


  • meganlc0
    meganlc0 Posts: 34 Member
    I certainly don't advocate it, but I also don't think diet soda is nearly as bad as "they" claim it to be. At least not for me. I tend to drink between a half gallon and gallon of it per day, and have done so for most of a couple decades, ever since I learned I had diabetes. Before that, it was regular Pepsi, which I'm pretty sure contributed to the diabetes. If diet soda was so godawful, I should be dead by now

    Have you ever experimented with NOT drinking any diet soda? Are you ever curious as to whether or not your overall health would be better (even marginally) without drinking so much of it?

    I ask out of curiosity because my father stopped drinking his daily 2-liter (or 2) about a year ago and he swears it's made him feel better and that it's easier for him to lose weight without it.
  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    meganlc0 wrote: »
    I certainly don't advocate it, but I also don't think diet soda is nearly as bad as "they" claim it to be. At least not for me. I tend to drink between a half gallon and gallon of it per day, and have done so for most of a couple decades, ever since I learned I had diabetes. Before that, it was regular Pepsi, which I'm pretty sure contributed to the diabetes. If diet soda was so godawful, I should be dead by now

    Have you ever experimented with NOT drinking any diet soda? Are you ever curious as to whether or not your overall health would be better (even marginally) without drinking so much of it?

    I ask out of curiosity because my father stopped drinking his daily 2-liter (or 2) about a year ago and he swears it's made him feel better and that it's easier for him to lose weight without it.

    There have been a couple times in the past when I decided I didn't like being addicted to caffeine. At the time, I thought grabbing a pepsi first thing on getting up in the morning was ridiculous and I should stop that. Going cold turkey created a miserable couple weeks from the withdrawal. After the 24/7 headache and nausea went away, I can't say that I felt any better than before. It was my plan back then to then only drink soda in moderation. That didn't work. The soda is still the taste I like best, and it's convenient, so my intake gradually increased back to where it was. I've had numerous people tell me how they felt so wonderful after giving up soda and had more energy, etc. From my limited attempts, that just isn't me.
    I did learn a few months ago that I can make a limeade that would be an acceptable substitute (water, lime juice concentrate and Splenda), but the convenience factor kills it. I go through it too fast and trying to rely on it would mean having to make a new pitcher 3 - 4 times per day and needing to wash pitchers all the time, plus I don't have any carry bottles big enough or well insulated enough to satisfy what I need during a work day. Haven't found anything that keeps a drink cold for 3 hours as well as the 44oz styrofoam cups from the convenience store.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    when I'm thirst I choose to drink water. I don't drink it if I'm not thirsty.
  • zalmann919
    zalmann919 Posts: 24 Member
    I purchased a carbonator which I use to make seltzer water for myself. I keep fresh lemons on hand, and add a section to a glass of carbonated water. This makes the water into a delicious beverage and adds no calories whatsoever. I find that I have a limit in the number of glasses of water that I can drink during the day and not have to rise several times in the night to use the bathroom. This may be because I take a diuretic for my blood pressure.

    I've done this for years before I started dieting seriously. It was only after I stopped drinking diet beverages that I started doing this a lot more. Now carbonated water is my main beverage other than the occasional glass of wine or whatever.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    kbmh611 wrote: »
    I'm surprised on here how many people advocate drinking diet soda over water sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I drink a lot of diet soda, but I've never had a doctor or dietician say drinking diet soda was better or just as good as drinking water. In fact they say the opposite. When I tell a doctor how much diet soda I drink and how little water I consume I immediately get the talk of how bad diet soda is and that I need to drink more water. I also read this in magazines and in talking to people who have "experted" weight loss and healthy living. So why do people on here think they know better than the experts? I'm not saying you can't lose weight if you drink pop because I have in the past, but its just not as good for you as water because they put extra stuff in pop that your body doesn't need. I'm trying to ween myself off of pop little by little and drink more water. I will never stop drinking it completely, but I've heard enough about the benefits of drinking water to know I should be drinking more of it. But I guess to each their own.

    From the many, many posts I've read from soda drinkers, it's their way of justifying their soda addiction/love. Any blogs or articles that even dare mention the fact that diet/soda has any detrimental health effects are instantly shut down.
    People will vehemently disagree with me on this.. But i'm only putting out there how some of these posts come across.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I don't. I drink water when I need to drink water. Seems like the last thing I need to worry about, right after "breathing" and before "avoid hugging hornets nests."
  • meganlc0
    meganlc0 Posts: 34 Member
    There have been a couple times in the past when I decided I didn't like being addicted to caffeine. At the time, I thought grabbing a pepsi first thing on getting up in the morning was ridiculous and I should stop that. Going cold turkey created a miserable couple weeks from the withdrawal. After the 24/7 headache and nausea went away, I can't say that I felt any better than before. It was my plan back then to then only drink soda in moderation. That didn't work. The soda is still the taste I like best, and it's convenient, so my intake gradually increased back to where it was. I've had numerous people tell me how they felt so wonderful after giving up soda and had more energy, etc. From my limited attempts, that just isn't me.
    I did learn a few months ago that I can make a limeade that would be an acceptable substitute (water, lime juice concentrate and Splenda), but the convenience factor kills it. I go through it too fast and trying to rely on it would mean having to make a new pitcher 3 - 4 times per day and needing to wash pitchers all the time, plus I don't have any carry bottles big enough or well insulated enough to satisfy what I need during a work day. Haven't found anything that keeps a drink cold for 3 hours as well as the 44oz styrofoam cups from the convenience store.

    I'm right there with you on the convenience factor. I do most of my water drinking when I'm at home where my preferred water, ice and cup are!

