When the nail salon tech notices your gains..

Hey everyone! Happy Monday. :wink: I was at the nail salon on Saturday and for the first time someone commented on the fact that my shoulders were nice and it looks like "i work out". It has renewed my motivation..as silly as that is!

I am curious have any of you ever had a situation like this? How did it make you feel?



  • msalicia116
    msalicia116 Posts: 233 Member
    That's such a good feeling. I worked at a job very temporarily, and they had a manager from a different corporate office work with us for a week (maybe longer, I was there for only a few days). Anyway, he said something to me about being an obvious weight lifter and motioning to his biceps. I was completely taken off guard.

    When you're so used to yourself you don't see you the way a stranger sees you sometimes.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I live in the deep deep south. I just in general do not look like everyone else here. Not to be snarky, but 90% of the people here are overweight and obese. I get icky snide looks in stead of compliments.. except by my amazing husband :)
  • coleg04
    coleg04 Posts: 126 Member
    While I've never been to a nail salon I definitely agree. This is a great feeling! I love when the hard work pays off
  • saramichelle89
    saramichelle89 Posts: 65 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I live in the deep deep south. I just in general do not look like everyone else here. Not to be snarky, but 90% of the people here are overweight and obese. I get icky snide looks in stead of compliments.. except by my amazing husband :)

    Girl, I do too! Its crazy how far people will let themselves go here haha
  • vasquez610
    vasquez610 Posts: 1 Member
    The feeling I get when my gains are recognized re-insures me the hard work in the gym an out is paying off. An only motivates me more to push myself even harder. Stay motivated!!
  • manowarrule
    manowarrule Posts: 32 Member
    My brother was questioning me about whether I've been lifting weights. (I keep it hush hush as the general consensus i feel is that only muscular people lift despite the fact that we've all got to start somewhere) I lied and said no. My next mission - to get him to accuse me of lying! Then I'll know I've made it
  • st476
    st476 Posts: 357 Member
    Not exactly like that, but my mom posted a picture with me on her Facebook and she told me that her friends commented saying how much weight I've lost. That made me feel particularly good about myself because the only people who noticed before was my family, but I thought the only reason they noticed was because they knew I was trying to lose weight. When she told me that someone who didn't know I was trying to lose weight saw a difference, it made me twice as motivated as I was before :smile: