. Chapters very, so you might want to visit more than one if possible.

  • Somebrina
    Somebrina Posts: 15 Member
    Recently quit WW also. I lost 135 at my lowest weight and was lifetime for 2 years. I was still lifetime when I left, but it was just so hard to stay within their range. It's like it sucked the fun out of everything I did. I did learn a lot but after maintaining for so long it felt more like just fighting myself to not to be "punished" by having to pay if I gained a few pounds. I have gained back 30 pounds and am looking to lose 15-20 of those again. That last 10 pounds I needed to stay lifetime was so not worth it and am hoping mfp works for me.
  • ArtthurCarlson
    ArtthurCarlson Posts: 32 Member
    Former WW here, also. I'd certainly welcome any friend requests :)
  • Djdj031369
    Djdj031369 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! I'm also a former WW gal. I lost 30 lbs while on the program 2 years ago. Now I've gained most of that back. I'd love some friends to do this with. No judgement and positive attitudes to lift each other up. Here's to the new us!!!
  • Packergal27
    Packergal27 Posts: 11 Member
    I am also a former WW member. I loved the program and the leaders I had. I lost 40# over a few years, many years ago. When my husband lost his job I had to quit, because we couldn't afford it anymore. This was during the Points phase and before Points+. I eventually gained it all back, and more :( My doctor suggested I try MFP to log my food and exercise. I thought 'why not? it's free.' I started logging in February 2015 and have logged every day since until 5 days ago while on vacation. Now I have to start my streak all over again!

    I have made some good, supportive friends on MFP, and try to be encouraging to them as well. If anyone would like to friend me, just indicate WW so I know where you saw my post and will accept you.
  • __Margaret
    __Margaret Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a former WW member as well. I just couldn't get on with Smart Points at all. I would love to find some friends on this :)
  • Jeanettepelser
    Jeanettepelser Posts: 1 Member
    Also a former WW member. Not familiar with the points p or smart points system. Where can I find a pp/am foodlist as guidance? We don't have an agent in my town and I have to pay R800 just to get the guidelines online....Don't think it''s worth the money. There are so many blogs and forums to help. Just can't find a complete foodlist with the correct pp or sm points.
  • SaraMA1
    SaraMA1 Posts: 410 Member
    I love all the positive people and comments on this post! I have struggled with weight loss my whole life and have been a weight watcher member a few times, but the cost got crazy. I'm looking for some inspirational friends to connect with as we shed these lbs! I hope you all add me as a friend. Maybe we can share recipes?!
  • FLBeachluvr
    FLBeachluvr Posts: 110 Member
    I am also a former WW Lifetime member. In 2011-2012 I lost 53 lbs. in around 9 months. Well factor in the deaths of both of my parents and a cross country move and I've regained about 25 lbs. I just didn't want to pay the monthly fee so I'm trying MFP. I do have to say that I really liked the WW Points Plus system and thought it was very easy to do. I loved having the "extra" weekly points so I could have cocktails on the weekends. Now I am trying MFP and am struggling a bit with having to track EVERYTHING (veggies/fruits free on WW). It also seems that there is much more of a focus with MFP on how many calories are burned per day. With WW I never worried about my exercise and didn't track it, I just did it. The weight loss is slower for me with MFP than on WW but I'm in it for the long haul and will tweak my calories in vs. calories out if I don't get my desired results. I would also like to have supportive friends here!
  • brandymoore11
    brandymoore11 Posts: 3 Member
    I just left WW for good. I'd lost 55 lbs in 8 months on PointsPlus and SmartPoints, became a Lifetime member this past May, and then I was asked to become a meeting leader. I wasn't too sure about it at first, but then I started to feel excited about the idea, and so I agreed. Unfortunately, I was completely turned off by some really inappropriate behaviour coming from my training mentor in the first two training sessions. So I walked away from WW completely. Now I'm trying out My Fitness Pal, and I think it's going to work just great for me. I know that I need to track food, exercise regularly, and receive support within a community to maintain my weight, and MFP is offering all of that for free! I try to eat mostly healthy, whole foods, but I love my daily treats too. When WW switched to SmartPoints, they made some of the things I love so high in points that I just stopped buying them so that I'd have enough points to eat normally. But now I can just track calories. I will still eat very healthy, but now I don't have to fret so much over a treat. Weight Watchers helped me to achieve my goal weight, and I'll be forever grateful for that, but I am ready for something new!
  • sgmfpac
    sgmfpac Posts: 25 Member
    Hello, are there people still 'talking' here? I have just left WW and am keen to loose some more weight and gain some community while I do so? Let me know if this site is still active - thanks. S
  • Korman66
    Korman66 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all! My name is Bridget and yes, I'm a former Weight Watcher. I loved the program but it got to be to much money, to much Oprah hype, to many things to purchase for program management. So here I am giving this a shot. I'm looking for a much needed support group as we travel on this journey.
    Awesome story add me
  • jenlea76
    jenlea76 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Bridget, I also did WW's a few times in the past with great results but with all the changes it just wasn't working for me any longer. I did WW online so MFP is very similar to that, which I love. I just really need to track my food and exercise to keep me motivated and honest so here I am and doing it for free which is awesome. I wish you luck on your journey. If you like u can add me as a friend.
  • namasara
    namasara Posts: 26 Member
    Well, hi! I'm a former WW: the new plan was causing me to gain weight. Ok, well how I was working the new plan was causing me to gain weight. I need more accountability and the addition of free foods just allowed my mind to think I could eat as much of them as I wanted......NOT healthy for me.