  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    meganlc0 wrote: »
    I certainly don't advocate it, but I also don't think diet soda is nearly as bad as "they" claim it to be. At least not for me. I tend to drink between a half gallon and gallon of it per day, and have done so for most of a couple decades, ever since I learned I had diabetes. Before that, it was regular Pepsi, which I'm pretty sure contributed to the diabetes. If diet soda was so godawful, I should be dead by now

    Have you ever experimented with NOT drinking any diet soda? Are you ever curious as to whether or not your overall health would be better (even marginally) without drinking so much of it?

    I ask out of curiosity because my father stopped drinking his daily 2-liter (or 2) about a year ago and he swears it's made him feel better and that it's easier for him to lose weight without it.

    I've completely quit soda multiple times. Once just because my friends told me I couldn't. Then again when I first joined MFP and didn't want to drink my calories and I didn't like diet soda. Both of those times I went from multiple regular sodas a day to zero. It has never made a very big difference to me at all. I missed it, but wasn't miserable without it, but I also didn't see any kind of improvement in giving it up. In the end, it's something I enjoy the taste of, and I see no purpose in depriving myself. Then I discovered Diet Dr Pepper, which actually is just as good as regular, unlike Diet Coke, which is gross. Now I have a diet soda a few times a week, just because that's how often I feel like it, and a regular soda maybe once a month. But if I wanted to drink diet soda every day, I wouldn't feel bad. It's not poison, and it's not going to stop me from reaching my goals.

    To me, completely giving up soda all the time would be like completely giving up ice cream. Why? Why would I even bother if I don't have to? (BTW, I just had some chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. SO GOOD. Also not poison.)

    kbmh611 wrote: »
    I'm surprised on here how many people advocate drinking diet soda over water sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I drink a lot of diet soda, but I've never had a doctor or dietician say drinking diet soda was better or just as good as drinking water. In fact they say the opposite. When I tell a doctor how much diet soda I drink and how little water I consume I immediately get the talk of how bad diet soda is and that I need to drink more water. I also read this in magazines and in talking to people who have "experted" weight loss and healthy living. So why do people on here think they know better than the experts? I'm not saying you can't lose weight if you drink pop because I have in the past, but its just not as good for you as water because they put extra stuff in pop that your body doesn't need. I'm trying to ween myself off of pop little by little and drink more water. I will never stop drinking it completely, but I've heard enough about the benefits of drinking water to know I should be drinking more of it. But I guess to each their own.

    From the many, many posts I've read from soda drinkers, it's their way of justifying their soda addiction/love. Any blogs or articles that even dare mention the fact that diet/soda has any detrimental health effects are instantly shut down.
    People will vehemently disagree with me on this.. But i'm only putting out there how some of these posts come across.

    I don't know why anyone needs to justify loving soda. It tastes good. It's not poison. If it fits into your health goals, and you want to drink it, why would you not? Demonizing certain foods (or drinks) as "bad" and "never consume this!" is not healthy.
  • mayburcm1
    mayburcm1 Posts: 14 Member
    I find it a bit of a struggle to drink water without putting conscious effort into it. For me it has to be ice cold, or for some reason the water cooler at work is just like the best tasting water to me. Maybe try a lemon or lime slice? Even maybe drinking some good tasting bottled water? Like for some reason I find Dasani is delicious (or little whatever one you may like more than another).

    Personally, after cutting out diet soda I find a glass of it now just makes me want sweet stuff like crazy when otherwise I don't crave it. Which makes me question its previous impact on my eating.
  • nancy1465
    nancy1465 Posts: 25 Member
    I actually dont drink more than 2 glasses of any liquid a day. I dislike coffee, tea or water. I like milk and juices and drink a Coke every other day. However since i started MFP a month ago I am forcing myself to drink water. My advice is to start slow like you are doing. One glass a day and then maybe add another glass a few days later and so on. You will get there. I am only at 5 or 6 glasses after a month. I can only drink water very cold. Good luck....it really helps with the weight loss
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited July 2016
    meganlc0 wrote: »
    I certainly don't advocate it, but I also don't think diet soda is nearly as bad as "they" claim it to be. At least not for me. I tend to drink between a half gallon and gallon of it per day, and have done so for most of a couple decades, ever since I learned I had diabetes. Before that, it was regular Pepsi, which I'm pretty sure contributed to the diabetes. If diet soda was so godawful, I should be dead by now

    Have you ever experimented with NOT drinking any diet soda? Are you ever curious as to whether or not your overall health would be better (even marginally) without drinking so much of it?

    I ask out of curiosity because my father stopped drinking his daily 2-liter (or 2) about a year ago and he swears it's made him feel better and that it's easier for him to lose weight without it.

    I've completely quit soda multiple times. Once just because my friends told me I couldn't. Then again when I first joined MFP and didn't want to drink my calories and I didn't like diet soda. Both of those times I went from multiple regular sodas a day to zero. It has never made a very big difference to me at all. I missed it, but wasn't miserable without it, but I also didn't see any kind of improvement in giving it up. In the end, it's something I enjoy the taste of, and I see no purpose in depriving myself. Then I discovered Diet Dr Pepper, which actually is just as good as regular, unlike Diet Coke, which is gross. Now I have a diet soda a few times a week, just because that's how often I feel like it, and a regular soda maybe once a month. But if I wanted to drink diet soda every day, I wouldn't feel bad. It's not poison, and it's not going to stop me from reaching my goals.

