What are single people supposed to do other than eat?



  • Char231023
    Char231023 Posts: 700 Member
    Osiris275 wrote: »
    Get a dog :) they're great company and love you regardless!

    That would be a very bad idea. It would cause issues in the gym.

    But if she got a Beagle she could take it everywhere, like a cheese and wine tasting.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Effing really?

    The possibilities are endless when you're single...all of your time is actually your time to do what you will...you get married and have a family and suddenly time becomes a real issue because priorities have to focus on more than just you...you're single, you're all you have to worry about or be concerned with...

    When I was single I:

    Had coffee with friends...or not...sometimes I just enjoy a cup of coffee on the patio and taking in a beautiful morning.

    I went hiking...a lot...sometimes with friends, sometimes on my own...a hike in the woods on your own is a beautiful thing...I still do it.

    I road my bike a lot

    I hit the gym

    I played frisbee golf and ultimate frisbee with my buddies

    I played video games for hours on end

    I spent a lot of time reading without being interrupted

    I could go on and on and on....

    Please, give me a break! It's so much easier to do what you want to do when you want to do it when you don't have other considerations like a wife and family...it's great and all, but your time ceases to be your time...it's everyone's time.

  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 427 Member
    I am single. I read, quilt, clean my house, play with the cats, hang out with my friends, play video games, exercise, go to festivals and craft shows, volunteer at different organizations in my town, and travel.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,645 Member
    I had so much more time to focus on fitness, golf, fishing and other activities before my family demanded most of my free time...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Effing really?

    The possibilities are endless when you're single...all of your time is actually your time to do what you will...you get married and have a family and suddenly time becomes a real issue because priorities have to focus on more than just you...you're single, you're all you have to worry about or be concerned with...

    When I was single I:

    Had coffee with friends...or not...sometimes I just enjoy a cup of coffee on the patio and taking in a beautiful morning.

    I went hiking...a lot...sometimes with friends, sometimes on my own...a hike in the woods on your own is a beautiful thing...I still do it.

    I road my bike a lot

    I hit the gym

    I played frisbee golf and ultimate frisbee with my buddies

    I played video games for hours on end

    I spent a lot of time reading without being interrupted

    I could go on and on and on....

    Please, give me a break! It's so much easier to do what you want to do when you want to do it when you don't have other considerations like a wife and family...it's great and all, but your time ceases to be your time...it's everyone's time.

    Were you really serious when you were single or did that happen after you were married for awhile?

    @newmeadow serious about what?
  • jbconnelly
    jbconnelly Posts: 170 Member
    what @Thisnameischosen_ said
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    im single ...
    i do a lot of research , hanging out with myself , hitting on hotties

    i never have to share snacks with anyone or weed
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Lol only thing husbands are for is sex.

    I'm trying to imagine this picturesque scene of my husband and me holding hands and drinking coffee while gazing in each other's eyes.

    It's more like drink coffee in the office together while doing unrelated tasks with random commentary and holding hands was honeymoon phase... like 16yrs ago.

    Cute post tho. I giggled.

    How bout enjoy being single ✊
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    salembambi wrote: »
    im single ...
    i do a lot of research , hanging out with myself , hitting on hotties

    i never have to share snacks with anyone or weed

    Lmao I'm stingy as hell with my man.
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    Some of them have therapy. I suggest you try it.
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Therapy would be really good for you!

    Yes, I agree because, well ...

    "(In the past years my weight ranged from 77-86 lb, usually being closer to 86) Now my weight is 97 lb and I feel uncomfortable with that because I'm not used to being this weight. So I would like it to go back to being under 90.

    I have been beating myself up for not losing weight, but here's the thing. I am 28 years old and have never been on a date or had a boyfriend. I should actually be congratulating myself and proud of myself for the fact that despite all these years of loneliness, my weight has not gone past 100 lb. Sure, I gained weight due to emotional eating, but it has never gotten above 100 lb and it probably never will.

    I feel hopeless and empty as a result of never having experienced romance before. The silver lining, though, is that my weight is the one thing in my life that I can control. I may not be able to experience love, but no one can take my weight away from me. That is the one thing I am most proud of. I could have been sitting here emotionally eating until my weight is in the triple digits but that is not going to happen. In fact I exercise 4-5 hours a day so I am able to eat but yet maintain my weight. So I am proud of myself for that."
  • lenoresdream
    lenoresdream Posts: 522 Member
    happily single and plan on staying that way. i don't have to answer to anyone, no one to make me feel worthless and abuse me. i'm good on my own.

    also, i get so much good reading time in!
  • John10Coady
    John10Coady Posts: 3 Member
  • John10Coady
    John10Coady Posts: 3 Member
  • Tsartele
    Tsartele Posts: 683 Member
    You should lift !! You should focus on being the best version of you that you possibly can. You should set personal goals and then smash through them. You should embrace who you are and find contentment in that. Find a worthy cause and dedicate some of your time in volunteering to help toward that. You will find that when you give of yourself to help others that you will be the one that will be blessed in the process. You might also meet some really awesome friends along the way.
  • joelo_83
    joelo_83 Posts: 218 Member


    But seriously, I have a harder time staying fit in relationships when all they wanna do is go out and eat out lol
  • BarbellzNBrotein
    BarbellzNBrotein Posts: 306 Member
    Words fail me. God bless you OP
  • mummylicious87
    mummylicious87 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm healthier when single I get fat living with a guy haha ! They cause me to stress eat Ben and Jerry's when I'm refraining from opening a can of whoop *kitten* haha
  • Domilg23
    Domilg23 Posts: 44 Member
    enjoy time alone!
  • SamanthaLouiseMence
    SamanthaLouiseMence Posts: 663 Member
    I go out with friends for a cuppa or something to eat or whatever… you don't need another half todo that stuff with!

    When it comes to sex, you can either get a friend with benefits, do one night stands as some girls like todo these days (that one personally isn't for me lol) or make friends with a *kitten* or vibrator or keep it old school and use your fingers

    Have fun