100 lb Challenge! Start Feb 1 or join in any time!



  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    I have an idea....I could grow 2 inches taller by Thursday and then my weight will be more evenly distributed....baggy pants for sure by the time I get on the plane!! HAHA!!!

    I like how you think!!!!!
  • NurseBarb
    NurseBarb Posts: 183 Member
    I started at the beginning of January weighing 296 with 146 pounds to lose (and never find again!).
    This morning I weighed in at 281 pounds. That's 15 lost and 131 left to go. Not bad for a month.
    I'll post measurements sometime this weekend because I did actually do them when I started.

    So everyone have a fabulous February and let's get those pounds a mving on down the road!!!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • I've made a list of those who have said they want to join the challenge, along with the goals (if they were mentioned, and a couple I did a quick subtraction on - please let me know if I made a mistake on your goal!)

    bkrbabe57 - 100 lbs
    JennaH - 115 lbs
    PattyH - 134 lbs
    maybeoneday - not listed
    magundis - not listed
    mygoal - not listed
    Gotmilk9579 - 130 lbs
    Gina33884 - not listed
    skinnygal - 85 lbs
    skinnydreams - 76 lbs
    mnbarnum - 81 lbs
    abetterme - 100 lbs
    memaw66 - 77 lbs
    meanmommy - not listed
    Casta34 - 131 lbs
    Junie05 - 105 lbs

    I hope we all have a good week ahead of us - I can't wait to come back and post that I have lost pounds and/or inches and that I've done well on my eating and exercising! I look forward to being in GOOD HEALTH!!! :flowerforyou:
    P.S. Congrats to you all that have already lost some weight! Do you want to mention what you've done that's working? Casta, 15 lbs in a month is fantastic!
  • Hey there all...I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO in....
    Original wt:321
    Lost to date: 18 (303)
    Difference of: 123
    First Goal.....reach Difference of: 100 (-23)

    I really need a boost to get back on track here...I want to be refocused..like I have been for the last few weeks...I HATE HORMONES..if I fight them now I will be stronger for it when its over.. I know it...
  • When I come to look for this post under what name should I look? Are you going to leave all the info on here...that can get long...as new posts go the bottom and not the top.....
  • count me in...
    i started in jan with 286 and lost weight real
    fast i am know at 269..i have a long way to go but i know i can do it...
    i have been on other sides and got frustrated with how some ppl treated others and i am so hoping this side will be different.
    i dont want to have strangers tell me what to do,
    i want strangers to help me (us) to archieve our goal with set backs and all..
    hope you guys understand what i mean...lol

    love ya all and good luck

  • my3kids
    my3kids Posts: 59 Member
    count me in too...i dont have an extra 100 to lose i have lost almost 80 since i started but have 70 more to lose if thats ok to still join? so count me in too please:bigsmile:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Okay, it's Sunday, weigh in day for Hubby and I.

    Start weight on MFP 235
    Today's Weight 224.4
    Down nearly 11lbs

    Start weight for challenge 227
    Todays weight 224.4
    Weeks total nearly 3lbs lost
    Yeah me!!!!

    (ps hubby has lost 22lbs sinc Jan 1)

  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    I want in too started MFP on Dec 6th at 258 now weigh 244 lost 14 lbs my final goal will be 140lbs I hope to accomplish this within one year 2 lbs a week x 52 weeks = 104 lbs but I am setting my real goal date for june 26th 2009 (my birthday) to account for stalled weeks and so on....... I wish you all good luck and I plan on posting on every sunday. HAPPY SUPERBOWL day!!!!:drinker:
  • Hi everyone!
    hmmmm, you and I are the same weight! My birthday is about 6 weeks before yours, and that's when I think I'll be at my goal weight. I'd love to be 138, just for the sake of getting below 140!

    aahlight, I think about once a month I can list the names and the weight lost if anyone is interested in that, otherwise I just made the list to see who all was on board....is that what you meant about leaving the info on here? I know the newest messages go to the bottom, but we can just scroll down I guess!

    tbirdl2008, I know what you mean about people giving their advice about things when it wasn't asked for - it can be kind of condescending. I like when people say what worked for them, how much they are working out, etc. without saying that's what they think other people should do, too.

    my3kids - that is amazing that you have lost almost 80 pounds already!! Whoo-hoo! You can certainly join in and you probably have lots of tips!