    To me, completely giving up soda all the time would be like completely giving up ice cream. Why? Why would I even bother if I don't have to? (BTW, I just had some chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. SO GOOD. Also not poison.)

    kbmh611 wrote: »
    I'm surprised on here how many people advocate drinking diet soda over water sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I drink a lot of diet soda, but I've never had a doctor or dietician say drinking diet soda was better or just as good as drinking water. In fact they say the opposite. When I tell a doctor how much diet soda I drink and how little water I consume I immediately get the talk of how bad diet soda is and that I need to drink more water. I also read this in magazines and in talking to people who have "experted" weight loss and healthy living. So why do people on here think they know better than the experts? I'm not saying you can't lose weight if you drink pop because I have in the past, but its just not as good for you as water because they put extra stuff in pop that your body doesn't need. I'm trying to ween myself off of pop little by little and drink more water. I will never stop drinking it completely, but I've heard enough about the benefits of drinking water to know I should be drinking more of it. But I guess to each their own.

    From the many, many posts I've read from soda drinkers, it's their way of justifying their soda addiction/love. Any blogs or articles that even dare mention the fact that diet/soda has any detrimental health effects are instantly shut down.
    People will vehemently disagree with me on this.. But i'm only putting out there how some of these posts come across.

    I don't know why anyone needs to justify loving soda. It tastes good. It's not poison. If it fits into your health goals, and you want to drink it, why would you not? Demonizing certain foods (or drinks) as "bad" and "never consume this!" is not healthy.

    You need to go back and read the hundreds of soda threads to see where I'm coming from. Honestly every time i finish reading those threads I'm grateful I never got a soda habit.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    meganlc0 wrote: »
    I certainly don't advocate it, but I also don't think diet soda is nearly as bad as "they" claim it to be. At least not for me. I tend to drink between a half gallon and gallon of it per day, and have done so for most of a couple decades, ever since I learned I had diabetes. Before that, it was regular Pepsi, which I'm pretty sure contributed to the diabetes. If diet soda was so godawful, I should be dead by now

    Have you ever experimented with NOT drinking any diet soda? Are you ever curious as to whether or not your overall health would be better (even marginally) without drinking so much of it?

    I ask out of curiosity because my father stopped drinking his daily 2-liter (or 2) about a year ago and he swears it's made him feel better and that it's easier for him to lose weight without it.

    I've completely quit soda multiple times. Once just because my friends told me I couldn't. Then again when I first joined MFP and didn't want to drink my calories and I didn't like diet soda. Both of those times I went from multiple regular sodas a day to zero. It has never made a very big difference to me at all. I missed it, but wasn't miserable without it, but I also didn't see any kind of improvement in giving it up. In the end, it's something I enjoy the taste of, and I see no purpose in depriving myself. Then I discovered Diet Dr Pepper, which actually is just as good as regular, unlike Diet Coke, which is gross. Now I have a diet soda a few times a week, just because that's how often I feel like it, and a regular soda maybe once a month. But if I wanted to drink diet soda every day, I wouldn't feel bad. It's not poison, and it's not going to stop me from reaching my goals.

    To me, completely giving up soda all the time would be like completely giving up ice cream. Why? Why would I even bother if I don't have to? (BTW, I just had some chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. SO GOOD. Also not poison.)

    kbmh611 wrote: »
    I'm surprised on here how many people advocate drinking diet soda over water sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I drink a lot of diet soda, but I've never had a doctor or dietician say drinking diet soda was better or just as good as drinking water. In fact they say the opposite. When I tell a doctor how much diet soda I drink and how little water I consume I immediately get the talk of how bad diet soda is and that I need to drink more water. I also read this in magazines and in talking to people who have "experted" weight loss and healthy living. So why do people on here think they know better than the experts? I'm not saying you can't lose weight if you drink pop because I have in the past, but its just not as good for you as water because they put extra stuff in pop that your body doesn't need. I'm trying to ween myself off of pop little by little and drink more water. I will never stop drinking it completely, but I've heard enough about the benefits of drinking water to know I should be drinking more of it. But I guess to each their own.

    From the many, many posts I've read from soda drinkers, it's their way of justifying their soda addiction/love. Any blogs or articles that even dare mention the fact that diet/soda has any detrimental health effects are instantly shut down.
    People will vehemently disagree with me on this.. But i'm only putting out there how some of these posts come across.

    I don't know why anyone needs to justify loving soda. It tastes good. It's not poison. If it fits into your health goals, and you want to drink it, why would you not? Demonizing certain foods (or drinks) as "bad" and "never consume this!" is not healthy.

    You need to go back and read the hundreds of soda threads to see where I'm coming from.

    I'd honestly say the same to you. I drink a couple of diet sodas every day and don't have any of the minor issues some people experience. I do drink water, but I don't see anything in the literature to cause any alarm over diet sodas whatsoever.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited July 2016
    meganlc0 wrote: »
    I certainly don't advocate it, but I also don't think diet soda is nearly as bad as "they" claim it to be. At least not for me. I tend to drink between a half gallon and gallon of it per day, and have done so for most of a couple decades, ever since I learned I had diabetes. Before that, it was regular Pepsi, which I'm pretty sure contributed to the diabetes. If diet soda was so godawful, I should be dead by now

    Have you ever experimented with NOT drinking any diet soda? Are you ever curious as to whether or not your overall health would be better (even marginally) without drinking so much of it?

    I ask out of curiosity because my father stopped drinking his daily 2-liter (or 2) about a year ago and he swears it's made him feel better and that it's easier for him to lose weight without it.

    I've completely quit soda multiple times. Once just because my friends told me I couldn't. Then again when I first joined MFP and didn't want to drink my calories and I didn't like diet soda. Both of those times I went from multiple regular sodas a day to zero. It has never made a very big difference to me at all. I missed it, but wasn't miserable without it, but I also didn't see any kind of improvement in giving it up. In the end, it's something I enjoy the taste of, and I see no purpose in depriving myself. Then I discovered Diet Dr Pepper, which actually is just as good as regular, unlike Diet Coke, which is gross. Now I have a diet soda a few times a week, just because that's how often I feel like it, and a regular soda maybe once a month. But if I wanted to drink diet soda every day, I wouldn't feel bad. It's not poison, and it's not going to stop me from reaching my goals.

