I believe there is benefits to a cheat day.

I feel that one of the biggest causes of failure on a "eating plan" is because deprivation gets to us, we're on a low calorie diet which can make us hungry at times. Sometimes we reach for that food that we don't want to eat that is so tempting. Then we feel unsuccessful with our diet, we feel we have no self control. This can lead to frustration, and even to the point of just giving up on eating better for yourself.

I am a very strong believer in stress and recovery. I feel that everything in our world works on this principal, our heart beat contracts, then it relaxes, we eat(recovery) then we use that energy(stress), we sleep, we awaken, life, death. There is nothing constant, if it is... then it's not alive. How do we get stronger, emotionally, and physically? Stress and recovery. When something is stressed to much, it will give. How long can you go with out food, sleep, high intense exercise non stop... it just won't happen. All these are forms of stress.

You know what a reduce caloric diet is? It's stress on the body. Everything I have mentioned is about recovering energy, and expending energy. We need cycles of stress and cycles of recovery. So how do you recover from a low calorie diet, you eat those foods you want, maybe one day a week, free of guilt.

I don't know any other way to say it but it "replenishes the soul" you kill that desire for it... the next day you go back to your normal eating plan with no urges anymore. One of my friends from this site, made a book about a similar eating plan. He was over weight, and now he's ripped, 6 pack and all. Some of the best body building diet's are based around this principal, so is zigzagging your calories.

The better you get at it, the longer you can go with out this "free day." Keep in mind, this doesn't mean be a glutton. Eat what you want, but eat at your "maintenance calories" not your "restricted calories." A persons's metabolism slows down within 72hrs of a reduce caloric diet. This "free day" will speed your metabolism back up.

You know what happens when you go on a low caloric diet for a long time? You get impaired thyroid functions which will result in a slower metabolism. This free day would offset that effect. Maybe some of you have heard of leptin, leptin keeps track of how much you ate, and how fat you are. Once you start to reduce calories, leptin goes down, pretty much telling you to eat. From my understanding leptin is linked to hunger, to insulin, to glucagon, to pretty much every biochemical that regulates your weight. It's job is to protect you and make sure you weigh the same. Once leptin is down, the urges get stronger, and the harder it is to stick to your diet, you know how to increase leptin? just eat those foods you want... It will increase, with out putting on bodyfat. It "thinks" you gained some weight because you're eating more, and it will be satisfied and not bug you for a little while. Some people just eat completely freely on this "cheat day" they go over their caloric limit big time, and still get good results. So if you're interested in this, experiment and see what works best for you.


  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Very informative; thanks for posting!

    I firmly believe in one to two cheat meals a week. I am SO looking forward to BBQ ribs later this week... haha.
  • Hopeinanguish
    Hopeinanguish Posts: 101 Member
    Interesting insight. Thanks for sharing.
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    Great post, fully agree
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    WOW quick replies, I am new here, but not new to fitness. I am also looking for more friends, I do have some, and I'd like more, this seems like a great community.
  • Forensi
    Forensi Posts: 56 Member
    Couldn't have said it any better, that's what I've been trying to tell soooooo many people for so long. There is an advantage to cheat days or free days as some might call them.

    I read about this whole concept in Joel Marion's Cheat your way Thin where he talks about Leptin and the Metabolism and the direct relationship that Carbs and Fats have to Leptin levels. His theory is that it can take about a week or so for leptin levels to drop once they have restricted calories but it can only take 12-18 hours to bring those levels back to normal and again be at maximum fat burning capacity.

    I do this cheating once a week and I've lost 14kg's very easily because I know that once a week I can eat whatever I want and not feel guilty. Be it Pizza, Pasta's, Milkshakes you name it. Mind you you might only lose 1kg instead of 2kg in a week but the long term benifits are so much greater. And best of all you're not really missing out on anything.
  • Rachelbluegirl
    Rachelbluegirl Posts: 16 Member
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Great info, I agree with the what you are saying, but calling it a "cheat day" just seems wrong to me.

    I don't see why eating a varied diet and allowing yourself to enjoy the special occasions or different circumstances that come along is cheating?? To me, it's inevitable, it's life and it makes lots of sense!

    This may seem pedantic, but words are powerful. Telling myself that I'm going to "cheat" on myself once a week is not sending a positive message about the many healthy lifestyle changes I've made.

    Edited to add: I really like the stress/recovery model, I've learnt over the years that my body needs recovery time - from travelling for work for example. I used to travel and work long hours, then I would come back and get a cold or bug. Now I plan my travelling to account for some down time when I get home and I don't get sick.... stress/recovery works in lots of concepts, I'm going to keep this in mind for exercise and healthy eating too. Thanks.
  • Bellyroll
    Bellyroll Posts: 316
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Agreed. I'm a big advocate of the free day. I don't even call it a "cheat" day, because it's not cheating. It's planned in to my routine.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Interesting but, it's not a diet. It's a change in lifestyle. I still eat what I want but I eat smaller portions. I guess I should say recomended portions. Meals at restaurants are pilled too high with food. They do it to make you feel that you are getting your moneys worth and keep you coming back. Snack foods are the same way. Chips are packaged in a bag which is way more than the recomended serving. 19 chips make one serving.

