PCOS Soul Cysters Unite



  • evesacks
    evesacks Posts: 94 Member
    I have PCOS and hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed in 2002 - I had no periods for months on end. I discovered Colette Harris's PCOS diet book, and I learned that its not just about weight loss but about WHAT you eat.

    I got pregnant very quickly after starting the diet (did it extremely strictly for a month), and I know now that when I follow the diet I have regular cycles and no symptoms. My endocrinologist agreed that the diet helps.

    US link: http://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-PCOS-Handbook-Fertility-Self-Esteem/dp/157324371X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1308738049&sr=8-1

    UK link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ultimate-PCOS-Handbook-fertility-self-esteem/dp/0007213255/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1308738077&sr=8-3

    I have managed to loose all baby weight following the principles of the PCOS diet.
  • ccbloom1
    ccbloom1 Posts: 82 Member
    Just a quickie regarding the acne:

    Have any of you tried eliminating dairy from your diet for a week or so? It is working wonders for me!
  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    I was diagnosed when I was 16 after having failed to start my periods. I was overweight anyway by then. All my hormonal tests came back fine, and have continued to do so down the years. My ovaries show up as "slightly enlarged" on the ultrasound scan. I don't have acne but I do have excessive facial hair, and it's just started to become noticeable on my breasts too, however I feel my weight is contributing to the spread and worstening of these symptoms as I recently reached my heaviest weight ever.

    As for medication, the doctor put me on DIanette when I was first diagnosed in order to help the hairy issues and it worked wonders for me. When I moved to a city for university and had to register with a new doctor who took down my medical history she was shocked to find I'd been put on dianette for PCOS because I have focal migraines which increases the risk of stroked, and my mother had a DVT which "dissapeared" when she was first put on the pill way back when....apparently these increased risks should have ruled me out all together. I was put on a progesterone only pill for general BC purposes and told it would not retain my period like Dianette did.

    I did however keep a period...it was very small...but when I got into a serious relationship with my now husband I went on the implant and it dissapeared for good (thus far)

    Since then my weight has practically exploded and despite having been off of the implant for two years there's no sign of my period at all, so I can only put it down to weight. I spoke to my doctor, as we were looking to start a family. Once again my hormones were normal. She suggested the reason for this was that they were being produced in normal, healthy ammounts, but being metabolized by all of my body fat instead of being put to good use by my baby factory!

    We've looked into the possibility of metformin, but blood tests show that I'm not insulin resistant and have no signs of diabetes so doctor thinks it wouldn't help. I'm so morbidly obese that I'm not eligible for fertility treatment, and so I have to get down to a healthy BMI of under 30 (I'm currently 45...so I need to loose another 145 pounds before I'm eligible for help. Still, from what me and the doctor have discussed together about my history etc it is reasonable to believe that my PCOS is pretty much weight exaccerbated and there's no reason to believe anything other than I will naturally regain (or gain for the first place!) my fertility by then.

    Anyway, sorry for the ramble! PCOS is a spectrum syndrome with no one pin pointing symptom so everyones stories are always so different and everyone goes through it differently :)
  • dmnosu17
    dmnosu17 Posts: 55
    bump for later...glad to see some people I can turn to for support!
  • courtneyheidemann
    courtneyheidemann Posts: 6 Member
    Has anyone with PCOS gotten pregnant? My husband and I have been trying for about 2 years ( well i dont count the first because my doctor didn't put me on anything to regulate my period) so we have been trying for a year with meds and I'm tracking my periods very well, but I just dont feel like there is any hope. Can anyone lift my spirits at all. I'm the heaviest i have ever been and when my husband and I met I was 183 pounds and i didn't have pcos and then i gained alot and all of a sudden now i have it. Can it go away with weight loss? Am I never going to be able to have kids? I get very depressed seeing all my friends having babys and I can't have one. Please I need some support. :-(
  • courtneyheidemann
    courtneyheidemann Posts: 6 Member
    Has anyone with PCOS gotten pregnant? My husband and I have been trying for about 2 years ( well i dont count the first because my doctor didn't put me on anything to regulate my period) so we have been trying for a year with meds and I'm tracking my periods very well, but I just dont feel like there is any hope. Can anyone lift my spirits at all. I'm the heaviest i have ever been and when my husband and I met I was 183 pounds and i didn't have pcos and then i gained alot and all of a sudden now i have it. Can it go away with weight loss? Am I never going to be able to have kids? I get very depressed seeing all my friends having babys and I can't have one. Please I need some support. :-(
  • countrygirl75
    countrygirl75 Posts: 112 Member
    I was diagnosed last may 2010, I have had probably since i was 17, I am losing the weight, to try to have kids some day. My levels are all fine, and I was told that I had to lose weight, I do have a period each month so , hoping the weight will jump the ovulation again.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I was diagnosed last year with PCOS and Cushing's Syndrome. I have also had Rheumatoid Arthritis for 15 years and was diagnosed with Type II Bi-Polar Disorder in 2009. I am on Metformin for the PCOS with zilch results. The Cushing's Syndrome is a result of taking prednisone for 15 years. I am also on methotrexate, which is a low-dose chemotherapy medication. The biggest obstacle right now for me in trying to lose weight is the high-dose Seroquel and Depakote I take for the Bi-Polar disease. However, I must have those meds for my own well being and the sanity of my family.

