Why is it....Sugar!



  • jennydanger77
    i hate fruit. except raspberries and strawberries. maybe once in a blue moon i eat a peach. but fruit is just way too sweet for me.

    someone mentioned fiber one bars. i switched to having those instead of a candy bar when i pms, or just a quick breakfast because i tend to not eat in the am. so really, that is my main source if sugar intake. i just dont like sweets unless its chocolate.

    i plan on tracking sugar for a while, just to see where im at with it all. but last time i was on here, i quit tracking it after a while.

    i never eat stuff like ketchup and bbq sauce, and usually only have 2 or 3 sodas a month. almost all the food i make is from scratch. so i dont have too much sugar slip by me.

    the one thing i do need to change is peanutbutter. i have been buying the regular and not natural sugar free. but im probably going to wait a while until i do. i just bought a giant jar a week ago :(
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member

    I go over my sugar SO MUCH, ALL THE TIME. It's horrible and I always feel so terrible about myself afterwards. I'll have a glass of lemonade, and I'll be over. So I cut drinking things like that, started drinking only water. I had a fiber bar, vanilla yogurt, and a banana and was still way over.

    I'm honestly considering not tracking it anymore, because I feel so bad afterwards all the time.

    The thing is that I heard that unused sugar turns into fat. Is this true? And if so, how much? I'm almost always way under in my fat.. so I kind of want to see if I can set my own sugar limits. lol Silly, I know.

    Any food that is unused turns into fat. Make sure that you do get your healthy fats as they can help you lose weight.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    I think the greatest change in my lifestyle of eating has been going completely sugar free. I have more energy and I sleep better too. My joint/arthritis is better and I actually think I enjoy my food more. My taste buds are more "alert"!
  • DBabbit
    DBabbit Posts: 173 Member
    I was just about to post a rant on the very same thing! Every day, I come in under my calorie needs, but I am constantly over my sugar, fat, and sodium. I have one or two cheat days a week, and have been trying to curb that, even though I've been losing weight. Even then, I come in under my calorie count! I do not add oil, sugar, or salt to any food, and I rinse off all the canned vegetables if I can't find reduced sodium brands. I use no-stick spray when cooking. I stopped eating the brand of yogurt I was buying because of the sugar content and switched to Greek yogurt. I know I need to add more vegetables, but how do you cut out the fat/sugar/sodium?
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    I was just about to post a rant on the very same thing! Every day, I come in under my calorie needs, but I am constantly over my sugar, fat, and sodium. I have one or two cheat days a week, and have been trying to curb that, even though I've been losing weight. Even then, I come in under my calorie count! I do not add oil, sugar, or salt to any food, and I rinse off all the canned vegetables if I can't find reduced sodium brands. I use no-stick spray when cooking. I stopped eating the brand of yogurt I was buying because of the sugar content and switched to Greek yogurt. I know I need to add more vegetables, but how do you cut out the fat/sugar/sodium?

    The cleaner you eat, the less junk you consume. Cereals are loaded with it. The only kind I've found with no sugar is Shredded Wheat. It's all about reading labels. The closer nature it is the less sugar it has. I've given up lots of foods, but have found just a yummy alternatives. It's challenging at first, but your body will thank you for it.
  • DBabbit
    DBabbit Posts: 173 Member
    I was just about to post a rant on the very same thing! Every day, I come in under my calorie needs, but I am constantly over my sugar, fat, and sodium. I have one or two cheat days a week, and have been trying to curb that, even though I've been losing weight. Even then, I come in under my calorie count! I do not add oil, sugar, or salt to any food, and I rinse off all the canned vegetables if I can't find reduced sodium brands. I use no-stick spray when cooking. I stopped eating the brand of yogurt I was buying because of the sugar content and switched to Greek yogurt. I know I need to add more vegetables, but how do you cut out the fat/sugar/sodium?

    The cleaner you eat, the less junk you consume. Cereals are loaded with it. The only kind I've found with no sugar is Shredded Wheat. It's all about reading labels. The closer nature it is the less sugar it has. I've given up lots of foods, but have found just a yummy alternatives. It's challenging at first, but your body will thank you for it.

    First thing on the agenda this morning is making almond milk and Ezekiel bread. I'll have to omit the wheat berries, but I think I've got enough beans in the pantry to make some interesting combos! :laugh: I've got a recipe for bran pancakes, and I'm using Kellogg's All Bran Cereal with extra fiber - 6g of sugar there, until I can get some oat bran, which seems to be in short supply here! I think I'm going to give up dairy for awhile to see how that goes, but I'm going to miss my yogurt. :ohwell: Grocery day tomorrow, so I better start making out my list. Thanks for the info!