
How do you encourage yourself to drink more water. I finally got my self drinking one water a day. I need to trick myself into drinking more. Also I have had caffeine withdrawal for 5 days w/out soda


  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I'm not sure how you trick yourself. If you're suffering from dehydration and your normal biological cues aren't having you drink, set an alarm on your phone if you one and it has that feature.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Soda is mostly water. I drink diet soda all the time. You could also drink iced tea or add flavor enhancers to your water.
  • ouryve
    ouryve Posts: 572 Member
    I drink herbal tea or water out of habit. I feel thirsty after activity, or, if I feel a bit allergy rddn, it's often improved by a big drink. You learn to recognise when you need it.

    Soda tastes crap to me (unless it's diet coke with a big slug of rum) and more than one or two doses of caffeine make me feel ill and bugger up my sleep. Neither are hard to avoid once they're no longer a habit.
  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    No tricking here. I just force myself to slam an 8 ounce glass whenever I pass the sink and happen to think of it. Been doing it a couple months and still don't like the taste of plain water. It helps that I'm a big guy and can down that 8oz in 3 gulps to get it over with. As far as soda, I drink a ridiculous amount of diet cola. In the past I've done the cold turkey thing a couple times to break the caffeine addiction, just because. Any more I just don't find it to be worth the misery to do that. I am trying to cut back, mainly to save money. That's why I started doing the water thing, hoping I would be less thirsty and just drink less soda without thinking about it. So far it hasn't worked so much. I just ended up peeing a lot more.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I bought several water bottles that I really like. They are super cute (important to me), spill-resistant, and have straws (I like that). At any given time, there are two in the fridge getting cold, and one beside me. When I finish one, I immediately "rinse, refill, refrigerate" and get a new one. (Actually, I'm a liar. Most of the time I totally make my kids do it for me. LOL!) Because it's always sitting beside me, I drink it without even thinking about it. Being cold really matters to me, too. I hate room temperature water. If I don't finish a bottle before it gets warm, I will replace it with a cold one rather than drink it. :tongue: (That's why I don't just have 2 in rotation. If I drink one quickly, it's important there's a cold one to replace it!)

    Sometimes I add those individual flavor packets to my water. Be careful with those, they totally lie about the calories. The ones I like say 5 calories, but the "serving size" is 1/2 a packet! Even though they are obviously single-use. I also drink as much unsweetened ice tea and diet soda as I want. Yes, those contain water, and they are 0 calories. And I drink one cup of coffee every day (but I use milk and sugar, so I log that). Nothing wrong with that if it fits your calories!
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    edited July 2016
    try making unsweetened ice tea - has the caffeine but is non carbonated water (if you're not anti-fake sweetener add a few packets of whatever type is your preference)
  • aloughery645
    aloughery645 Posts: 9 Member
    edited July 2016
    I prefer the brand smart water so I find I drink that more then the regular bottled water from the food store. I don't like the flavor packets :( I also am not custom to the flavor of diet soda and I went cold turkey for 5 days now
  • meganlc0
    meganlc0 Posts: 34 Member
    As a person who used to hate water, simply put I just had to discipline myself to drink only water until it became all I wanted. It took years. I feel like flavored/sweetened drinks "spoil" you and make water unpalatable. I now truly love water and my thirst can't be quenched by anything else.

    I did start out with infused waters. Lemon, cucumber and my favorite lime with fresh grated ginger. I now almost exclusively drink plain room temperature water and think it's awesome.
  • meganlc0
    meganlc0 Posts: 34 Member
    Also meant to add that I used to drink La Croix flavored seltzers when I first quit soda because I was addicted to fizzy drinks! The coconut one is great.
  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    When you wake up, drink a glass of water.
    And drink one glass before you go to bed.

    I kindly disagree that soda is water...I think water is much much better to drink.

    Have u ever tried fruit infused water?
    Water w sliced oranges is really refreshing, or w cucumber slices.
  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    edited July 2016
    Pop drinkers: does anyone use the Sodastream? I bought one eons ago when they first came out, then a few years ago, bought another.

    My favorite: orange pop I make, so I don't have to deal with Red 40, and it's made with real orange.
    Another favorite pop from my Sodastream: made using frozen cranberry juice.
  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    edited July 2016
    Oh, the subject is drinking water. I only like it icy-icy cold, but then I just slug it down! Tasty that way!
  • hollyvalli
    hollyvalli Posts: 52 Member
    Plant Nanny! :p
  • kbmh611
    kbmh611 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm surprised on here how many people advocate drinking diet soda over water sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I drink a lot of diet soda, but I've never had a doctor or dietician say drinking diet soda was better or just as good as drinking water. In fact they say the opposite. When I tell a doctor how much diet soda I drink and how little water I consume I immediately get the talk of how bad diet soda is and that I need to drink more water. I also read this in magazines and in talking to people who have "experted" weight loss and healthy living. So why do people on here think they know better than the experts? I'm not saying you can't lose weight if you drink pop because I have in the past, but its just not as good for you as water because they put extra stuff in pop that your body doesn't need. I'm trying to ween myself off of pop little by little and drink more water. I will never stop drinking it completely, but I've heard enough about the benefits of drinking water to know I should be drinking more of it. But I guess to each their own.
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited July 2016
    I've hit a stage in my life where I only like drinking water if it's hot. Warm is minimally acceptable. No lemon or other citrus. Just hot water, thanks.

