Losing 30 in my 30s....anyone else?!

After losing 26lbs a couple of years ago, I stopped using MFP as I thought I knew enough to go it alone. I was in a new job, new relationship, new home and underestimated how much I was eating because I was so busy all the time. Now 2 years down the line, fresh from a break up, in a new and even more stressful job and with my IRL support network all moving to new towns and new adventures, I'm determined not to fall any further down the spiral. Looking for fun, motivated and real people with shared diaries to support and be supported by. No judgements or shaming, just accountability and motivation.....who's with me?!


  • p3ciachops
    p3ciachops Posts: 8 Member
    Ahhh I'm not 30 I'm 28. So close enough. First set trying to lose 20 lbs but stuck at 10. Then 30 more after that. But I don't want to think about that 30 until I get there lol. Add me. I do my weigh in every Friday morning
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,046 Member
    I'm 31, and like you, trying to stay on top of my health and fitness; I know it's only going to get more difficult as I get older, so I need to get serious and stay serious NOW.

    I have let the job stress derail me, too, and gained a good ten pounds or so over the past year. Basically I got into a "f- it" mindset and while I still exercised, let my eating habits really slide. But I don't like the person that I become when I don't have a well-balanced lifestyle; life is a lot more fun and enjoyable when I'm active, and taking care of myself, and I feel a million times more confident.
  • leannclouse
    leannclouse Posts: 140 Member
    Add me! I'm 37. for the last ten years I have bounced between my fitness pal and weight watchers. I'm over weight watchers! I have successfully lost 60 pounds, I have 30 more to go. I struggle with being consistent. I've been maintaining between 165 and 170 for two years and really need to kick in the pants.
  • Harloe21
    Harloe21 Posts: 1 Member
    Oooo I've had a bet with my brother this week - we both want to lose 30lbs by Christmas Day - I'm 36 and would love some support on here. I lost a load of weight and then broke my wrist 18mths ago and stopped exercising and basically used it as an excuse... anyway, I'm ON IT now, I'm sick of feeling chubbs all the time - in short, I'm with you :-)
  • MrsBasra
    MrsBasra Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 32 & have another 30lbs to lose. My goal is to do this by New Years, I have the dress ready (it just doesn't fit right now lol) add me cos I'm ready to do this!
  • TheElectricLaura
    TheElectricLaura Posts: 12 Member
    All added :) lets do this!!!
  • smiles4jo
    smiles4jo Posts: 202 Member
    Oh! That's me - I'm 36 with another 35 lbs to go (already lost 42!)

    Like someone else above, the goal is to have this done by New Years as that'll be a year since I started.
  • phillyhockeyfan
    phillyhockeyfan Posts: 57 Member
    Add me if you want. I'm 35 and started Jan 1. Down 78 so far with another 45-50 to go.
  • purplemoonpie
    purplemoonpie Posts: 25 Member
    Hey girl! I am 30 years old and so far have lost 15 lbs, and have 15 to go . This will be my third time losing 30 lbs, I have let breakups and bad events in life depress me and I gain weight. I just moved out of my ex's house in May but instead of getting depressed about it I decided to let it motivate me to become a better person. I've made fitness and nutrition my #1 priority - I feel amazing, and in control of my life again. Some days after work I'm in a bad mood, and just want to lay on the couch and not do anything but i FORCE myself to work out - and I feel so much better. Let's support eachother on this journey!
  • KKishaA
    KKishaA Posts: 160 Member
    Hey girl! I am 30 years old and so far have lost 15 lbs, and have 15 to go . This will be my third time losing 30 lbs, I have let breakups and bad events in life depress me and I gain weight. I just moved out of my ex's house in May but instead of getting depressed about it I decided to let it motivate me to become a better person. I've made fitness and nutrition my #1 priority - I feel amazing, and in control of my life again. Some days after work I'm in a bad mood, and just want to lay on the couch and not do anything but i FORCE myself to work out - and I feel so much better. Let's support eachother on this journey!
    Hey girl! I am 30 years old and so far have lost 15 lbs, and have 15 to go . This will be my third time losing 30 lbs, I have let breakups and bad events in life depress me and I gain weight. I just moved out of my ex's house in May but instead of getting depressed about it I decided to let it motivate me to become a better person. I've made fitness and nutrition my #1 priority - I feel amazing, and in control of my life again. Some days after work I'm in a bad mood, and just want to lay on the couch and not do anything but i FORCE myself to work out - and I feel so much better. Let's support eachother on this journey!

    Not letting yourself get depressed is the biggest hurdle and you've got it. Agreed, taking control feels amazing.
  • KKishaA
    KKishaA Posts: 160 Member
    MrsBasra wrote: »
    I'm 32 & have another 30lbs to lose. My goal is to do this by New Years, I have the dress ready (it just doesn't fit right now lol) add me cos I'm ready to do this!

    Rooting for you! :)
  • KKishaA
    KKishaA Posts: 160 Member
    Harloe21 wrote: »
    Oooo I've had a bet with my brother this week - we both want to lose 30lbs by Christmas Day - I'm 36 and would love some support on here. I lost a load of weight and then broke my wrist 18mths ago and stopped exercising and basically used it as an excuse... anyway, I'm ON IT now, I'm sick of feeling chubbs all the time - in short, I'm with you :-)

    I hurt my shoulder and used it as an excuse to do nothing. I keep myself positive by telling myself that I can use this time of getting fit again to really enjoy the process vs being stabby the whole time. Losing weight can be rewarding and exciting....right? Lol
  • caremillard
    caremillard Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! I am 32 and just had a beautiful and healthy baby girl 7 weeks ago. I was 10 lbs overweight when I got pregnant and gained another 40 with the pregnancy. 20lbs came off right away (yay!) but that still leaves me 30lbs overweight. I've never been this heavy in my life and the thought of losing that much weight is overwhelming. I could definitely use some support and would love if you all added me. I just got the doctors clearance to be active again and I am ready to do this!!!
  • Hispanicprincess
    Hispanicprincess Posts: 53 Member
    edited July 2016
    32 here with way more to lose than some of the people here have about 100lbs
  • LaReineDesPixels
    LaReineDesPixels Posts: 105 Member
    I'm 30, need to lose 100+ down 10 so far.. You can add me.
  • NattyDread79
    NattyDread79 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 36 and was down 45lbs 2 years ago. I was only 5lbs away from my goal and then......I regained 25lbs. I let a stressful relationship, work, and family issues distract me but not this time. It's disappointing but I know I can do it because I pushed through before! Im sick of losing, gaining, losing, gaining. Enough!
  • NatalieLJ
    NatalieLJ Posts: 158 Member
    I'm 33 and have lost and gained this weight a couple of times in my my thirties. Currently 21lb down, about another 14lb to go (and I'm keeping it off for good this time!) Feel free to add me :)
  • ellie_RN
    ellie_RN Posts: 19 Member
    I'm also in! I will be 30 in September, close enough eh? I'm down around 8-10 pounds. Very determined this time around. Please add me because I have no idea how to add others from threads! TIA!!
  • mandikay22
    mandikay22 Posts: 1 Member
    I am totally with you! I turn 30 next March and just recently decided there is no way on God's green earth that I am starting a new decade in life feeling/looking like I do now. I have done the whole lose/gain the same 15-20lbs and I am ready to lose that and then some :)