    To me, completely giving up soda all the time would be like completely giving up ice cream. Why? Why would I even bother if I don't have to? (BTW, I just had some chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. SO GOOD. Also not poison.)

    kbmh611 wrote: »
    I'm surprised on here how many people advocate drinking diet soda over water sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I drink a lot of diet soda, but I've never had a doctor or dietician say drinking diet soda was better or just as good as drinking water. In fact they say the opposite. When I tell a doctor how much diet soda I drink and how little water I consume I immediately get the talk of how bad diet soda is and that I need to drink more water. I also read this in magazines and in talking to people who have "experted" weight loss and healthy living. So why do people on here think they know better than the experts? I'm not saying you can't lose weight if you drink pop because I have in the past, but its just not as good for you as water because they put extra stuff in pop that your body doesn't need. I'm trying to ween myself off of pop little by little and drink more water. I will never stop drinking it completely, but I've heard enough about the benefits of drinking water to know I should be drinking more of it. But I guess to each their own.

    From the many, many posts I've read from soda drinkers, it's their way of justifying their soda addiction/love. Any blogs or articles that even dare mention the fact that diet/soda has any detrimental health effects are instantly shut down.
    People will vehemently disagree with me on this.. But i'm only putting out there how some of these posts come across.

    I don't know why anyone needs to justify loving soda. It tastes good. It's not poison. If it fits into your health goals, and you want to drink it, why would you not? Demonizing certain foods (or drinks) as "bad" and "never consume this!" is not healthy.

    You need to go back and read the hundreds of soda threads to see where I'm coming from.

    I'd honestly say the same to you. I drink a couple of diet sodas every day and don't have any of the minor issues some people experience. I do drink water, but I don't see anything in the literature to cause any alarm over diet sodas whatsoever.

    I edited my above post ...

    It's the way people vehemently defend their soda addiction/love or whatever you want to call it that gets me, not to mention the many posts of "you can pry my soda out of my cold dead hands", I can not think of one food or drink that would make say that.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    edited July 2016
    meganlc0 wrote: »
    I certainly don't advocate it, but I also don't think diet soda is nearly as bad as "they" claim it to be. At least not for me. I tend to drink between a half gallon and gallon of it per day, and have done so for most of a couple decades, ever since I learned I had diabetes. Before that, it was regular Pepsi, which I'm pretty sure contributed to the diabetes. If diet soda was so godawful, I should be dead by now

    Have you ever experimented with NOT drinking any diet soda? Are you ever curious as to whether or not your overall health would be better (even marginally) without drinking so much of it?

    I ask out of curiosity because my father stopped drinking his daily 2-liter (or 2) about a year ago and he swears it's made him feel better and that it's easier for him to lose weight without it.

    I've completely quit soda multiple times. Once just because my friends told me I couldn't. Then again when I first joined MFP and didn't want to drink my calories and I didn't like diet soda. Both of those times I went from multiple regular sodas a day to zero. It has never made a very big difference to me at all. I missed it, but wasn't miserable without it, but I also didn't see any kind of improvement in giving it up. In the end, it's something I enjoy the taste of, and I see no purpose in depriving myself. Then I discovered Diet Dr Pepper, which actually is just as good as regular, unlike Diet Coke, which is gross. Now I have a diet soda a few times a week, just because that's how often I feel like it, and a regular soda maybe once a month. But if I wanted to drink diet soda every day, I wouldn't feel bad. It's not poison, and it's not going to stop me from reaching my goals.

    To me, completely giving up soda all the time would be like completely giving up ice cream. Why? Why would I even bother if I don't have to? (BTW, I just had some chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. SO GOOD. Also not poison.)

    kbmh611 wrote: »
    I'm surprised on here how many people advocate drinking diet soda over water sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I drink a lot of diet soda, but I've never had a doctor or dietician say drinking diet soda was better or just as good as drinking water. In fact they say the opposite. When I tell a doctor how much diet soda I drink and how little water I consume I immediately get the talk of how bad diet soda is and that I need to drink more water. I also read this in magazines and in talking to people who have "experted" weight loss and healthy living. So why do people on here think they know better than the experts? I'm not saying you can't lose weight if you drink pop because I have in the past, but its just not as good for you as water because they put extra stuff in pop that your body doesn't need. I'm trying to ween myself off of pop little by little and drink more water. I will never stop drinking it completely, but I've heard enough about the benefits of drinking water to know I should be drinking more of it. But I guess to each their own.

    From the many, many posts I've read from soda drinkers, it's their way of justifying their soda addiction/love. Any blogs or articles that even dare mention the fact that diet/soda has any detrimental health effects are instantly shut down.
    People will vehemently disagree with me on this.. But i'm only putting out there how some of these posts come across.

    I don't know why anyone needs to justify loving soda. It tastes good. It's not poison. If it fits into your health goals, and you want to drink it, why would you not? Demonizing certain foods (or drinks) as "bad" and "never consume this!" is not healthy.

    You need to go back and read the hundreds of soda threads to see where I'm coming from. Honestly every time i finish reading those threads I'm grateful I never got a soda habit.

    Um, no. You could try just responding to the actual people in this thread, and the things we are saying, rather than expecting us to speak on behalf of "hundreds" of other people in other threads. That's just a *kitten* cop out.

    You're making me glad I never got in the habit of being sanctimonious about other people's food choices.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    meganlc0 wrote: »
    I certainly don't advocate it, but I also don't think diet soda is nearly as bad as "they" claim it to be. At least not for me. I tend to drink between a half gallon and gallon of it per day, and have done so for most of a couple decades, ever since I learned I had diabetes. Before that, it was regular Pepsi, which I'm pretty sure contributed to the diabetes. If diet soda was so godawful, I should be dead by now

    Have you ever experimented with NOT drinking any diet soda? Are you ever curious as to whether or not your overall health would be better (even marginally) without drinking so much of it?

