Nov 2010 Moms Losing Baby Weight!

sifenat98 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
There seems to be a lot of us on here now so I thought it would be fun to start a thread so we can support each other! Please share!



  • mamasita38
    mamasita38 Posts: 28
    I had my baby in June, he just turned 1, but I'm still trying to lose the last 9 lbs.
    I was on WW, but I was at a plateau for 7 months!!!
    Thought I'd try MFP to see how I would do.
    So far I've lost about 2.5 lbs. in 3 weeks, so it's going slow but I'm not complaining!
  • sifenat98
    sifenat98 Posts: 3 Member
    I wish I'd joined a long time ago...if I lost even 2lbs a month I could be down like 15lbs already. That's motivation for me :-)
  • I had my second child Christmas 2009 but am still trying to lose the baby weight now.... did put a lot on :( Have lost 43lb but still have at least another 30lb to go :frown:
  • mommy2mm
    mommy2mm Posts: 1
    Although I'm at my pre-baby weight, I have plenty of weight to lose to get to a healthy weight.
    I never realized how many calories I eat until I entered it in on this site.
    I need the energy to chase around my Nov 2008 and Nov 2010 babies!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    I'm a November '10 mama! I've been stuck since he was THREE WEEKS OLD! What the heck? Isn't BFing supposed to help? Ugh! I still have almost 20 lbs to lose to get back to pre-pregnancy weight, but I'd like to lose 55 in all!
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    Hey! I have a Oct '08 son and Nov '10 twins, I've been hanging out at the weight I was right after giving birth, about 30lbs up from pre-babies! I'm ready to get down past my pre-weight, I feel so conscious of what I'm eating since being on MFP, I eat whatever I like but I'm keeping track and actually STOPPING before I go crazy- Not like before! After, what has it been now? 4 days now of actually working my *kitten* out and being accountable for my food, my body FEELS stronger, it's amazing and I can't wait to see where it takes me. I'm so happy for this site and the Nov'10 mama support, we're doin this ladies!!
  • Ive been successful in the past with WW but I just dont like the new program they offer. Im very excited about MFP and Im soo motivated. Im just so sick and tired of being overweight and I want to be that "hott mom" for hubby LOL. good luck all!!
  • 1meallah
    1meallah Posts: 1
    I have a Aug 08 DS and was working my butt off and finally losing the baby weight from him then I found out I was pregnant with my surprise Nov 10 DD. I never got a chance to get rid of the weight from the first before I started packing on the pounds with the second. So here I am with 2 kiddos and an extra 30 lbs to lose.
  • leahdanbury
    leahdanbury Posts: 132 Member
    I've been doing this for about a month and have lost 12lbs! I still have a lot to go since i need to lose my weight that i gained when i had my daughter (5 years ago) :grumble: but there's no better time then the present!
  • CK83
    CK83 Posts: 1
    I have a July 08 baby and a Nov 10 baby. I gained too much with my first, but was able to keep it to minimum with my second. I am at my pre-baby weight that I was when I got preg with my Nov 10 baby, but 30-40 lbs from where I was before my first. I am done having kids and I just want to be HOT again. =):love:
  • EHmommy
    EHmommy Posts: 7 Member
    I have Feb 07 and Nov 10 babies. I've been overweight for as long as I can remember. Just before meeting DH eleven years ago, I had lost 60 pounds. Over the next six years, I gained it all back. With my first LO, I was back to pre-pg weight within four months with just breastfeeding. Not this time! I have about ten pounds of baby weight left and 80 pounds of other weight to lose. Ninety pounds seems like such a long road, but I really want to get healthy. I'm struggling with the food aspect, but MFP is helping me be accountable. I'm breastfeeding still, so I don't want to compromise that. Good luck, mamas! We can do this!
  • newmetasha
    newmetasha Posts: 22
    My Baby boy was born May 2010 & Ive stil got tose nearly all my baby weight :indifferent:
    around 2 stone altogether i want to lose
  • sifenat98
    sifenat98 Posts: 3 Member
    How do you all manage to get in the required exercise? I've been able to maintain pretty healthy eating habits since I lost 40lbs a few years ago (with some pregnancy craving blips!). Even though I enjoy exercising, its really a struggle for me. My DH and I work full time and nearly opposite hours, so we are essentially 'single parenting' 6/7 days. I try to get out for a walk with the stroller after work, but when I only have ~3 hrs/day with my baby its hard to get motivated! Not to mention that I have to do laundry/cleaning/cooking...

    Just looking for some tips/motivation!
  • EHmommy
    EHmommy Posts: 7 Member
    I would like to know about the exercise thing also. I have trouble fitting it in and I am mostly a SAHM (work one day per week). There just always seems to be other things to do. I think this is partly avoidance on my part :ohwell:
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    Hi there everyone! I have twin boys born November 15th, and haven't lost any weight since a week post-partum. Hopefully you can give me some motivation and inspiration!
  • Hi. Nov. mom's please feel free to add me as a friend, I'm trying to add a new person everyday ( i know it only lets me do 5 in 10min)
  • I am right there with you.....son born July 08 and daughter Nov 10......I have a good 30+ pounds to loose to be at a healthy weight!!! What is working for you, it just is so hard to find the time now days to exercise!!! When do you find the time? I am new on here......please feel free to add me as a friend, I need all the support I can get!!!
  • I am exactly where you are at, July o8 and Nov 10!! I also feel like I have a good 30+ to loose to be at my healthy, HOT weight!! Let's support eachother!!
  • My daughter was born Nov 15 also!! I lost all of the baby weight in a few weeks and have been stuck ever since!! When do you find the time to exercise?
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hi! My daughter was born Nov 18! Now I'm trying to get this weight off so I can keep up with her!!! Great to see so many other Nov mommy's, and of course all other mommy's. Saw some of the exercise discussion; it's hard! My husband and I have a routine now - we exercise at night after we put baby to bed (we both work full time). It's just a short workout but I'm doing the 30DS so it kicks my butt! We try to walk on the weekend in the morning. I also joined a Stroller Strides chapter here; it's a mom and baby excercise group. It's great! Feel free to add me if you like ---
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