I need encouragment!!!

I'm starting my diet again for the 100th time. I used fitness pal last time and it was the longest i've ever stuck to a diet...but then my birthday happened.

I need help!! I have absolutely no will power, but i have about 3 stone to loose!!!

Hope everyone else has more will power!!

Lib xx


  • ak21211
    ak21211 Posts: 31 Member
    i need it tooo .... i think we are lazy and give up too easily :S
  • Libby9
    Libby9 Posts: 45
    I am definately lazy!!!!!! Thats my number one main problem!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    You can do it!
  • LaurieEReid
    LaurieEReid Posts: 273
    It didn't go on in a day. Just stick with it!
  • Julie2605
    Julie2605 Posts: 1
    I think you have to assess how much you want this. When you think about breaking your diet, remind yourself what you are striving for. Keep it simple. Have something that you agree to eat which will not break your diet but that will satisfy the need you have. I have lost 15lb over the last 4 weeks but in the last week I haven't lost anything. I have refocussed today and will start again.
  • XxBri22xX
    XxBri22xX Posts: 183
    You can do it!!! Add me as a friend if you want. We can help motivate each other (:
  • MichelleF81
    MichelleF81 Posts: 98 Member
    One day at a time.......once you see the weight coming off and start feeling healthier you'll find your motivation. The first week is the hardest :) x
  • niloo1371
    niloo1371 Posts: 2
    i need to loose 10 more pounds, but i just can't do it :/ my weight hasn't changed in passed 3 weeks :|
  • guess_105
    guess_105 Posts: 3
    For me, it helps to think in terms of semantics. It makes a difference. I never "diet". Ever. Just the sound of it sucks my soul. yuck. My goal is to eat healthy and honor my body. If I have a Birthday, good for me!! The next day I go back to being healthy. Cookout at a friends house? Yay! Have fun, but load up on the healthiest options and don't walk in starving. I can't look at it as a will power issue, that's a battle I always seem to lose. But I know how to take care of my body, and THAT I can do. Maybe change your focus a little. You can do this.
  • Julieash
    Julieash Posts: 95 Member
    I also need motivation... I did really good for a while and lately I'm just lazy and gained back 7lbs :(
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    Just stick to it this time! :) You can cheat on your birthday, but go right back on your diet the next day. You really can do this. I have faith in you.
  • Libby9
    Libby9 Posts: 45
    Thanks everyone!!!
  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    Libby, put your birthday behind you & make a fresh start. You've come this far, you have to keep going.
    Add more friends to help you on your journey!

  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    The word diet has grown in the world to become such a negative word and all it means is what you put in your mouth. If you eat fast food all the time-that is your diet.

    When you are about to eat something just think to yourself, why am I going to eat this, is it going to help me get to my goal. Stop yourself and really realize why do you want that food.
  • ShyBreasts
    ShyBreasts Posts: 91
    I struggle with motivation too! Hope you all manage to achieve your goals! xxx
  • gettingthere2011
    gettingthere2011 Posts: 17 Member
    You can do it. Get focused and you have to exercise. June was a celebration month for me and my family. Anniversary, birthday's and father's day. I still lost 4 lbs for the month. Would like to have lost more. But I'm still pleased with 4 lb loss. I did indulge on one of those days but got right back into the routine the next day. Don't beat yourself up. Just get started.
  • mandie0822
    mandie0822 Posts: 1 Member
    try dieting and exercing with someone close to you who wants to lose the weight also... my husband and i been on fitness pall since Easter and it is a great jump start to see where you need to change your eating habits, We just started a new workout video called Supreme 90 days and we work out together for encouragement and i see better results doing it this way. Best of Luck!
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    If you figure it out, please let me know. You are not alone, I think most people who struggle with their weight go through something similar. If that weren't the case then there would be no billion dollar weight loss industry, b/c everyone would simply lose weight and keep it off.

    Now, this has certainly been said before, but I'll go ahead and say it again. Try not to think of what you are doing as "going on a diet." Instead, try to find sustainable changes which you can make in your life that will be lasting. That might mean eliminating certain foods that just shouldn't be part of your new healthy lifestyle, or perhaps it means adding some physical activity that becomes part of your daily routine. It is very hard to change life long habits, so embrace that reality and watch for warning signs that you are slipping back into old routines. Like I said, "it ain't easy."
  • KatieHoke
    KatieHoke Posts: 2 Member
    Libby, everyone has said it one way or another. Focus on each day, always keep a positive attitude about yourself - don't beat yourself up mentally when you slip, and remember for true success we aren't dieting we are learning a healthier way to eat.

    Good Luck and remember thin or fat you are a fabulous you - once you believe that you will find a healthier body for that fabulous you!!
  • VStar55
    VStar55 Posts: 75
    You can do this. Sometimes it helps if you don't overwhelm yourself with too many things at once. Start with logging everything you eat. Don't beat yourself up about the calories at the end of the day, after doing that for a week figure out where you can make small changes that you can live with on a daily basis. After a while it becomes second nature.

    Next, start reading the message boards, you'll pick up tips from fellow MFP members. Take it day by day, make some friends, don't be afraid to ask for and offer support. Most of all, be PATIENT with the process and do not pick on yourself.