another newbie from kent in uk

Hi, i stumbled onto this website by accident and figured that must be a good sign.. maybe this time, this diet will work. I've said that so many times, as i'm sure many of you have. I can only wish.
Well my name is bekki i'm 30 and live in whitstable in kent. I have 5 children (i'm not crazy i promise) who i love very much but it's obviously taken it's toll on a not very well looked after body. Now i'm reaching the stage, after many many diets that i feel that this is the way i'll always be, but i don't want this to be the case. i want to be able to feel good about myself again and hold my head high. Soooooo i am goin to try so very hard ( i promise lol) and if there is anyone out there that can support me thru this, maybe b my back bone lol then that'd be great. Good luck to you all. Bekki :-)


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome Bekki. I don't diet. I have changed my lifestyle. Dieting does not work!
  • delmore1
    delmore1 Posts: 40 Member
    My name is Diane and feel free to add me as a friend. I will be happy to lend you some support. As the mother of 3 I totally understand where you are coming from lol. I've been using the site for about a month and just recently reached out to everyone on here for friends to help me. Everyone is very friendly and supportive. Good luck!
  • sculptcha
    sculptcha Posts: 163 Member
    Hi Bekki! Well done making the decision to get healthy and fit, rather than giving up. I too thought I would always be this way, until I realized that I had the power to change it. Another important thing I had to realize was that doing it "the right way" wouldn't be easy or immediate. But nearly thirty pounds later and twenty pounds away from my goal, I am so glad I made the decision to stick with it, and I'm glad you have too!

    Anyway, welcome! I live in California, but my best friend grew up in Kent (he lives in Scotland now). Request sent. :)
  • Icedgems11
    Icedgems11 Posts: 20
    Hi Bekki

    Iv been doing this for just over a month. Im really enjoying myself & the weight is coming off. It's genuinely a change of life not a diet. My top tip is WW choc mini rolls-87 cals in each one so if I need choc fix that's my treat of choice.

    Feel free to add me-good luck Hun

  • bekkiboo30
    bekkiboo30 Posts: 25
    Thank you all for replying. Your all doing so well that i may just have a chance at this, i can c it works from you. Thank you so much :happy:
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    Hi like the others have said this is a life style change and not a diet. I've never really managed to lose weight until I found here. Feel free to friend me if you like