Bad binge last night and feel like crap today



  • daniip_la
    daniip_la Posts: 678 Member
    efoy89 wrote: »
    So last night I binged I already had eaten 2000 cals and then I binged another 2500 so I probably had like 4000+ calories yesterday

    Right now I have no appetite I was thinking maybe later on I'll have some fruit if I get hungry

    How do you recover after a bad binge?

    I have on my mind to eat 0 calories today to balance it out.

    Dont eat nothing, that's not good for you... Focus on light healthy stuff - salads, fruit etc plus LOADS of water

    Trust me its the best thing you can do... if you think you've drank enough water you havent! Go for like 2.5 ltrs min over the course of the day, your body will thank you tomorrow

    Please don't drink 2.5 litres of water per minute throughout the day. Water intoxication is an actual thing.
  • SJ1OAM
    SJ1OAM Posts: 13 Member
    It happened it's happens to everyone don't starve yourself today just eat well that will be good for your metabolism to help burn calories today. Maybe try and do a little extra exercise this week? 1 bad day is better than 7 so don't let it put u off all week x
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    ricktrill wrote: »
    I use the 5/2 method, so I personally would just not eat for 24 hours, lift weights in a fasted state the next morning, and then pick the routine back up.

    I agree with fasting BUT I wouldn't use it as a panic choice like the OPer might go for. It should be something that is planned and prepared for (mentally). Otherwise, it's just avoiding food. Given the OPer also asked about laxatives, that's one step closer to making decisions such as poking your tonsils to avoid overeating.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    As a side note, what did the 2500 binge consist of? I don't think I could eat that much if I'd already eaten 2000kcals.
  • justinfarmer919
    justinfarmer919 Posts: 37 Member
    Use the extra calories to you advantage at the gym.. Work out and live life. Unless you are 10 weeks out from a show, which I doubt you are, MOVE ON!!
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Personally I would reduce my intake the next day or increase cardio to compensate slightly. However as others have said, just log it and keep going.
  • kazminchu
    kazminchu Posts: 250 Member
    As a side note, what did the 2500 binge consist of? I don't think I could eat that much if I'd already eaten 2000kcals.

    500g of M&Ms is 2500 calories. I know this because I ate it the other day, after breakfast and lunch. And then I had a milkshake (1000cal) and easily could have eaten more had I not gone to bed. It's very easy to hit that kind of number if you're eating and/or drinking the right kind of things.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    kazminchu wrote: »
    As a side note, what did the 2500 binge consist of? I don't think I could eat that much if I'd already eaten 2000kcals.

    500g of M&Ms is 2500 calories. I know this because I ate it the other day, after breakfast and lunch. And then I had a milkshake (1000cal) and easily could have eaten more had I not gone to bed. It's very easy to hit that kind of number if you're eating and/or drinking the right kind of things.

    *wrong kind of things!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    edited July 2016
    Should I take laxatives so that I have a bowel movement?

    NO! Just log it and move on. Don't punish yourself not eating anything today. Don't take laxatives. Eat when you start feeling hungry again later in the day, and log it.

    The other question is why did you binge? Are your weight loss goals too aggressive? Do you stress eat? Are you completely denying yourself foods you enjoy because you think they are "unhealthy"? Something else? I ask this because often binges are a result of something else. If you can determine a likely reason why you binged, you can come up with a different way to respond. For example, if you stress eat, you can look for other ways to deal with stress like exercise that don't involve eating. Even something as simply as a walk in the park or on some local trail would do.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    kazminchu wrote: »
    As a side note, what did the 2500 binge consist of? I don't think I could eat that much if I'd already eaten 2000kcals.

    500g of M&Ms is 2500 calories. I know this because I ate it the other day, after breakfast and lunch. And then I had a milkshake (1000cal) and easily could have eaten more had I not gone to bed. It's very easy to hit that kind of number if you're eating and/or drinking the right kind of things.

    Wowsers. I don't think I could eat that many M&Ms. I think I'd be sick and bored of the taste... will have to give it a try, though.
  • gcaracciolo2
    gcaracciolo2 Posts: 130 Member
    Agree with the majority here. Remember how you felt right after the binge for the next time. All you can do now is move on.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Carry on with life.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I know it sucks and it's hard, because you want to fix it. But, it's done. Log it, move on. Try to eat less today, but don't starve yourself over it because it will just cause misery and possible binging again.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    There's a lot of ways to handle a binge. I can tell you from experience it's best to listen to your body the next day, eat if hungry, but don't starve if you are truly hungry. my guts usually hurt for a day or two after a binge so I often have a small appetite. Then when you are hungry just make the same sensible choices you usually do when you're not bingeing. You have to do your best to move forward but not try to undo it because you simply cant.

  • tracykreczmer
    tracykreczmer Posts: 88 Member
    Huge hugs..who hasn't had THAT day right! U over ate a bit then u are so mad u are like wah and eat more. Its one day right?.. so get back on that good eating bike and add a bit more of exercise this next week instead of starving yourself. But look at why u ate..stress? Lonliness..job?? People. .eating is a a week u can wear off that bit..not by drastic measures which do not work..but adding an extra ten minutes and take away one food..right. .ten minutes turn down one stressor food..u got yourself a bit more..log on here next time u are feeling not so great!
  • tracykreczmer
    tracykreczmer Posts: 88 Member
    Having used laxatives thirty years ago. .DO NOTgo there!! Ended up in a doctors body is still messed up..ok DO not!!! U will have serious problems the rest of your life!!
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    Things which make me more likely to binge:

    - hunger (not eating enough generally)
    - restricting after a binge
    - punishing myself for binging
    - cutting out certain foods (only makes them more desirable)
    - negative self talk

    Things which make me less likely to binge:

    - allowing myself to eat anything I like as a treat
    - forgiving myself for overeating and moving on
    - eating enough good, filling food to prevent me from feeling overly hungry or deprived.

    Binging for me is partly hunger, partly comfort and partly a self destructive impulse. The more I tell myself I'm useless or a failure, the more likely I am to binge.

    Restricting calories to "make up for" a binge is absolutely toxic for me and practically guarantees I will binge again. My approach is I can eat less or exercise more before a special occasion to make room for extra food, but no restricting afterwards in an attempt to undo damage. The past is in the past (let it go...)

    The laxative idea is very unhealthy, as in eating disorder unhealthy. Please do not go down that road.
  • jahillegas_51
    jahillegas_51 Posts: 143 Member
    In terms of recovering from a bad binge I typically would not stand on the scale for several days to allow my body to process all of the foods. Standing on the scale only compounds the damage that could be there your body is full of a bunch of food sodium and excess crap and seeing that large number were only shock to you and compound of the feelings of guilt and punishment. What has been done is done. As far as the next days go by really focus on getting back on track with how things are supposed to be and drinking water a lot of times after binging you'll be super dehydrated.

    Going into a restriction after binging just leads to a repetitive cycle of binging and restricting because after restricting for so long you will binge on the foods that you did not eat during that restriction phase and the vicious and nasty cycle repeats itself day after day. I highly suggest getting down to the roots of why you binged and addressing the problem.

    This could be related to any number of possibilities it could be that you're too restrictive with what you eat it could be the result of you using food as a coping mechanism him it could be some backstory that I don't know about but there is some reason why you are binging because when we were all born we did not start out binging on foods. Hope this helps you out man I'm here for you.