    I haven't done any food logging this past week, so this week's goal is to chart everything I eat and add 10 min a day to my exercise, to bring it up to 30 min a day and also stretch for 10 minutes (40 min total).
  • JennaH
    JennaH Posts: 59
    For my check in:

    So after 3 weeks I still havn't lost any weight or inches :grumble: but I went to the doctor on Friday and got some GREAT news! :bigsmile:

    Since I was a teenager, my blood pressure has always been really high; like 185/90 or sometimes higher. As of Friday, it was


    I am so excited. My doc used to tell me that I could drop dead at any minute from a heart attack or stroke, and she was just blown away by my improvement. So that was almost as good as losing weight or inches.
  • Ok just what Ive been waiting on. I am a 40 yr old male , weighing right now 366 and I wont to lose 150 more lbs or so and be able to wear 48 pants by next winter . I dont know how to measure myself , I prob have a BMI of 55% I am 5 ft 10 and 366 I hold alot weight in belly and Butt . My wife says I am bootilicious. lol Send me Im let me know when and where.. ok ?
  • Hi Bigjug - we are just posting weight or inches or whatever we want to keep track of on whatever day works best for us....LOL we are not very organized, I guess! :laugh: But at least we can call ourselves a community of sorts and support each other for the long haul! I love the "bootilicious" part! My husband says "ba-BAM!" when I'm walking away, but as long as he's smiling then I guess it's a compliment!

    Jenna, that's so amazing about your blood pressure! I think those numbers are more important than what the scale says! My best "number" is my HDL cholesterol. The doctor said anything above a 60 is a negative risk factor (meaning it works in your favor!) and mine is 70!! I think it's from all the veggies and fruit, and I haven't eaten meat in many years due to the high risk of heart attack and stroke on both sides of my family. Now if I get the weight off I'll be in the lowest risk percentage for heart disease - wow!

    I fell off the wagon and ate a LOT of chocolate cake over the weekend (stressful family stuff going on and I was aware of what triggered the eating), but what has changed for me is that I still did a full workout and I didn't just give up and keep eating the way I used to. You know, that old self-defeating kind of reaction. So, in spite of the over indulging, I am PROUD of my overall attitude!

    Oh yeah - one more thing - Alice Cooper is 60 years old today!! Gosh, I feel old..... :glasses:
  • NurseBarb
    NurseBarb Posts: 183 Member
    I am SO PROUD of ALL OF YOU!!!

    WEIGH TO GO!!!!!!!!!

    Look at us all getting healthy and gonna look great!!!

    Hey me and Pokerstar decided to meet somewhere in the country and go shopping together when we hit goal. You guys are all welcome to join us. We can get together and all buy skinny clothes!!!
    WOoooo Hooooo
  • rainbow118
    rainbow118 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm in,
    I currently weight 218, my goal is to get to 145. I want to wear a size 10. I currently wear a size 18 and can only wear half my jeans:noway: I started my diet yesterday. Still have to work on eating less. But i am cutting out snacking which is my downfall. And i am only drinking water and limit myself to 1 diet soda at night to help with my sweet craving.

    But i need lots of support, i have been saying i am going on a diet for the past few years and this time i really really mean it. I just need help with sticking too it. The hard part is cutting my calories.
  • Im in! I need all the support that I can get! I am so glad that I have found you guys!

    Just to introduce myself - My name is Shay.
    I started on my own Jan 1 2008

    Start Weight: 330 (Jan1)
    Current Weight: 281(Feb 5) :smile:
    Goal Weight: 165
  • OK! I am in too.
    I started Jan 10 at 301 lbs, with the initial goal of losing 100lbs and then once I reach that goal, I will strive for another 40-50lbs.
    Today I am 274lbs and I have not yet done measurements, but my scale does some %s so I will report next time with some other numbers.
    This is good.....I have a closet full of size 16 clothes that I would like to get into by spring, and then a new wardrobe for summer!!:wink:
  • So, after we've all lost 100 pounds, we write a book about all the different things we did to get there, get featured on Oprah, and become incredibly rich and famous, on top of being thin. Not a bad plan, huh? Count me in.
    Lived on salad and fish and fruit all summer to lose 12 pounds. Started exercising like a maniac in the fall, since then I've only lost a few pounds but have gone from a snug size 18 to a pretty comfortable 16 and, by my standards, I'm ripped. I've been eating healthy, but am consuming too many calories for any significant weight loss. It's time to put it together and manage my calories while keeping up my workouts. This should be interesting, and I'm really scared I'm going to find out I can't really do it. Currently, 5'7", 220, would be deliriously happy at 150, and 135 sounds like a beautiful dream....
    Am going to try the 6 meals at 200 to 300 calories each per day plan, I've heard from lots of people that it helps to avoid hunger. I'm really interested to hear what's working for others.
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Yay, happy to say we have ahad another great week!

    Start weight: 290 lbs
    Current weight: 262 lbs

    Loss this week : 5 lbs
    Loss so far: 28 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • I'm in, I think I'll be here for awhile too,since I just started. I will be doing my weigh ins on Mondays. I'll post all my info soon
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