How to start heavy lifting and calculate calories

jerb00 Posts: 155 Member
Hi all,

I am a 4'10" 99 lbs pear shaped 38 year old with a descent amount of cellulite on my thighs. I have always been active and healthy but have had this since middle school. I totally get that it is genetic and I finally decided to just let it go and try not to obsess (meaning I wear the shorts and short skirts I want to without being as self aware as I issd to be) but I would still like to work to improve the look of my thighs.

I have been reading that heavy lifting would help tone and maybe smooth out the fat by increasing the muscle but I don't know how to go about it with calories because most of what j read pertains to men or body builders. I have been eating 1200 calories a day for abut 2 months and complete body weight/cardio intervals everyday for about half and hour. Any help is appreciated.


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    edited July 2016

    Look into strong curves or NROL4W.. they are great end to end programs that will teach you the basics and build upon it. I would also atart with very low weight and have someone look at your form to ensure its being done right.

    I would also try to get around 80g of protein.

    Also, if you looking in the maintaining section you will see a great thread on recomposition.
  • jerb00
    jerb00 Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks so much. Checked out the thread and some of the links for beginning series. Liked what I saw so far for strong lifts. The strong curves template that I saw seems like a lot of what I already do. But it isn't taking care of the cellulite problem like I would hope. Still need to read about them more but wondering where to find info on how to eat while increasing weight when lifting/squatting. I am a serious newbie when it comes to actual weights.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Go to MFP'S blog and search recomposition. There are two articles about how to do it, including nutrition basics. Might give you a good start.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    jerb00 wrote: »
    Thanks so much. Checked out the thread and some of the links for beginning series. Liked what I saw so far for strong lifts. The strong curves template that I saw seems like a lot of what I already do. But it isn't taking care of the cellulite problem like I would hope. Still need to read about them more but wondering where to find info on how to eat while increasing weight when lifting/squatting. I am a serious newbie when it comes to actual weights.

    Are you trying to bulk? Also, StrongCurves has a lot more lower end focus than stronglift and is a more complete program. The first few weeks are designed to get you started. I would question what you are doing, how often, with what kid of weight, and how long?

    Cellulite is largely a genetic thing and it may take getting to a low body fat to get rid of it. It may even take bulking and then cutting all the new fat gains..

    Also, what do you mean how to eat? Types of foods... macros... timing...
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Cellulite is largely genetic, but you do have some control over this if you do what others in your family are not doing, which is the heavy lifting and often and total focus on body composition.

    This does not just take a couple of months. It can take upwards of a year to make pretty good progress. You can get rid of surface cellulite but you will always have some unless you get to a very low body fat.. I am not interested in getting to and trying to maintain an unrealistic body fat for myself as I am not that willing to do sacrifice that much.

    But I do lift weights 5 days a week, I do eat well, and I do work on body composition every day.. So if you stick to an adhered lifting program, be consistent and committed to the process you can get rid of a great deal of it and manage to keep it at bay by continuing to lift regularly.
  • jerb00
    jerb00 Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks, all, for the replies. I am not particularly interested in bulking, just reducing cellulite if possible. I am in pretty good shape, active, and fit. Intervals and Pilates have helped a great deal to slim my body in general, but I have been on an endless quest for ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite. I look prett good in leggings but not in mini skirts. So as I was looking for ideas ,again, I came across heavy lifting. As I read, it mostly disciples bulking and calories, macros, cycling etc but none of it really seemed to apply to me. But as I was dealing more about the new rules for lifting for women it seemed to help me out. I'll look into strong curves more closely and I'll search the threads about body recomp. Some of the sites have me eating 900 calories in some days and 1500 on others and to be completely honest the 1200 calorie for the last 2 months has been pretty challenging and depleting. I didn't log before so I have no idea exactly how much I had been eating prior to that but in nuts/nut butter alone it was another 500 for sure. So I don't was to be eating too few calories and doing the new lifting program so I was looking for guidance. The new rules does have a section on that so I'll have to look into it more. Thanks all!
  • jerb00
    jerb00 Posts: 155 Member
    Okay can someone tell me if this is right:my name is 1175 based on height and weight 4'10" 99-100 lbs. I work out 5-7 days a week 30 mins a day, but I am also active throughout the day. I put my self at moderate. Calculator says I need 1600-1800 calls per day based on light or moderate activity respectively. But, for lifting a losing fat I need to eat at my bmr (1175) plus about 77 calls extra on heavy lifting days. Seems really low. As I said in the previous post I feel like I don't have enough energy on 1200 calls. Not at first, but 2 months in I am feeling less energetic. Thoughts are appreciated. And if this isn't the right place to post the question please direct me appropriately. Thanks!!!!
  • jerb00
    jerb00 Posts: 155 Member
    Oops. Should have proof read my post. Not my name but my bmr is 1175...
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    So you don't need to cycle calories or worry about timing of nutrients. What you really want to do is stick with a specific calorie range, track for 4 - 6 weeks and make adjustments from there. I would probably start off with 1500 calories, 25% protein, 30% fat, 45% carbs (and aim for 20g+ of fiber). If you like more fat over carbs, you can. It won't affect the process. I perform much better, especially lifting-wise, with more carbs.

    Hopefully, you will be around maintenance or lose very little weight. If you aren't gaining weight or losing weight, then you are probably in a good sweet spot. At that point, your full concentration should be on lifting heavy and making progress. Usually when I focus on exercise, the weight/body composition takes care of itself.

    If after some time (probably a good 6-12 months) you aren't seeing progress, then you might need to consider a bulk. You might just not have enough muscle to fill out your skin. And adding muscle can help tight up your body. Now, that does make that you would be adding fat, but that is why you cut after you bulk. Below is a very good example of what I mean.
  • jerb00
    jerb00 Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks so much h for the explanation. I got the strong curves books, watched the videos on YouTube and think I am ready to begin. Your suggestion about calories seems spot on so I am happy to have a plan.

    One more question: what resistance band brand do you suggest?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    jerb00 wrote: »
    Thanks so much h for the explanation. I got the strong curves books, watched the videos on YouTube and think I am ready to begin. Your suggestion about calories seems spot on so I am happy to have a plan.

    One more question: what resistance band brand do you suggest?

    I would grab several to ensure you have proper resistance. I have everything from a 10 lb to a 100 lb band. More often than not i am above the 50 mark.