    I ask out of curiosity because my father stopped drinking his daily 2-liter (or 2) about a year ago and he swears it's made him feel better and that it's easier for him to lose weight without it.

    I've completely quit soda multiple times. Once just because my friends told me I couldn't. Then again when I first joined MFP and didn't want to drink my calories and I didn't like diet soda. Both of those times I went from multiple regular sodas a day to zero. It has never made a very big difference to me at all. I missed it, but wasn't miserable without it, but I also didn't see any kind of improvement in giving it up. In the end, it's something I enjoy the taste of, and I see no purpose in depriving myself. Then I discovered Diet Dr Pepper, which actually is just as good as regular, unlike Diet Coke, which is gross. Now I have a diet soda a few times a week, just because that's how often I feel like it, and a regular soda maybe once a month. But if I wanted to drink diet soda every day, I wouldn't feel bad. It's not poison, and it's not going to stop me from reaching my goals.

    To me, completely giving up soda all the time would be like completely giving up ice cream. Why? Why would I even bother if I don't have to? (BTW, I just had some chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. SO GOOD. Also not poison.)

    kbmh611 wrote: »
    I'm surprised on here how many people advocate drinking diet soda over water sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I drink a lot of diet soda, but I've never had a doctor or dietician say drinking diet soda was better or just as good as drinking water. In fact they say the opposite. When I tell a doctor how much diet soda I drink and how little water I consume I immediately get the talk of how bad diet soda is and that I need to drink more water. I also read this in magazines and in talking to people who have "experted" weight loss and healthy living. So why do people on here think they know better than the experts? I'm not saying you can't lose weight if you drink pop because I have in the past, but its just not as good for you as water because they put extra stuff in pop that your body doesn't need. I'm trying to ween myself off of pop little by little and drink more water. I will never stop drinking it completely, but I've heard enough about the benefits of drinking water to know I should be drinking more of it. But I guess to each their own.

    From the many, many posts I've read from soda drinkers, it's their way of justifying their soda addiction/love. Any blogs or articles that even dare mention the fact that diet/soda has any detrimental health effects are instantly shut down.
    People will vehemently disagree with me on this.. But i'm only putting out there how some of these posts come across.

    I don't know why anyone needs to justify loving soda. It tastes good. It's not poison. If it fits into your health goals, and you want to drink it, why would you not? Demonizing certain foods (or drinks) as "bad" and "never consume this!" is not healthy.

    You need to go back and read the hundreds of soda threads to see where I'm coming from. Honestly every time i finish reading those threads I'm grateful I never got a soda habit.

    Um, no. You could try just responding to the actual people in this thread, and the things we are saying, rather than expecting us to speak on behalf of "hundreds" of other people in other threads. That's just a *kitten* cop out.

    Ok, I guess i have been tainted by prior threads, and i expect them all to go round and round and down the same rabbit hole,hopefully this one will be different.

    Plus, i only responded in this thread because i was trying to answer the question i quoted in my first post.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    meganlc0 wrote: »
    I certainly don't advocate it, but I also don't think diet soda is nearly as bad as "they" claim it to be. At least not for me. I tend to drink between a half gallon and gallon of it per day, and have done so for most of a couple decades, ever since I learned I had diabetes. Before that, it was regular Pepsi, which I'm pretty sure contributed to the diabetes. If diet soda was so godawful, I should be dead by now

    Have you ever experimented with NOT drinking any diet soda? Are you ever curious as to whether or not your overall health would be better (even marginally) without drinking so much of it?

    I ask out of curiosity because my father stopped drinking his daily 2-liter (or 2) about a year ago and he swears it's made him feel better and that it's easier for him to lose weight without it.

    I've completely quit soda multiple times. Once just because my friends told me I couldn't. Then again when I first joined MFP and didn't want to drink my calories and I didn't like diet soda. Both of those times I went from multiple regular sodas a day to zero. It has never made a very big difference to me at all. I missed it, but wasn't miserable without it, but I also didn't see any kind of improvement in giving it up. In the end, it's something I enjoy the taste of, and I see no purpose in depriving myself. Then I discovered Diet Dr Pepper, which actually is just as good as regular, unlike Diet Coke, which is gross. Now I have a diet soda a few times a week, just because that's how often I feel like it, and a regular soda maybe once a month. But if I wanted to drink diet soda every day, I wouldn't feel bad. It's not poison, and it's not going to stop me from reaching my goals.

    To me, completely giving up soda all the time would be like completely giving up ice cream. Why? Why would I even bother if I don't have to? (BTW, I just had some chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. SO GOOD. Also not poison.)

    kbmh611 wrote: »
    I'm surprised on here how many people advocate drinking diet soda over water sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I drink a lot of diet soda, but I've never had a doctor or dietician say drinking diet soda was better or just as good as drinking water. In fact they say the opposite. When I tell a doctor how much diet soda I drink and how little water I consume I immediately get the talk of how bad diet soda is and that I need to drink more water. I also read this in magazines and in talking to people who have "experted" weight loss and healthy living. So why do people on here think they know better than the experts? I'm not saying you can't lose weight if you drink pop because I have in the past, but its just not as good for you as water because they put extra stuff in pop that your body doesn't need. I'm trying to ween myself off of pop little by little and drink more water. I will never stop drinking it completely, but I've heard enough about the benefits of drinking water to know I should be drinking more of it. But I guess to each their own.