    You should not look at this as a diet but as a healthy way of living.

    Eat to live, don't live to eat.
  • change_happens
    This is good advice. I have a cheat day from time to time. Sometimes more than I should. A few years back I lost a good amount of weight by doing 'good' allw eek and the weekends I ate out for breakfast lunch and dinner and I still lost the weight. I know it sounds crazy, but iot helped me keep my mind set on the 'good' stuff through the week knowing that the weekend I was going to my fav restaurnats.

    Thanks for the post!
  • queen_bea
    queen_bea Posts: 118
    call me a dumbass, but i need more explanation..... about maintenance calories and such....
    can you dumb it down for me? i've got so much going on at the moment, my brain is mush, and i'll do anything to lost the next 6 kilos. :|
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Interesting but, it's not a diet. It's a change in lifestyle. I still eat what I want but I eat smaller portions. I guess I should say recomended portions. Meals at restaurants are pilled too high with food. They do it to make you feel that you are getting your moneys worth and keep you coming back. Snack foods are the same way. Chips are packaged in a bag which is way more than the recomended serving. 19 chips make one serving.

    You should not look at this as a diet but as a healthy way of living.

    Eat to live, don't live to eat.

    Though you are correct it is a change in life style, MANY people including here on MFP start with a "diet" and move to a "life style chage" as they learn how to sense their bodies needs better. Im an advocate of everything in moderation and cheat days. If you refuse to allow yourself a day or meal to "cheat" how will you ever realize those foods dont taste as good as they used to? McDonalds is a waste of time and money (except for the ice cream cone and dollar any size coke :) ) anymore, but it takes trying it to realize that, and THAT is when you KNOW you have a true lifestyle change, not deprivation. Life you said you still eat everything you love. But everyone views and learns in a different way.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    this is very true. i remember one day i ate sooo bad when i went out to eat... (i had just gotten my eye exam) was trying my best to eat as healthy as i could... who knew some of the healthy food you thought would be that high of calories....

    i had gained 5 lbs from it... i workout harder than i ever had. burn about 1500 calories for the next 4 days. and ate around 1500 to 1800 and down my water like crazy.

    in that next four days i lost 8 lbs just like that.

    i was like wow. im so proud of myself. :) and it is great feeling that i get for doing that hard work and that healthy eatin.

    so yeah cheat day are very good to reboot your metabolism and playing with your calories is very good to do
  • LiL_MisS_C
    LiL_MisS_C Posts: 332 Member
    Depends if you have disipline or not....when I have a cheat day it turns into a CHEAT WEEK! :( lol.
  • Bristle82
    Bristle82 Posts: 100
    A lot of what you are saying holds true. I have been counting my calories for 15 days now and last night i just wanted to eat. I decided to eat a chocolate covered cereal bars with high calories. It was exactly what I needed. I think the 1200 calories given to me by mfp is very low as normally below 1500 you could be depriving yourself of well balanced meals just to stay at 1200.

    I don't consider myself to be on a diet just restricting my intake. I still eat the same foods, just in smaller portions and also going for wholesome foods instead of processed white alternatives.

    Thanks for the post, very interesting! :smile:
  • ButtercupSprad
    I am a believer in cheat meals.....(not cheat days)!! You gotta reward yourself.
  • ButtercupSprad
    Wooooooooooooooow!! You lost 63 lbs!!! That is inspirational!
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    You know what happens when you go on a low caloric diet for a long time? You get impaired thyroid functions which will result in a slower metabolism. This free day would offset that effect.

    I hate to be blunt, but this is dangerous nonsense
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Interesting but, it's not a diet. It's a change in lifestyle. I still eat what I want but I eat smaller portions. I guess I should say recomended portions. Meals at restaurants are pilled too high with food. They do it to make you feel that you are getting your moneys worth and keep you coming back. Snack foods are the same way. Chips are packaged in a bag which is way more than the recomended serving. 19 chips make one serving.

    You should not look at this as a diet but as a healthy way of living.

    Eat to live, don't live to eat.

    Though you are correct it is a change in life style, MANY people including here on MFP start with a "diet" and move to a "life style chage" as they learn how to sense their bodies needs better. Im an advocate of everything in moderation and cheat days. If you refuse to allow yourself a day or meal to "cheat" how will you ever realize those foods dont taste as good as they used to? McDonalds is a waste of time and money (except for the ice cream cone and dollar any size coke :) ) anymore, but it takes trying it to realize that, and THAT is when you KNOW you have a true lifestyle change, not deprivation. Life you said you still eat everything you love. But everyone views and learns in a different way.

    I'm not saying it's wrong. You do what you want to do. For some it works. For me it works just fine the way I'm going. Good luck in whatever you do.