JOIN ME....Turbo Fire starting Monday 7/4/11



  • i just got TF in the mail yesterday! this is my first time doing it so it would be great to have some motivation!
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    I'm in! Did 6 weeks of TF then got busy and took a break....was still doing it occasionally over the past month or so. Just got back to a regular schedule 2 days ago. This group will help keep me on track! Would really like to aim for 12 weeks committment.
  • cbelli
    cbelli Posts: 24
    I'm currently doing TurboJam, but will be starting Fire as soon as it arrives in the mail, hopefully Thursday or Friday. So, I will be a few days behind ya'll, but will be starting as soon as possible! Yay for a new group starting. I'm excited! I love Jam (I'm borrowing from a coworker) and can't wait to get started on Fire. BTW: I'm completely new to MFP. I just made a profile a couple of days ago and this is my first post on any thread. I was looking for other TurboFire peeps to talk to. :)
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    :smile: WELCOME to all the new happy to have you join our group!!! I am going to try my best this time to eat clean.LAst time I was not a member of MFP and I really didn't know what I was doing with my diet.I have been on MFP a good while and have learned ALOT,so I hope to use it twords my goal weight.SEE EVERYONE TOMORROW!!!!! We are all going to do GREAT this next 12 weeks!!!:smile: Oh hope everyone had a gREAT weekend...NOw IT IS TIME TO GET ON FIRE!!!!!!!
  • I want to join as well :) I got Turbo Fire in the mail last week, but decided not to start. I want to start tomorrow (July 4th) though. I am really excited! Turbo Fire seems to be a lot of fun while also being very hard. Please, count me in!
  • em80
    em80 Posts: 91
    I'll do my first round later today. I won't be doing the 10 minute stretch though, I'll do 10 minutes of weights instead.

    How often are people weighing?
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Will be doing my Day 1 in a few hours! Ready to get started and pumped. I will be taking my measurements and all already weighed in this morning. My diet is going to be pretty much to eat as clean as possible. However, next week when we start week #2, I will be following the 5 day inferno plan and workouts instead of the regular schedule and then after the inferno plan doing the Shakeology, 3 day cleanse (I'm doing it in this order for experimentation purposes for my blog and also for the people I coach). But week #3 I will be right on the same schedule again with everyone else :)

    I will also be incorporating 30 day shred into my TurboFire workout. I just have to figure out in what capacity, as I want to do it consistently enough to go through the entire 30 days!

    Let's rock this out.
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    KianaKoala---Welcome Turbo Fire is SO much fun!!!! You are going to LOVE it!!!

    Krys_T-- I am doing the same with 30 Day Shred.I am going to start out doing level2 on the days that I have Tone and Sculpt.Then move on th level3 the next week and go back and forth.

    em8o-- I will be weighing EVERDAY!!!! lol, I have a problem with that!LOL I will be doing it every 2 weeks.
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Fire 30 DONE burned 400 calories this time!OH how I LOVE TF!!! Feeling gREAT!!
  • I did my Turbo Fire - Fire 30 - workout tonight and it was amazing! It is crazy how I went into the workout feeling pretty good and when the workout was over, I felt AMAZING!!!! My heart rate monitor read a pretty consistent 175 - 177 heart rate at 83-85% maximum heart rate, I believe. Everything happened so fast, but I know my calories burned for sure... 461!!! Yeah. 461!!! I am so happy and excited haha. The Stretch 10 I did afterwards was great as well. I only burned 35 calories, as to be expected, but that is still good to me! I burned a whole meal off. A whole meal. Tomorrow is my off day... But I might fit it in somehow.
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    HIIT 15 done...162 calories burned and feeling good!NO it is time to EAT!!!!:smile:
  • kd10680
    kd10680 Posts: 31
    Okay...I had family in town this weekend and it really threw me off...even though I did exercise...just not TF on Monday! lol I am very excited about this group/challenge. I ran Monday night and then this morning I did TF 60 and will try and squeeze in some kettlebell or weights this evening. I am on a baby's morning workouts will always be the base for my routine and anything else is a big bonus! I hope everyone is having a great start to this TF challenge! :bigsmile:
  • SuzieR
    SuzieR Posts: 127
    I just received TurboFire today, and have just done Day 1 of the Prep Schedule ... I have a lot of weight to lose and am pretty unfit, though I've just finished the 30 Day Shred with great results (10lb and 6 inches lost while doing it!).

    I did the New to Class option but still had trouble following some of the moves - totally unco-ordinated! :laugh: Such fun though :bigsmile:

    Would love to join the group for support and motivation! :flowerforyou:
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    I just received TurboFire today, and have just done Day 1 of the Prep Schedule ... I have a lot of weight to lose and am pretty unfit, though I've just finished the 30 Day Shred with great results (10lb and 6 inches lost while doing it!).

    I did the New to Class option but still had trouble following some of the moves - totally unco-ordinated! :laugh: Such fun though :bigsmile:

    Would love to join the group for support and motivation! :flowerforyou:

    WELCOME!!!!! I know it was hard for me at first also..but you WILL git it! It took me about 3 weeks,I still mess up I keep going and stay moving!! :smile:
  • Pcramer2
    Pcramer2 Posts: 16
    Hope you all don't mind if I join too!! Today was day #8 of the Prep Schedule, Fire 45 EZ. I had so much fun!! Can anyone share with me what their calorie burns are like?? I know I really need to get a HRM to get an accurate number, but until then I have to estimate : )

  • gigi130
    gigi130 Posts: 8 Member
    i want to join too!! I'm in week 3 and loving it. today did fire 45 class and 710 calories burned!! need to keep it up and will love the support
  • LadyPHX
    LadyPHX Posts: 52
    Hi there everyone. I have five days of Turbo Fire down. I have been using average through MFP because I didn't have my heart rate monitor until today. I will start with more accurate HR and calorie counts tomorrow, but according to the scale on July 4th, I was down one pound so I must be doing something right. :) Keep up the good work ladies!
    Day 1-Fire 30 X
    Day 2-HIIT 15 X
    Day 3-Core 20 X
    Day 4-Fire 30/Core 20 X
    Day 5( today)-Fire 55 X
    I thought about doing the inferno, but I punked out. Since I historically start programs and NEVER finish, I figured I should just stick to the chart this go round.
  • SuzieR
    SuzieR Posts: 127
    Well today is day 2 of the Prep Schedule for me ... Stretch 40 class. I did quite enjoy this, but it didn't feel like much of a workout, so I added the Tone 30 class as well ... ouch! lol.
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Hope you all don't mind if I join too!! Today was day #8 of the Prep Schedule, Fire 45 EZ. I had so much fun!! Can anyone share with me what their calorie burns are like?? I know I really need to get a HRM to get an accurate number, but until then I have to estimate : )


    Hi and WELCOME Well I burn between 200-800 calories. Fire 30 I burned 400 and HIIT 15 was only 162. It will be different for everyone because of weight.I got my HRM at "Sports Authority" for only $100 and it came with a chest strap (I would only by one if it has a chest strap you a better reading)My diary is open if you would like to see.This is my 2nd round so I hAve more of the classes in other months.Starting in Jan I think.:smile:
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