    From the many, many posts I've read from soda drinkers, it's their way of justifying their soda addiction/love. Any blogs or articles that even dare mention the fact that diet/soda has any detrimental health effects are instantly shut down.
    People will vehemently disagree with me on this.. But i'm only putting out there how some of these posts come across.

    I don't know why anyone needs to justify loving soda. It tastes good. It's not poison. If it fits into your health goals, and you want to drink it, why would you not? Demonizing certain foods (or drinks) as "bad" and "never consume this!" is not healthy.

    You need to go back and read the hundreds of soda threads to see where I'm coming from.

    I'd honestly say the same to you. I drink a couple of diet sodas every day and don't have any of the minor issues some people experience. I do drink water, but I don't see anything in the literature to cause any alarm over diet sodas whatsoever.

    I edited my above post ...

    It's the way people vehemently defend their soda addiction/love or whatever you want to call it that gets me, not to mention the many posts of "you can pry my soda out of my cold dead hands", I can not think of one food or drink that would make say that.

    Fair enough. I think people tend get a bit hyper on here, but then again it's hard to judge tone and sarcasm at times. I have to say though I'm pretty bummed out about bacon and the processed meats thing. That's the one thing I've probably come the closest to tears over.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    meganlc0 wrote: »
    I certainly don't advocate it, but I also don't think diet soda is nearly as bad as "they" claim it to be. At least not for me. I tend to drink between a half gallon and gallon of it per day, and have done so for most of a couple decades, ever since I learned I had diabetes. Before that, it was regular Pepsi, which I'm pretty sure contributed to the diabetes. If diet soda was so godawful, I should be dead by now

    Have you ever experimented with NOT drinking any diet soda? Are you ever curious as to whether or not your overall health would be better (even marginally) without drinking so much of it?

    I ask out of curiosity because my father stopped drinking his daily 2-liter (or 2) about a year ago and he swears it's made him feel better and that it's easier for him to lose weight without it.

    I've completely quit soda multiple times. Once just because my friends told me I couldn't. Then again when I first joined MFP and didn't want to drink my calories and I didn't like diet soda. Both of those times I went from multiple regular sodas a day to zero. It has never made a very big difference to me at all. I missed it, but wasn't miserable without it, but I also didn't see any kind of improvement in giving it up. In the end, it's something I enjoy the taste of, and I see no purpose in depriving myself. Then I discovered Diet Dr Pepper, which actually is just as good as regular, unlike Diet Coke, which is gross. Now I have a diet soda a few times a week, just because that's how often I feel like it, and a regular soda maybe once a month. But if I wanted to drink diet soda every day, I wouldn't feel bad. It's not poison, and it's not going to stop me from reaching my goals.

    To me, completely giving up soda all the time would be like completely giving up ice cream. Why? Why would I even bother if I don't have to? (BTW, I just had some chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. SO GOOD. Also not poison.)

    kbmh611 wrote: »
    I'm surprised on here how many people advocate drinking diet soda over water sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I drink a lot of diet soda, but I've never had a doctor or dietician say drinking diet soda was better or just as good as drinking water. In fact they say the opposite. When I tell a doctor how much diet soda I drink and how little water I consume I immediately get the talk of how bad diet soda is and that I need to drink more water. I also read this in magazines and in talking to people who have "experted" weight loss and healthy living. So why do people on here think they know better than the experts? I'm not saying you can't lose weight if you drink pop because I have in the past, but its just not as good for you as water because they put extra stuff in pop that your body doesn't need. I'm trying to ween myself off of pop little by little and drink more water. I will never stop drinking it completely, but I've heard enough about the benefits of drinking water to know I should be drinking more of it. But I guess to each their own.

    From the many, many posts I've read from soda drinkers, it's their way of justifying their soda addiction/love. Any blogs or articles that even dare mention the fact that diet/soda has any detrimental health effects are instantly shut down.
    People will vehemently disagree with me on this.. But i'm only putting out there how some of these posts come across.

    I don't know why anyone needs to justify loving soda. It tastes good. It's not poison. If it fits into your health goals, and you want to drink it, why would you not? Demonizing certain foods (or drinks) as "bad" and "never consume this!" is not healthy.

    You need to go back and read the hundreds of soda threads to see where I'm coming from.

    I'd honestly say the same to you. I drink a couple of diet sodas every day and don't have any of the minor issues some people experience. I do drink water, but I don't see anything in the literature to cause any alarm over diet sodas whatsoever.

    I edited my above post ...

    It's the way people vehemently defend their soda addiction/love or whatever you want to call it that gets me, not to mention the many posts of "you can pry my soda out of my cold dead hands", I can not think of one food or drink that would make say that.

    Fair enough. I think people tend get a bit hyper on here, but then again it's hard to judge tone and sarcasm at times. I have to say though I'm pretty bummed out about bacon and the processed meats thing. That's the one thing I've probably come the closest to tears over.

    Please tell me you didn't give up bacon. That would make me cry, too.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    meganlc0 wrote: »
    I certainly don't advocate it, but I also don't think diet soda is nearly as bad as "they" claim it to be. At least not for me. I tend to drink between a half gallon and gallon of it per day, and have done so for most of a couple decades, ever since I learned I had diabetes. Before that, it was regular Pepsi, which I'm pretty sure contributed to the diabetes. If diet soda was so godawful, I should be dead by now

    Have you ever experimented with NOT drinking any diet soda? Are you ever curious as to whether or not your overall health would be better (even marginally) without drinking so much of it?

    I ask out of curiosity because my father stopped drinking his daily 2-liter (or 2) about a year ago and he swears it's made him feel better and that it's easier for him to lose weight without it.