    Since I grew up in a household where water was the default beverage (along with sugarless sun brewed Lipton iced tea and whole milk), I've personally never found the tasteless liquid unpalatable.

    As far as encouraging myself? If needed, I break out the 16 oz Nalgene + a reusable straw. I'll keep it in front of me constantly and refill it as soon as it's empty. I average around 96 oz of water a day when I do this, not counting any 11 oz cups of hot tea I brew in a day (1-4).
  • ericatoday
    ericatoday Posts: 454 Member
    I love water and drink it all day but i find i drink more if i have my 32 oz water bottle with me. I know to drink at least two of them but it makes it not feel like im constantly getting a glass of water.
  • Trish1c
    Trish1c Posts: 549 Member
    I drink it when I'm hungry in place of eating.
  • MaxT370
    MaxT370 Posts: 274 Member
    I kept an empty Fiji water bottle, drink 2 of those and boom..water quota for the day. I try to drink a bottle of water during my work out in the morning and just force myself to drink it through out the day. Water and unsweetened tea are my drinks of choice after 6 months now.

    I never liked the taste of canned pop. Only drank fountain but switched to Zevia when I first started my journey, it's carbonated water with flavor. The cream soda and black cherry were my favorites but I don't drink them anymore.
  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    kbmh611 wrote: »
    I'm surprised on here how many people advocate drinking diet soda over water sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I drink a lot of diet soda, but I've never had a doctor or dietician say drinking diet soda was better or just as good as drinking water. In fact they say the opposite. When I tell a doctor how much diet soda I drink and how little water I consume I immediately get the talk of how bad diet soda is and that I need to drink more water.

    I certainly don't advocate it, but I also don't think diet soda is nearly as bad as "they" claim it to be. At least not for me. I tend to drink between a half gallon and gallon of it per day, and have done so for most of a couple decades, ever since I learned I had diabetes. Before that, it was regular Pepsi, which I'm pretty sure contributed to the diabetes. If diet soda was so godawful, I should be dead by now.

    I also read this in magazines and in talking to people who have "experted" weight loss and healthy living. So why do people on here think they know better than the experts?

    Because often the "experts" are quacks like Dr. Oz or Dr. Mercola (can of worms explosion in 3...2...1...) Or they are just plain full of it.

    As a diabetic, I'm controlling my blood sugar with a calorie limited, low-carb diet (and the weight loss helps too). I am on a couple oral meds, but I really think they don't do much of anything and am working to get off them. In fact, I got back on the diet and weight loss thing (done it before) because my blood sugar insisted on staying too high and other metabolic markers were starting to follow suit, and the pills just weren't having any significant effect.
    Anyway, the point of all the above is that I am controlling my blood sugar with a dietary model that is -not- recommended by the "experts". In fact, had I been following American Diabetic Association guidelines for the last couple decades, I would be fully dependent on insulin by now, because their standards assume medication dependence and that insulin use and heart disease are inevitable.

    So no, there are very good reasons why people don't buy what the "experts" are selling.

  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    kbmh611 wrote: »
    I'm surprised on here how many people advocate drinking diet soda over water sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I drink a lot of diet soda, but I've never had a doctor or dietician say drinking diet soda was better or just as good as drinking water. In fact they say the opposite. When I tell a doctor how much diet soda I drink and how little water I consume I immediately get the talk of how bad diet soda is and that I need to drink more water. I also read this in magazines and in talking to people who have "experted" weight loss and healthy living. So why do people on here think they know better than the experts? I'm not saying you can't lose weight if you drink pop because I have in the past, but its just not as good for you as water because they put extra stuff in pop that your body doesn't need. I'm trying to ween myself off of pop little by little and drink more water. I will never stop drinking it completely, but I've heard enough about the benefits of drinking water to know I should be drinking more of it. But I guess to each their own.

    Like @MarkusDarwath said, most of the "experts" you see on TV and in magazines are full of *kitten*. They're peddling fad diet nonsense, and they're mostly the reason that too many people are unable to maintain a healthy weight. I wouldn't trust them if they told me the sky is blue.

    Secondly, yes, plain water is better for you than diet soda. Carrots are better for you than cake, too. That doesn't mean you should never eat cake, or that cake doesn't count as food. It probably wouldn't be good for you to drink NOTHING but diet soda, but it doesn't hurt to drink some. And diet soda has the advantage over cake that it doesn't have any calories, so it's not going to affect weight loss. In fact, in that respect diet soda is better than juice, which the "experts" are constantly recommending.
    I prefer the brand smart water so I find I drink that more then the regular bottled water from the food store. I don't like the flavor packets :( I also am not custom to the flavor of diet soda and I went cold turkey for 5 days now

    If you prefer Smart Water, then keep lots of it on hand. As for the flavor of diet soda, it takes getting used to. Or you can drink unsweetened coffee or tea to help with the caffeine headache.