Weight loss help please!

I'm 18, 5'11 and i weigh 95 kg (209 lbs)
I've been trying to lose weight since i'm 11 so far i've lost 28 lbs and in the last two weeks i gained 10 back.. Now i'm trying to get back in track and was questioning, is 1200 calories really the way to lose weight or do i just kick all the processed stuff and eat only whole foods, i dont know how many calories i should eat and 1200 is way too little even if im not exercicing just trying to get my eating right first. How is it even possible to not eat carbs at all since fruits and veggies have them? Please help me get back in track i'm very confused and can't afford a dietitian.


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Now i'm trying to get back in track and was questioning, is 1200 calories really the way to lose weight or do i just kick all the processed stuff and eat only whole foods

    Calories are king for weight management. Eating primarily whole foods can be great for health and a lot of people lose weight that way, but it's not a guarantee for weight loss.
    , i dont know how many calories i should eat and 1200 is way too little even if im not exercicin

    1200 is the lowest MFP will go. It works for some people, but it makes some of us feel like gnawing our own arms off. If it doesn't work for you, go into your settings and reduce the rate of loss you have set. Most people try for 2 pounds a week right away, but that's a pretty aggressive goal. You might try 1 pound a week and see how you like it. And remember, the system expects you to log your exercise and eat back some of the extra calories you earn.
    How is it even possible to not eat carbs at all since fruits and veggies have them?

    Why are you trying to reach zero carbs? Carbs aren't the enemy for most people and even keto (the most carb restricted diet) allows something like 40 or 50 grams of carbs a day. Trying for zero carbs seems like setting yourself up to fail, to me.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    At your height and age, 1200 is probably too low. Lower your goal to get more calories.

    As for carbs, unless you have a medical reason to, it isn't necessary to cut them out.
  • st476
    st476 Posts: 357 Member
    Neither. You don't have to eat 1200 to lose weight, that's the minimum. You don't have to eat whole foods either, you can eat literally whatever you want as long as you don't go over your calories and you'll lose weight. :smile:
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    Some folks have better luck with a higher protein and fat mix. Look at your macros are you getting enough?
  • Goldstr324
    Goldstr324 Posts: 19 Member
    edited July 2016
    I am doing the Isagenix 30day cleansing and fat burning system. Awesome results so far! 3 weeks and I'm down 12 lbs and 14" lost overall. If you want to check it out, my link is: www.ggardner.isagenix.com. Best wishes!
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Goldstr324 wrote: »
    I am doing the Isagenix 30day cleansing and fat burning system. Awesome results so far! 3 weeks and I'm down 12 lbs and 14" lost overall. If you want to check it out, my link is: www.ggardner.isagenix.com. Best wishes!
    OP don't listen to this crap.... listen to the others.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    Goldstr324 wrote: »
    I am doing the Isagenix 30day cleansing and fat burning system. Awesome results so far! 3 weeks and I'm down 12 lbs and 14" lost overall. If you want to check it out, my link is: www.ggardner.isagenix.com. Best wishes!

    Hold on to your wallet.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    edited July 2016
    Goldstr324 wrote: »
    I am doing the Isagenix 30day cleansing and fat burning system. Awesome results so far! 3 weeks and I'm down 12 lbs and 14" lost overall. Best wishes!

    Well. I missed your edit and thought maybe, just maybe, you were just sharing your experience. I didn't understand how it related to the question but you were new.
    Then you edited.
    It appears I was duped again.

    Edited to remove the link.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Goldstr324 wrote: »
    I am doing the Isagenix 30day cleansing and fat burning system. Awesome results so far! 3 weeks and I'm down 12 lbs and 14" lost overall. If you want to check it out, my link is: www.ggardner.isagenix.com. Best wishes!

    Absolutely shameful product pimping..

  • ElJefePerron
    ElJefePerron Posts: 88 Member
    Dianne gave some wonderful insights. Fruits have lots of micronutrients important for your body's health. Carbs are not your enemy. Excess is. If 1200 is too little, go into your settings and lower your weight loss goals.

    Ohh... Ignore those cleanses... Those types of post-ers should be banned.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    I'm 5'0 eat around 1300 cals ( plus some exercise calories) and I'm losing so you (at 5'11) should definitely be able to eat more:)