I cannot lose weight!

Hello! My name is Jamie and I'm extremely frustrated. I cannot lose weight no matter what I do. Did 21df. Gained. Trained for a triathlon. Gained. Have up caffeine. Gained. Started to eat clean. Gained. Beachbody coach. Gained. Weight watchers. Gained. Had labs done. I'm picture perfect so how does one explain the fact that in the heaviest ever and no matter what I do I cannot lose. Would love some motivation to try and break this cycle because I'm at the end of my rope.


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    And are you willing to open your diary for people to give more specific help? (some of the database entries are wrong, okay, a lot of them are wrong)
  • jstalt0525
    jstalt0525 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm eating 1500-1700 a day. Depends on the day. Sometimes I eat some of the exercise calories if I'm hungry. Just started yesterday but would be willing to make my diary public if it will help. Don't know how to do it though. Lol
  • jstalt0525
    jstalt0525 Posts: 10 Member
    I do use a food scale and the containers for the 21dayfix to make sure I don't overeat. I drink only water 100oz daily.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    and how heavy are you and how much do you need to lose?
    Sounds like you have some muscle with the beachbody and triathlons.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    jstalt0525 wrote: »
    I do use a food scale and the containers for the 21dayfix to make sure I don't overeat. I drink only water 100oz daily.

    I can stuff a lot of food into a container, if I try hard enough. It's another way we can deceive ourselves. The food scale should be for all things. 1500-1700 plus exercise calories may be too much. How did you come up with those numbers? What is your height and weight? How are you determining your exercise calories? (again, the database is inaccurate for many people)

    For reference: I'm 5'2" 185lb, 43, and can lose on 1700 cal/day (no exercise cals back) IF I swim for 60-90 minutes 5 times/week, plus lifting 2x/week, plus PT once per week, plus work (which has me on my feet for nearly 7 hours). If I'm not that active, I have to eat less to keep losing.
  • jstalt0525
    jstalt0525 Posts: 10 Member
    That is why I'm here. I feel using the food diary will help me see what I'm missing. Also don't mind the motivation from like minded people! :)
  • tnevin225
    tnevin225 Posts: 21 Member
    Have you tried HFLC or Keto/Paleo. Check it out if you haven't. There is alot of great info about it, might want to check out youtube, some good videos on it. Healthfulpersuit is one you might like, she has a plan especially for women. Good Luck
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    jstalt0525 wrote: »
    Just started yesterday but would be willing to make my diary public if it will help. Don't know how to do it though. Lol

    Go to 'Settings' at the top of the web page, then click on 'Diary Settings'. At the bottom of that page you can choose how visible you want your diary to be.

    @nutmegoreo spelled everything out nicely and I don't have a lot to add to that! I especially agree with the last two - you need to be patient and give the process time, don't start changing things after a week or two because you think it's not working. And there will be times you stumble and fall, so you need to realise that it's not going to ruin everything and you just pick yourself up and get back on track as soon as you can. (Not "on Monday"... now, today, next meal! :) )

    There are many different ways of eating, and the low-carb style mentioned by @tnevin225 is just one of them - it works for some people, others find it really difficult to give up carbs. If the idea appeals to you, give it a try for a few weeks and see how you feel! If it doesn't sound like it's for you, then that's okay - there are plenty of ways to eat less without cutting out any food groups.

    I think that the most important thing is to get a food scale, if you don't already have one, and weigh or measure everything. It's really easy to underestimate how much we're eating, and if you really haven't lost any weight then I'm afraid you haven't been in a calorie deficit and have most likely been eating more than you think. (This is not to imply that people are inherently 'greedy' or anything, just that a large number of us are really bad at estimating portions!) Weighing your food is an eye-opening experience.

    Finally, I'd add that you should take photos and measurements as an additional way to gauge progress, because the scale doesn't always cooperate! Having other ways to see that things are changing, like losing an inch on your hips or a shirt fitting more comfortably, is a great motivator when it seems like your weight isn't budging.

    Good luck, and stick with it - it will work, if you get your calories in line and give it time. :)
  • jstalt0525
    jstalt0525 Posts: 10 Member
    tnevin225 wrote: »
    Have you tried HFLC or Keto/Paleo. Check it out if you haven't. There is alot of great info about it, might want to check out youtube, some good videos on it. Healthfulpersuit is one you might like, she has a plan especially for women. Good Luck

