Night shift RN

Hello all!! I am not new to MFP but new to trying this. 7 years ago I went from 220# to 155#. I thought I had it but got lazy and I am again overweight. Just looking for a few friends to keep me motivated and accountable. I work 12 hr shifts 3 days a week so that is a challenge. I see many positive things on here and hope that it will help me too.


  • Crisseyda
    Crisseyda Posts: 532 Member
    I'm a night shift RN too! You can add me :)
  • prchavez
    prchavez Posts: 3 Member
    Same boat.... gained all the weight back that I worked so hard and lost in nursing school a few years ago. I'm a night shift RN on a peds unit and can't get motivated to exercise. We should totally start our own group. We're a whole different breed.
  • ArtthurCarlson
    ArtthurCarlson Posts: 32 Member
    I'm not a nurse, but a retired paramedic, so I can relate to the schedule! Please feel free add me. :)
  • johnnyb620
    johnnyb620 Posts: 19 Member
    I've been working night shift for 5 years now in the lab department. I work three straight 13hr shifts. It's totally doable. I've also competed in men's physique. It all depends on how bad you want it.
  • iammeinnh
    iammeinnh Posts: 72 Member
    I was on day/night rotation as an ICU RN. We would work 2 12 hour nights and one day/week, then two 12 hour days and one night the next week. Totally f'd me up. Part of the problem is that I would eat to stay awake and part of the problem was that I felt so exhausted all the time I didn't want to work out.

    It's a challenge, but you can do it. Feel free to add me.
  • Lshona
    Lshona Posts: 393 Member
    Night shift RN here. I'll add you.