    As for the PCOS, I have all of the norms that go along with it; lots of hair in strange places, horrible acne, hot flashes and I was recently told by my OB/GYN that I have entered early menopause. I'm 32 y/o.
  • rubberducky88
    rubberducky88 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi girls!

    I thought i'd join in.

    I was diagnosed with mild PCOS when I was 17 (I'm now 22), and whilst being on the pill kept all my symptoms at bay... since coming off the pill last November to TTC, I haven't been able to lose any weight - in fact I steadily put on 9lbs over this time and now am just hovering around the same weight!

    It's so hard :'(
    I've been TTC for 7 months now, no luck yet, very irregular cycles - and now to add to that I am struggling to lose weight to try and help my chances!!

    Feel free to add xx
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Has anyone with PCOS gotten pregnant? My husband and I have been trying for about 2 years ( well i dont count the first because my doctor didn't put me on anything to regulate my period) so we have been trying for a year with meds and I'm tracking my periods very well, but I just dont feel like there is any hope. Can anyone lift my spirits at all. I'm the heaviest i have ever been and when my husband and I met I was 183 pounds and i didn't have pcos and then i gained alot and all of a sudden now i have it. Can it go away with weight loss? Am I never going to be able to have kids? I get very depressed seeing all my friends having babys and I can't have one. Please I need some support. :-(

    I did with a reproductive endocrinologist's support, clomid plus menapur shots, and a lot of following doctors orders on timing and other things. I'm currently on month one of trying again. I hope it will take less time since we kind of know my problems and found success in 6 months of random combos last time. Going back again in three days to see if my eggs are big enough and ready for the trigger shot.
  • shellybsn
    shellybsn Posts: 57 Member
    I've had PCOS for 10+ years. I have over a 100# to lose. I guess I'm incrediblly lucky to have had 2 healthy pregnancies despite having a hard time getting pregnant and miscarrying once. Of course the excess weight, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, acne, facial hair, etc are a daily pain in the hind end. I've been taking metformin for several years now and it's made life a lot better. The medical community's shocking lack of knowledge or interest in this condition angers me some days. I have had to work to find doctors over the years who are even interested, much less as knowledgable as I have had to become (considering I read that up to 25% of women suffer from this and it's one of the leading causes of infertility). But I am in control of my health...so I'm going to lose this weight!!! For me and for my kids!
  • Pridgenization
    Pridgenization Posts: 65 Member
    I have a 6 and 8 year old, but it was a long journey to get them. I think that we tried for about 2 years when I was in my late 20s. When we tried again in my mid-thirties, it only took 3 months with the assistance of fertility doctors. I eventually was able to get pregnant using clomid and IUI. I was diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance after my first son was born. I exercised and did weight watchers and got pregnant with my second child (with clomid and IUI) on the first try. I remember how discouraging and hopeless it felt. Just hang in there. Healthy diet and exercise can make a big difference.
  • msmgis
    msmgis Posts: 15
    I too have PCOS, was diagnosed in 2002. I need to lose over 100 lbs. I'm new to the site and am open to friend requests. It will be nice to have a group that understands our challenges.
  • PCOS interferes with my workouts all the time. I'm in constant pain, and it keeps me from being active. I'm glad to know other people have the same issues I do!
  • Oh, I also meant to say I was diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 16, and ovarian cancer at 21. My husband and I have been trying to concieve for going on 8 years, and it seems we will never be blessed.:sad:
  • egoheen
    egoheen Posts: 24 Member
    Anyone have the dark patches (can't spell the actual name)? I'm so frustrated not being able to wear short sleeves. Anyone have anything that gets rid of them? My doctor said I'm stuck with it, but it'll fade as I lose weight. Feel free to add.
  • kebaluv22
    kebaluv22 Posts: 4
    Hello, I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2008, shortly after i got married, we found out during our first round of infertility treatment. Since then we have been on a mission to get pregnant, but since the diagnosis, we have had 2 miscarriages within a 9 month span. I am currently looking for any type of support that i can get at this point. I have tried it all Clomid, metformin, IUI, HSG's, ovarian drilling , and 1 round of IVF. I have gained a significant amount of weight due to the second pregnancy and the recent death of my husband's grandmother. Now we are finally mentally ready to start over again, but with the weight gain the docs are afraid that I may not do to well. It also doesn't help that I am in the Army and away from family and friends. So I am branching out trying to find women that may be in the same boat as I am.
  • kristyemilia
    kristyemilia Posts: 32 Member
    Hi!! New to myfitnesspal but this thread caught my eye.

    Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005, Hypothyroidism in 2010.

    Various hormone treatments, topical treatments for skin, antibiotics and daily thyroxine.

    Struggled with my weight for the last 7 years and put down the weight gain at the start to the age old 'relationship comfort'.

    Took visits to several different doctors to get to the bottom of it and even now I've tried extreme and not so extreme methods to lose weight.

    I'm getting married in 19 days, I gave up long ago on my grand dreams of being the bride I dreamed of.

    I am happy, wish I could be healthier. But I am loved. The healthier part is happening. That's all I can ask for!
  • Eve1972
    Eve1972 Posts: 297
    I was officially diagnosed 13 years ago when I was trying to get pregnant with my first child. The only "pills" I take is Mulberry leaf and it has done wonders for helping me loose weight and control my insulin. Fell free to add me as a friend if you like! :)
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