    I've completely quit soda multiple times. Once just because my friends told me I couldn't. Then again when I first joined MFP and didn't want to drink my calories and I didn't like diet soda. Both of those times I went from multiple regular sodas a day to zero. It has never made a very big difference to me at all. I missed it, but wasn't miserable without it, but I also didn't see any kind of improvement in giving it up. In the end, it's something I enjoy the taste of, and I see no purpose in depriving myself. Then I discovered Diet Dr Pepper, which actually is just as good as regular, unlike Diet Coke, which is gross. Now I have a diet soda a few times a week, just because that's how often I feel like it, and a regular soda maybe once a month. But if I wanted to drink diet soda every day, I wouldn't feel bad. It's not poison, and it's not going to stop me from reaching my goals.

    To me, completely giving up soda all the time would be like completely giving up ice cream. Why? Why would I even bother if I don't have to? (BTW, I just had some chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. SO GOOD. Also not poison.)

    kbmh611 wrote: »
    I'm surprised on here how many people advocate drinking diet soda over water sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I drink a lot of diet soda, but I've never had a doctor or dietician say drinking diet soda was better or just as good as drinking water. In fact they say the opposite. When I tell a doctor how much diet soda I drink and how little water I consume I immediately get the talk of how bad diet soda is and that I need to drink more water. I also read this in magazines and in talking to people who have "experted" weight loss and healthy living. So why do people on here think they know better than the experts? I'm not saying you can't lose weight if you drink pop because I have in the past, but its just not as good for you as water because they put extra stuff in pop that your body doesn't need. I'm trying to ween myself off of pop little by little and drink more water. I will never stop drinking it completely, but I've heard enough about the benefits of drinking water to know I should be drinking more of it. But I guess to each their own.

    From the many, many posts I've read from soda drinkers, it's their way of justifying their soda addiction/love. Any blogs or articles that even dare mention the fact that diet/soda has any detrimental health effects are instantly shut down.
    People will vehemently disagree with me on this.. But i'm only putting out there how some of these posts come across.

    I don't know why anyone needs to justify loving soda. It tastes good. It's not poison. If it fits into your health goals, and you want to drink it, why would you not? Demonizing certain foods (or drinks) as "bad" and "never consume this!" is not healthy.

    You need to go back and read the hundreds of soda threads to see where I'm coming from.

    I'd honestly say the same to you. I drink a couple of diet sodas every day and don't have any of the minor issues some people experience. I do drink water, but I don't see anything in the literature to cause any alarm over diet sodas whatsoever.

    I edited my above post ...

    It's the way people vehemently defend their soda addiction/love or whatever you want to call it that gets me, not to mention the many posts of "you can pry my soda out of my cold dead hands", I can not think of one food or drink that would make say that.

    Fair enough. I think people tend get a bit hyper on here, but then again it's hard to judge tone and sarcasm at times. I have to say though I'm pretty bummed out about bacon and the processed meats thing. That's the one thing I've probably come the closest to tears over.

    Please tell me you didn't give up bacon. That would make me cry, too.

    I'm very aware of the potential cancer link, so I limit my consumption and especially limit the consumption by our daughters. I don't think it's anything to get too alarmed over given the safe dosage is such that it seems we can enjoy a bit at least once a week or so. In any event, it's never been something I ate every day.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    meganlc0 wrote: »
    I certainly don't advocate it, but I also don't think diet soda is nearly as bad as "they" claim it to be. At least not for me. I tend to drink between a half gallon and gallon of it per day, and have done so for most of a couple decades, ever since I learned I had diabetes. Before that, it was regular Pepsi, which I'm pretty sure contributed to the diabetes. If diet soda was so godawful, I should be dead by now

    Have you ever experimented with NOT drinking any diet soda? Are you ever curious as to whether or not your overall health would be better (even marginally) without drinking so much of it?

    I ask out of curiosity because my father stopped drinking his daily 2-liter (or 2) about a year ago and he swears it's made him feel better and that it's easier for him to lose weight without it.

    I've completely quit soda multiple times. Once just because my friends told me I couldn't. Then again when I first joined MFP and didn't want to drink my calories and I didn't like diet soda. Both of those times I went from multiple regular sodas a day to zero. It has never made a very big difference to me at all. I missed it, but wasn't miserable without it, but I also didn't see any kind of improvement in giving it up. In the end, it's something I enjoy the taste of, and I see no purpose in depriving myself. Then I discovered Diet Dr Pepper, which actually is just as good as regular, unlike Diet Coke, which is gross. Now I have a diet soda a few times a week, just because that's how often I feel like it, and a regular soda maybe once a month. But if I wanted to drink diet soda every day, I wouldn't feel bad. It's not poison, and it's not going to stop me from reaching my goals.

    To me, completely giving up soda all the time would be like completely giving up ice cream. Why? Why would I even bother if I don't have to? (BTW, I just had some chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. SO GOOD. Also not poison.)

    kbmh611 wrote: »
    I'm surprised on here how many people advocate drinking diet soda over water sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I drink a lot of diet soda, but I've never had a doctor or dietician say drinking diet soda was better or just as good as drinking water. In fact they say the opposite. When I tell a doctor how much diet soda I drink and how little water I consume I immediately get the talk of how bad diet soda is and that I need to drink more water. I also read this in magazines and in talking to people who have "experted" weight loss and healthy living. So why do people on here think they know better than the experts? I'm not saying you can't lose weight if you drink pop because I have in the past, but its just not as good for you as water because they put extra stuff in pop that your body doesn't need. I'm trying to ween myself off of pop little by little and drink more water. I will never stop drinking it completely, but I've heard enough about the benefits of drinking water to know I should be drinking more of it. But I guess to each their own.

    From the many, many posts I've read from soda drinkers, it's their way of justifying their soda addiction/love. Any blogs or articles that even dare mention the fact that diet/soda has any detrimental health effects are instantly shut down.
    People will vehemently disagree with me on this.. But i'm only putting out there how some of these posts come across.

