Russian roulette (muscle confusion) challenge!!!!

This is for those cardio lovers. Do you like p90x?
Do you like insanity test? Then you'll like this workout.

Ok buy yourself a deck of cards. A sheet of paper and a pencil. You have 52 cards + 2 jokers. Write down 13 workouts on the sheet of paper mostly calisthenics and throw some weights in there if preferred. Write the card # in order from ace to king. Now write those 13 workouts next to the card #'s at random. That card is assigned to that workout. The joker will be a semi break period to run in place for a minute or so. So you have 13 workouts. That will be 4 sets of each workout.

Shuffle the deck really good. Pull the first card and do that workout. Do the whole deck without stopping. (note - if you pull the same card twice in a row, place it on the pottom of the deck.

Example - (note - you dont have to use these specific workouts, you can make your own list.)

Ace - pushups - 25 reps
2 - body squats - 50 reps
3 - hammer curls with dumbbells - 10 reps
4 - jumping jacks - 50 reps
5 - mountain climbers - 25 reps
6 - planks 1 minute
7 - situps - 50 reps
8 - leg lifts - 25 reps (lower abs )
9 - lunges - 25 reps
10 - pullups (all the way in) - 10 reps
Jack - lawnmower pulls - 25 reps
Queen - electric chair - 1 minute
King - tricep extensions - 15 reps
Joker - run in place for 1 minute.

Remember, these cards will be coming out at random. And if you get the same card twice, put it on the bottom of the deck.


  • mathewscarlett
    mathewscarlett Posts: 51 Member
    Its very important to do the whole deck without stopping.
  • mathewscarlett
    mathewscarlett Posts: 51 Member
    Thats 54 sets without stopping. Only for the extreme cardio lovers
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,844 Member
    if I feel like it I do a variation challenge: 60 seconds exercise, 10 seconds to come up with and prepare for the next. it always goes in circles: pushup, lunge, core, squat and every round needs to contain a new variation of those 4 exercise groups. It might look like:
    normal pushup
    back lunge
    wall sit
    military bodyweight press
    hip thrust
    (attempt at) one legged squat left
  • illyich
    illyich Posts: 195 Member
    I confuse my muscles by doing supine grip overhead chest curls.
  • mathewscarlett
    mathewscarlett Posts: 51 Member
    Must try
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Must try

  • mathewscarlett
    mathewscarlett Posts: 51 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Never. Sounds awful. Horrid.

    So don't. If you don't like it, dont try it.
  • mathewscarlett
    mathewscarlett Posts: 51 Member
    Must try


    Its a challenge. Its complete muscle confusion. But if you dont want to then dont. Im just sharing something i know.
  • mathewscarlett
    mathewscarlett Posts: 51 Member
    Your right. Your muscles dont need muscle confusion. But they dont need progressive overload either. Ive been working out off and on for 10 years now, and in my experience i get more results and faster from muscle confusion. And how about this, they finnally did a study on muscle confusion with actual scientist's. And your right, your muscle are not actually confused.

    But..... They did say that the method exceeds they're expectations. Results and time. Ill post the study.
  • mathewscarlett
    mathewscarlett Posts: 51 Member
    Your right. Your muscles dont need muscle confusion. But they dont need progressive overload either. Ive been working out off and on for 10 years now, and in my experience i get more results and faster from muscle confusion. And how about this, they finnally did a study on muscle confusion with actual scientist's. And your right, your muscle are not actually confused.

    But..... They did say that the method exceeds they're expectations. Results and time. Ill post the study.

    Here is the study, they used p90x as they're muscle confusion workout.
  • mathewscarlett
    mathewscarlett Posts: 51 Member
    Ok, look at it this way. Complete muscle confusion makes you athletic.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Your right. Your muscles dont need muscle confusion. But they dont need progressive overload either. Ive been working out off and on for 10 years now, and in my experience i get more results and faster from muscle confusion. And how about this, they finnally did a study on muscle confusion with actual scientist's. And your right, your muscle are not actually confused.

    But..... They did say that the method exceeds they're expectations. Results and time. Ill post the study.

    Here is the study, they used p90x as they're muscle confusion workout.

    Nice. Your article says p90x is a sufficient cardio workout.

    I'm sure you could see similar results with running. And it has nothing to do with muscle confusion; it's mentioned because it prevents "boredom".

    I don't get bored with few exercises. In fact, having lots of different exercises bothers me and can create anxiety. The more equipment I use, the more likely it is that it will be taken at the gym, plus I have to remember proper form for lots of different things.

    I've personally had a lot of luck with progressive overload.

    I'm not sure what you're convinced these workouts "work" for. The article you posted said sufficient to result in weight loss. But it's a calorie deficit that does that.

    I've had very effective weight loss through just reducing calorie intake as well as other times with just walking, or cardio only, or a combination of cardio and heavy lifting.

    Why do you keep insisting that people need to do this your way?

    Or are you looking to start a "challenge" with people who want to just try new things for a period of time and haven't figured out where the challenge subforum is?
  • mathewscarlett
    mathewscarlett Posts: 51 Member
    Ok, look at it this way. Complete muscle confusion makes you athletic.

    (American council on exercise) did the study.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Your right. Your muscles dont need muscle confusion. But they dont need progressive overload either. Ive been working out off and on for 10 years now, and in my experience i get more results and faster from muscle confusion. And how about this, they finnally did a study on muscle confusion with actual scientist's. And your right, your muscle are not actually confused.

    But..... They did say that the method exceeds they're expectations. Results and time. Ill post the study.

    Umm...what exactly do we not need progressive overload for?
    If you want to get stronger and if you want your muscles to grow, progressive overload is quite certainly the only way it's going to happen.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited July 2016