Day 5/30 - 30 Day Shred - Getting Harder???

Hey Ladies and Gents who have been doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred,

Has anybody found their bodies just wanting to keel over at day 5?

I am finding the strength so hard. Abs are ok and the cardio is a pleasure but the strength is killing me!!!!!! :noway:

Got to keep going though. I LOVE THIS DVD. Can't wait to see Level 2!



  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I just finished 10 days of level 1 and did my first day of level 2. It actually wasn't as bad as I was expecting and it was nice to hear something different come out of Jillian's mouth:yawn: I used 5lb weights all the way through but the lateral arm raises at the end were hurting my shoulders and just too hard, so I started using just one weight, with both hands for that part and it really helped. I should add I am not doing it every day. I go to the gym and have Sundays as a rest day, so maybe 4 times a week.
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    Take a day off!!! If you complete it in 31 days or even 32 or 33 days you'll be just fine. In fact if you give your body some rest you might just have better form the next day.
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    I've just finished day 5 too! Haha, but I had a break for 2 days, because I wasn't at home to do it, but I didn't find it any harder. If you're doing it continuously for 30 days, I'd suggest taking a days break, because I did 4 days straight and my legs were constantly aching all the time! And my hips hurt too. After I took a break, I felt a lot better today
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    I am on day 8 today- day 5 was actually my worst day so far- funny that - cardio is getting better for me- though I still CANNOT DO A JUMPING JACK- I have tested just jumping up and down- turns out I just cannot do it- I am recovering from an ankle and knee injury though and have the supervision of a physical therapist- for "jump rope" I kind of do a skip jump movement, but I am getting better at kicking myself in the backside (albeit more like in the calves than the butt :laugh: )

    abs are getting stronger and even a few of the strength exercises, I would like to go up on in weights- but not the first strength exercise (not the push up) bu thte one with the squat shoulder press - shoulder press type exercises have never been my strength but this one just kills me- sometimes I put my arms down for two squats but I always make sure to finish with them

    I have checked out level two and part of me thinks "Oh I think I can handle the modified version" but most of me knows that I am not fooling anyone on that!

    I must have some physical improvements though as even my hubby said he might try the workout tonight after his run :-)
  • annie3372
    annie3372 Posts: 14
    I have just done my first two days of this workout and it really must work cos I ache all over!! My legs should be good for the exercises as I walk alot, but even they are a bit wobbly today!! Im looking forward to it getting easier!!