    I don't know why anyone needs to justify loving soda. It tastes good. It's not poison. If it fits into your health goals, and you want to drink it, why would you not? Demonizing certain foods (or drinks) as "bad" and "never consume this!" is not healthy.

    You need to go back and read the hundreds of soda threads to see where I'm coming from.

    I'd honestly say the same to you. I drink a couple of diet sodas every day and don't have any of the minor issues some people experience. I do drink water, but I don't see anything in the literature to cause any alarm over diet sodas whatsoever.

    I edited my above post ...

    It's the way people vehemently defend their soda addiction/love or whatever you want to call it that gets me, not to mention the many posts of "you can pry my soda out of my cold dead hands", I can not think of one food or drink that would make say that.

    Fair enough. I think people tend get a bit hyper on here, but then again it's hard to judge tone and sarcasm at times. I have to say though I'm pretty bummed out about bacon and the processed meats thing. That's the one thing I've probably come the closest to tears over.

    Agreed and Agreed :smile:
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    meganlc0 wrote: »
    I certainly don't advocate it, but I also don't think diet soda is nearly as bad as "they" claim it to be. At least not for me. I tend to drink between a half gallon and gallon of it per day, and have done so for most of a couple decades, ever since I learned I had diabetes. Before that, it was regular Pepsi, which I'm pretty sure contributed to the diabetes. If diet soda was so godawful, I should be dead by now

    Have you ever experimented with NOT drinking any diet soda? Are you ever curious as to whether or not your overall health would be better (even marginally) without drinking so much of it?

    I ask out of curiosity because my father stopped drinking his daily 2-liter (or 2) about a year ago and he swears it's made him feel better and that it's easier for him to lose weight without it.

    I've completely quit soda multiple times. Once just because my friends told me I couldn't. Then again when I first joined MFP and didn't want to drink my calories and I didn't like diet soda. Both of those times I went from multiple regular sodas a day to zero. It has never made a very big difference to me at all. I missed it, but wasn't miserable without it, but I also didn't see any kind of improvement in giving it up. In the end, it's something I enjoy the taste of, and I see no purpose in depriving myself. Then I discovered Diet Dr Pepper, which actually is just as good as regular, unlike Diet Coke, which is gross. Now I have a diet soda a few times a week, just because that's how often I feel like it, and a regular soda maybe once a month. But if I wanted to drink diet soda every day, I wouldn't feel bad. It's not poison, and it's not going to stop me from reaching my goals.

    To me, completely giving up soda all the time would be like completely giving up ice cream. Why? Why would I even bother if I don't have to? (BTW, I just had some chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. SO GOOD. Also not poison.)

    kbmh611 wrote: »
    I'm surprised on here how many people advocate drinking diet soda over water sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I drink a lot of diet soda, but I've never had a doctor or dietician say drinking diet soda was better or just as good as drinking water. In fact they say the opposite. When I tell a doctor how much diet soda I drink and how little water I consume I immediately get the talk of how bad diet soda is and that I need to drink more water. I also read this in magazines and in talking to people who have "experted" weight loss and healthy living. So why do people on here think they know better than the experts? I'm not saying you can't lose weight if you drink pop because I have in the past, but its just not as good for you as water because they put extra stuff in pop that your body doesn't need. I'm trying to ween myself off of pop little by little and drink more water. I will never stop drinking it completely, but I've heard enough about the benefits of drinking water to know I should be drinking more of it. But I guess to each their own.

    From the many, many posts I've read from soda drinkers, it's their way of justifying their soda addiction/love. Any blogs or articles that even dare mention the fact that diet/soda has any detrimental health effects are instantly shut down.
    People will vehemently disagree with me on this.. But i'm only putting out there how some of these posts come across.

    I don't know why anyone needs to justify loving soda. It tastes good. It's not poison. If it fits into your health goals, and you want to drink it, why would you not? Demonizing certain foods (or drinks) as "bad" and "never consume this!" is not healthy.

    You need to go back and read the hundreds of soda threads to see where I'm coming from.

    I'd honestly say the same to you. I drink a couple of diet sodas every day and don't have any of the minor issues some people experience. I do drink water, but I don't see anything in the literature to cause any alarm over diet sodas whatsoever.

    I edited my above post ...

    It's the way people vehemently defend their soda addiction/love or whatever you want to call it that gets me, not to mention the many posts of "you can pry my soda out of my cold dead hands", I can not think of one food or drink that would make say that.

    Fair enough. I think people tend get a bit hyper on here, but then again it's hard to judge tone and sarcasm at times. I have to say though I'm pretty bummed out about bacon and the processed meats thing. That's the one thing I've probably come the closest to tears over.

    Please tell me you didn't give up bacon. That would make me cry, too.

    I'm very aware of the potential cancer link, so I limit my consumption and especially limit the consumption by our daughters. I don't think it's anything to get too alarmed over given the safe dosage is such that it seems we can enjoy a bit at least once a week or so. In any event, it's never been something I ate every day.

    My understanding is that you would have to eat huge amounts of processed meats every day for it to really be a concern. I eat 2 slices of bacon most mornings, which apparently increases the risk of colorectal cancer from 5% to all of 6%. On the other hand, the fact that my mother had breast cancer literally DOUBLES my risk of having it, from 1-in-8 to 1-in-4. BTW, the WHO also decided that all red meat is "probably carcinogenic." Processed meat is a group higher than that ("carcinogenic"), but so is alcohol and sunlight. The groupings aren't based on HOW MUCH something increases your risk of cancer, just HOW CERTAIN they are that it does. Even if only by a very tiny amount.

    A pretty good article about it: http://www.wired.com/2015/10/who-does-bacon-cause-cancer-sort-of-but-not-really/