Lost 30 pounds and gaining it back

Loveedove1 Posts: 40 Member
edited July 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
I did so good losing weight, and now I have gained 15 lbs back. Idk what's wrong with me, or what to do. I can't stay within my calorie limit, and it's a reasonable limit. I did so good with portion control, and now I keep bingeing. It's sad.


  • Bhlinebee
    Bhlinebee Posts: 71 Member
    What helped me was to look back at my old MFP entries and see what I was eating, water intake, excercise, etc... That worked to get me back and focused!
  • kelseyframe91
    kelseyframe91 Posts: 37 Member
    How long did it take you to lose 30lbs? How long did it take to gain 15lbs back? Also what is your daily kcal limit? If you lost the 30lbs very quickly and you are now as you say binging then the pounds will creep up fast! There's absolutely nothing wrong with having a binge, now and again, but just remember to log it and look at exactly how many kcals your consuming. Then go back to your normal routine the next day. You have to be completely honest with yourself and I believe you need to be truly ready in your mind to begin the journey of weight loss. Everyone is different Hun, set yourself small weekly goals of say losing half a pound or 1 pound. You know that once you see you scales go down(if you use them) or clothes getting a little looser it gives you the drive to keep going. Good luck and let me know on here how your getting on, I've been where you are and I know it's damn frustrating!
  • Loveedove1
    Loveedove1 Posts: 40 Member
    How long did it take you to lose 30lbs? How long did it take to gain 15lbs back? Also what is your daily kcal limit? If you lost the 30lbs very quickly and you are now as you say binging then the pounds will creep up fast! There's absolutely nothing wrong with having a binge, now and again, but just remember to log it and look at exactly how many kcals your consuming. Then go back to your normal routine the next day. You have to be completely honest with yourself and I believe you need to be truly ready in your mind to begin the journey of weight loss. Everyone is different Hun, set yourself small weekly goals of say losing half a pound or 1 pound. You know that once you see you scales go down(if you use them) or clothes getting a little looser it gives you the drive to keep going. Good luck and let me know on here how your getting on, I've been where you are and I know it's damn frustrating!

    It is super frustrating. It took me like a year to lose that. My calorie deficit is about 1,700. I am not letting myself eat past 7 from now on. I know it's a myth, but my bingeing usually happens at night after I get off work. I'm only going to eat whole foods, and stop drinking alcohol for a while. I can lose it again.. I need to be patient with myself
  • flatcoatedR
    flatcoatedR Posts: 173 Member
    You might want to concentrate on eating more protein and stay away from processed sugar for 3-5 days (which includes alcohol). Seems to help the cravings when Iam trying to get back on track. And drink lots and lots of water. I know it's hard.
    Just keep trying to it sticks. YOU CAN DO THIS !!
  • jahillegas_51
    jahillegas_51 Posts: 143 Member
    First congratulations on losing the weight you wanted to. I understand that your caloric limit may be reasonable relatively speaking for you however what do you eat? For example the foods that you eat within your caloric limit are they mostly considered what people would define as clean foods?

    If this is the case do you banned the bad foods whatever you may need to find those to be from your diet. Then if you have one of those band foods you Benjon it because that's like the only time to get that food in your system or meet that craving. Chances are if you are like me you would call these binges cheat meals overtime those cheat meals turn into cheat days.

    Something else that could be transpiring it is the fact that you believe your diet has to be 100% perfect to achieve results this was something I also did.

    Please correct me if any of these assumptions are incorrect
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    If you reach your goal weight by using short term tactics that you cannot live with for the rest of your life you are going to yo yo again

    So your plans on restriction...is that going to work for life...the time limit, the whole foods, the non alcohol

    Find a way to lose the weight and stick to your calories by making changes that aren't extreme, forming habits that you can stick to
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Eg I eat most of my calories at night

    Restictive reaction: no eating after 7

    Moderation reaction: plan your weekly intake so that you have extra calories for evening snacks, batch cook and have go to snacks in, pre log them and eat them only, opportunity cost every food choice if I eat this then I can't have that glass of wine which do I want more right now. If you can't decide don't eat / drink it till you can ..have a cup of tea or glass of water while you think; change your evening routine...do some exercise, go for a walk, join a class etc
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    I can relate. I lost over 80lb and maintained for 3years before I started gaining back. I gained 30lb before joining this site to get back on track. Its been more difficult this time around and slower. Just keep going though. I am. I am about 20lb from goal now so progress is slow but happening. You can do this
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Do you use a food scale?