Ladies what do you do during T.O.M.

As far as weigh in. Do you weigh and log as normal? Do you weigh and not log? Do you just avoid the scale? Last month and weighed and didn't log (gained 2 lbs) I weighed after T.O.M. left and lost it, then proceeded to lose another 2 lbs.

Do you have cravings and what do you do? The chocolate craving is strong this week. I've tried healthier alternatives abs lay night found a box of junior mints in my kitchen (didn't end well).


  • _sacar
    _sacar Posts: 80 Member
    I do struggle with cravings though lol. I think there's not much to be done on that other than work on my willpower.
  • Megansmith112712
    Megansmith112712 Posts: 62 Member
    _sacar wrote: »
    I do struggle with cravings though lol. I think there's not much to be done on that other than work on my willpower.

    My will power lost yesterday.
  • _sacar
    _sacar Posts: 80 Member
    _sacar wrote: »
    I do struggle with cravings though lol. I think there's not much to be done on that other than work on my willpower.

    My will power lost yesterday.

    Mine did last week and half the week before. And I don't have Shark Week as an excuse! Haha

  • voldemortisreal
    voldemortisreal Posts: 101 Member
    I usually weigh-in and then annotate with T.O.M on my calendar (for my reference). If it is on an official weigh-in day...and is well beyond the weekly trend...I'll use the following week as my 'official' weight.

    Honestly, cravings depend on how that T.O.M is going. Some months, meh...the cravings are mild and I can ignore it. Other times... well, as you said: "[it] didn't end well." :wink:

    I try to be cognizant of the fact that this is not a short-term process. This is a long-term slog that could end up taking several months and quite possibly years. The duration necessary for goal also does not include the transition into maintenance either. *sigh* Thus, I've come to accept that a minor gain does not the failure make :smile: It's a process, and that process is not a linear descent.

    Hope this helps.
  • _sacar
    _sacar Posts: 80 Member
    I usually weigh-in and then annotate with T.O.M on my calendar (for my reference). If it is on an official weigh-in day...and is well beyond the weekly trend...I'll use the following week as my 'official' weight.

    Honestly, cravings depend on how that T.O.M is going. Some months, meh...the cravings are mild and I can ignore it. Other times... well, as you said: "[it] didn't end well." :wink:

    I try to be cognizant of the fact that this is not a short-term process. This is a long-term slog that could end up taking several months and quite possibly years. The duration necessary for goal also does not include the transition into maintenance either. *sigh* Thus, I've come to accept that a minor gain does not the failure make :smile: It's a process, and that process is not a linear descent.

    Hope this helps.

    Perfectly stated!
  • emilysoutham95
    emilysoutham95 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't tend to use the scales as much as I measure myself because as weight can vary so much per day plus although my weight is the same I have lost inches and toned up massively yet my weight is still up and down like a yo yo!!
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    I don't weigh. I try to ignore the whole time. I kind of cheat a lot but don't go over maintenance. But it is also a pain in the butt.
  • orviske
    orviske Posts: 14 Member
    Usually cravings are a sign that you're lacking something in your diet. Many women crave chocolate, which indicates a deficiency in magnesium. You can find magnesium in green leafy things like spinach. :) I'll bet popeye never craves chocolate! LOL

    I keep working out as normal during my cycle. I have found it eases cramps and shortens my period. My weight, however drives me batty. Last week I was down to 216 and then this week I have gained a pound every day!!! And I'm working out more and eating better! Mystery.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited July 2016
    I mark all trends in weight daily. It does not matter the day, I weigh what I weigh on what ever given day!

    Not one craving thank goodness and my energy level sucks the day before but is through the roof on the day it happens.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I weigh every day and don't notice any particular pattern of either weight or cravings.
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    I weigh and log. And then the next month, when I'm frustrated, I can look back at the previous months' weight and log and remind myself, "Oh, yeah, that worked itself out - this will, too."

    I gain water weight when I ovulate, too. So really, my weight is up and down about 2 pounds two different times of the month. If I didn't log it, I'd agonize over it every time. It's easier to take a deep breath and let it go when I can see that the pattern is typical and doesn't mean I've screwed up.

    Exercise seems to deal reasonably well with the cravings. If I'm working out or running, I seem less likely to crave chocolate. And if I DO, I'm better able to fit it into my day, anyway.
  • rachel29hart
    rachel29hart Posts: 23 Member
    For weight loss: Avoid the scale. I get so moody that one wrong number would destroy me.
    For cravings: Halo Top Ice Cream (200-260 calories per PINT)
  • YorriaRaine
    YorriaRaine Posts: 370 Member
    I log everything. Water weight fluctuations are normal and I personally find it interesting to see day to day changes that are influenced by water retention. Also when you weight everyday you can see trends which I think reflects overall changes more than that day's individual number.

    I know a lot of people don't like to weigh during T.O.M because you are heavier from the water retention but I think weighing in and eventually getting an understanding of how certain foods or exercises or natural body cycles influence water retention.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I weigh and log as usual, but I do make a note of it and keep telling myself that the extra water weight will be gone soon.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited July 2016
    Since I am a chronic weigher (daily) and a bit OCD when it comes to logging, I weigh in and log even during TOM. But as others have said, I'm more forgiving of myself if it 'doesn't go well' on days where the cravings are super bad. I am not really sure willpower helps when dealing with hormones, I just try not to go overboard and sabotage all my efforts from the other three or so weeks of the month.

    I also keep in mind that most of the weigh gain is going to be water retention and in a few days it will all drop off. If I can keep consistent and workout through the pain and despite the bloat, then I'm often rewarded with a bit of an extra drop too. Sometimes working out helps me deal with the pain. Other times though, the heating pad is my BFF and you can't drag me out of my fetal position. It's a good time to not be too hard on yourself and realize it's a natural cycle that is just temporary. I too will annotate if it's TOM so that I know what is going on in the data if I'm having weigh in spikes.

    I have heard that if you are craving chocolate, it is better to go with a dark chocolate; however, I'm really a milk chocolate girl. I never had chocolate cravings until the past few years (not much of a chocolate fan), so I find reasonable options - if I am going to have it around, I'll have mini-bars in the house rather than the full sized ones; look at chocolate alternatives like tootsie rolls for the chocolate taste or use chocolate protein powder in my drinks instead of vanilla. My weakness tends to be wine cravings rather than chocolate.

    However, moderated cravings don't blow my eating because I don't restrict what I eat, I just restrict my calories. So, if I want that chocolate or that glass of wine, I work it in for the day, and try not to let it become gobs of chocolate and a whole bottle of wine. ;)
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Business as usual for me.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    I weigh and log. Cravings - I eat what I'm craving just not the amount I want. Make it fit in your goals and you'll likely be happier (and possibly less ToM ragey).
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    I do everything as usual. I lose weight during my TOM and have very little appetite during that time. Ovulation is when I'm slightly hungrier and hold a few pounds of water weight.