Need advice

I have an exersise bike and do at least 60mins (sometimes 90mins) between 42kmp -53kmp. I have lost weight doing just this but should I be doing anything extra? I'm considering doing 30day shred as well. My question is is that going to be enough?
Would appreciate any advice! Xx


  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Depends on what your goals are... cardio is great for your heart and does burn calories but it does not generally build muscle.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited July 2016
    OP what are your goals? Is it to just loose weight and burn a boat load of calories? Well then you can ride that bike for hours a day and do just that..

    You can also do workout dvds like 30 days shred.. you can do just about anything you want to to loose some weight, but why not think about exercise for your health and it being something you are going to do well after you loose weight to stay healthy and yes maintain your weight.. :)

    How about wanting to build and maintain muscle while you are loosing weight?.. remember the weight you loose is not just going to be fat, it will be fat, muscle and water.. but you can do something to min the muscle loss..this through strength training.
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    I agree with Roxiedawn It doesn't have to be elaborate some simple bodyweight exercises are all you really have to do until you feel more confident and maybe then pick up a basic weight or band set. pushups pullups situps dips and many others can all be adapted to anyones fitnes level.

    The point of doing strength training is to maintain or increase your core lean muscle mass which burns calories even at rest.
  • paigelewis86
    paigelewis86 Posts: 4 Member
    I have lost in total 1st 10lb and feeling a little flabby lol so will be to continue to loose weight and I want to tone the mid section and become healthier yes x
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited July 2016
    I have lost in total 1st 10lb and feeling a little flabby lol so will be to continue to loose weight and I want to tone the mid section and become healthier yes x

    Fist of all I understand what you mean by "tone".. but it really is not something you do, it is something your muscles do.

    To do that is to do strength training, but surely you will not want to focus on one body part. How about looking into some body weight or other strength training programs while you are loosing those pounds..You will be more than glad that you worked those muscles to maintain your mass and you will be in better shape for showing some muscle definition through cutting weight.