Trying to stay motivated

Looking for friends who are 100% ready to make this change towards a healthier lifestyle. I'm 5'2 and weigh 207 lbs (dropped 8 in the last 2 months yay!). I've tried pretty much everything including weight loss pills, wraps, fasting, cleansing/detoxing, and a crazy combination of one or two of those! I always felt horrible during and after each process and finally decided to stop striving to be the definition of insane lol. I've stopped paying attention to every weight loss fad and have focused on going the "clean eating and exercise" route. I've been doing pretty well so far but have noticed that I'm losing motivation and am prone to cheating (and I mean I will go days of eating nothing but junk) because while i am making progress, that evil little voice in my head is telling me that it's just not enough. So if you're in a similar situation or just need some motivation, add me and we'll lean on each other as we race (or crawl) towards our goals!


  • em030
    em030 Posts: 11 Member
    Ugh ditto!!! I just want to stick to it!! But I keep failing. I lost 25 lbs and was almost to goal when my husband was deployed but he came home and I gained 60lbs in the last two years , life got busy :(