Lost The Weight - Still Feel Fat

Everyone around me has been really supportive on my weight loss journey, but I surpassed my goals and still don't look good. I'm down to a size 4 dress, size 6-8 pant. So tops are usually a small and bottoms usually a medium. I look good in clothes but horrible without them. I don't know what to do.

CW: 127 lbs
SW: 165
GW: 130

Do I keep trying to lose more weight? I'll be down to 1200 calories a day pretty soon, and that doesn't sound healthy at all. My family doesn't support my wanting to fix my body more - they think I'm fine, but I don't see how I can walk around jiggling everywhere and be considered "fine."

Where do I go from here?

Here are some pictures. I'm standing straight and tall, pulling in my stomach a little.



  • whatever_46
    whatever_46 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm going to put this as gently as possible...the next place you need to go is a therapist. Please don't write me off before I explain why though. You seem like you have a case of body dismorphia and it could turn into something nastier like anorexia or bulimia if you aren't careful. I know this because I have struggled with both since the age of 12. I look back at pictures of when I was much skinnier and some when I was at my absolute skinniest and I look fine, almost sick in some of them. All I could suggest you to do if you still feel like you aren't satisfied is work on toning maybe and I only say that because it might help with some of the "flab" that you think you have, I honestly dont see it, but you are skinny and being skinnier won't make you feel any better because I honestly don't think that's what the real problem is.
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    I don't have a routine. I just stopped eating so much junkfood and started doing all the grocery shopping, and much more often.
  • whatever_46
    whatever_46 Posts: 18 Member
    tjones0411 wrote: »
    Add strength training to your routine. Lifting can completely change your body. I am also 5'6" and weigh slightly more than you at 129-130.


    I second this! At your size it's not a matter of you being fat it's just how your muscles are right now.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I don't think losing more weight is the answer, I agree tjones0411 that strength training is likely to help you get the body you're looking for.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    You probably have a higher body fat percentage than you'd like then. Pick a fitness goal. Resistance training/weight training in maintenance will help with body composition (reducing fat, gaining muscle).
  • fitgirldc
    fitgirldc Posts: 55 Member
    edited July 2016
    I agree. Strength training transforms. Looks like you just need to tone. I have a problem seeing myself as thin because my legs are not as slim as my top half. Wonder if you are still seeing yourself as the 165lb you? I think toning will make you look the way you feel you should. BTW, congratulations on the weight loss!! (I'm 5'5.5" 130lbs)
  • somamaley
    somamaley Posts: 8 Member
    Well I think you look great, I'm sure others will agree. According to the calculator I use, you may be a little under your ideal weight.


    I understand not being satisfied after hitting your weight goal, I feel the same. You could consider weight training which would help firm and sculpt "jiggling" areas. That's what I am doing and it really works wonders.

    take care...
  • tjones0411
    tjones0411 Posts: 179 Member
    Sounds like a great plan - and it obviously worked for you with your weight loss! With no real exercise routine, I'd guess you'd see results fairly quickly if you were to add a few days a week. I saw a meme once that said something about dieting = looking good in your clothes, lifting = looking good naked. Lol! Love that.
  • Consistancy246
    Consistancy246 Posts: 1 Member
    Unfortunately when we diet we tend to not only lose bodyfat but muscle mass as well. We need the muscle to keep our metabolism firing which is why a lot of people gain back what they lost plus extra. You look great btw :) and we'll done. I think now you need to do weight training as some of the others have mentioned. I've seen a lot of people struggle with this after coming off dieting because to gain muscle you will also need to fuel your body. 1200calories is not enough! If you do it right you will also see the scale go up which can be scary but it's a good thing. Your body will transform. Hope this helps. Good luck.