    Thank you!
  • jstalt0525
    jstalt0525 Posts: 10 Member
    Great words of wisdom @SueSueDio and @nutmegoreo. I hope the tracking of food will be the ticket. I have a food scale and use it regularly. I feel I've been patient for so long!! I know I won't see results overnight but some progress needs to happen. I get so defeated! I'll keep you updated on progress.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    I'll send you a friend request - sounds like you could use some support! :) It's great that you're weighing your food - do you also weigh pre-packaged items, or do you rely on the listed weights? The actual weight can be out by a considerable amount sometimes, so it's always worth double-checking! (Also make sure, if you do eat packaged foods, that what you're eating is actually "a serving" - some things that you'd think were one serving in a package are actually two or more based on the listed nutritional info!)
  • TimOwenWhite
    TimOwenWhite Posts: 45 Member
    edited July 2016
    I do triathlons and have done the insantity workwork programme but i don't train to loose weight i train to gain fitness and improved health. If your goal is to loose weight then this is a matter of calorie counting. If you consume fewer calories than you burn you will you will loose weight. I'm sure you already know this and other members have mentioned it to.

    If in your experience this isn't true or somehow it doesn't work then i think their is something else going on. Whatever the cause is you can loose weight, stay honest with yourself, if you have a bad day log everything anyway and feel good. Good luck!

    p.s - i've always found that MFP overestimates the number of calories burnt during exercise. I could be wrong but i've always observed the notion that 30mins of vigorous cardio (where you're sweating) will burn about 250 cals. This has always worked for me and in the past three months i have lost 22Ibs
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    Agree about the overestimation - I use my fitness tracker to estimate my calories burned through (very minor!) exercise, and even then I knock a few off before I log it here!

    Jamie, I forgot to mention that you should go and look through the Success Stories forum here, if you haven't already - there are a ton of inspiring stories and photos there, including those from people who thought they could never lose weight. Some have amazingly fast losses, others take a few years to get where they are now (I relate to those more easily!), but all of them are great. It's good to go and read a few threads there anytime you feel a bit despondent. :)
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    @jstalt0525 , I will add my "welcome" and my endorsement of the effectiveness of this site. The USDA has a database of nutrition values for all manner of food items. You can find it with a search either on google or using the Search function in these discussions. That is a gold standard of nutrition information. Another gold standard is maintained at http://nutritiondata.self.com/ , but it's chock full of pop-ups and I don't use it much. If you don't know about tdeecalculator.net , now you do. Another sick useful site is scoobysworkshop.com .

    One of the most awesome threads ever on this site is http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10247171/carbs-and-fats-are-cheap-heres-a-guide-to-getting-your-proteins-worth-fiber-also/p1 .

    You can find accurate food database listings, it takes some time and diligence but it is worth the effort.

    When you think you're in the groove, you can dive into the maelstrom of the recipe tool. The only way to make it work right is to copy-paste from the USDA database, remembering to remove commas.

    I could have called the recipe tool a *kitten*, which is what happens when you try to describe your feelings about it.

    The community here is the best resource offered.

    I have lost 58 lb since January 25, mostly by getting into and staying in a calorie deficit for consecutive weeks between single day or meal or hour excursions from it, which I'm trying to make rarer and less severe.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited July 2016
    OP I got those containers from the 21 day fix in another beach body program I ordered a while back. I did a test doing both the containers and logging food and WEIGHING food in MFP. I did this simply for fun and to see if it was even close.. Out of amazement to me, it was pretty darned close. I was cutting weight and training for a marathon so this was ok for me follow for a couple of months.

    This is very restrictive and does allow for wiggle room for any changes to have your favorite things, etc. As you know, you can only have so many carbs in the containers each day and it is not very much to say the least. I actually had a lot of sucess eating this way, I hated the restriction though.

    My test concluded that if you eat exactly what foods you are supposed to eat in those containers (the amount of fruits, protein, fats, carbs that fit on those containers) etc. It will come out pretty close to what MFP calories allotment for day comes out. SO if you choose the right food plan in the 21 day, it should be fairly similar in number of calories in MFP gives you to loose weight.

    Start marking daily trends in your weight and then do that weekly and monthly. Start seeing where and when you retain water, exercise more or add volume or intensity, time of the month, eat more carbs than usual if you do not follow the containers, sodium and hydration. In lieu of just scale weight, use tape measurements, photos and perhaps record these weekly or monthly.

    Make sure when you weigh your food the entries in the database are 100% accurate to your food labels on the foods you buying and consuming. And make sure that you add oils, condiments, dressings, etc.. things that make it on your food but you may omit to log in the diary..
  • ItsyBitsy246
    ItsyBitsy246 Posts: 307 Member
    Not sure if someone mentioned this but also track what you drink. Juices, milk, alcohol, anything with calories... I found I was drinking a lot more calories than I'd assumed. Hope that's helpful. Good luck to you!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Not sure if someone mentioned this but also track what you drink. Juices, milk, alcohol, anything with calories... I found I was drinking a lot more calories than I'd assumed. Hope that's helpful. Good luck to you!

    That is a good call.. I stopped drinking my calories so long ago, I forgot that.. :)