Do you have a cheat day?

If yes, exactly how do you cheat?
Do you not count calories?
Do you eat whatever you like?
Skip exercise...what?
Just curious.


  • tamarab3
    tamarab3 Posts: 64
    One day a week (usually a weekend day) I plan for and eat up to my maintainence calories (about 2100 calories). I don't go totally overboard, but I eat what I want and enjoy it. I eat about 1600 calories every other day, so I really feel like I am splurging by eating the extra 500 calories, and it's not preventing me from losing weight. I have been losing just under a pound a week doing this.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Nope. I do sometimes save calories through the week to treat myself on one specific day - never more than 15% a day though. I don't consider it 'cheating' if I plan and I log my calories & exercise. Cheating is when you stop caring.
  • DBabbit
    DBabbit Posts: 173 Member
    Today was mine. I ate way more carbs than what I've been eating. I tracked what I ate, and went totally over my calorie level. I also only got in 1/2 the amount of exercise I needed to counteract it. The only positive thing was that I was able to do a consistent exercise routine, so the day wasn't a complete loss.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    One day a week (usually a weekend day) I plan for and eat up to my maintainence calories (about 2100 calories). I don't go totally overboard, but I eat what I want and enjoy it. I eat about 1600 calories every other day, so I really feel like I am splurging by eating the extra 500 calories, and it's not preventing me from losing weight. I have been losing just under a pound a week doing this.

    Perfect example of what I don't consider cheating :)
  • Mrs_Hewi
    Mrs_Hewi Posts: 77 Member
    I dont have a set day that is a cheat day, but if i have an event on like a birthday party, out for dinner etc (which doesnt even happen monthly) i will have a 'guilt free' night/day, or if i have had a good few weeks where i haven't had anything im not suppossed to ill indulge in a treat such as chocolate but only if i feel like it.
    On my 'guilt free' nights its exactly that; guilt free, because i know i havent indluged in anything for a long time, however i cant help but always try and have the best option like salad instead of chips as thats just my lifestyle now. I never over eat on these occassions either.
    Once the event or that night is over i am back on to being within my calories.
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    I will have a cheat day now and then where I neither count calories nor exercise, allow myself dessert, etc. Then I have days where I'll still exercise but kind of eat what I want to-including a dessert I've really wanted. Sometimes, I just take off exercising and eat within my calories limit (or close).

    And then I'll have months like the one I'm in now... I went away at the end of June on a short trip and cheated for two days. I went away this weekend (Fri, Sat, and got home this afternoon). I tried to be good at the hotel (I took the stairs, I swam, and even utilized their "fitness center" once); I bought low sodium lunch meats, brought along my cottage cheese and lots of fresh fruits... but I still went over. Then I leave for vacation for two weeks in a couple weeks. I'll be gone with little to no gym activity and surrounded by people who will no doubt be like the little devil sitting on my shoulder saying, "come on; just do it..." eeeeek! I'll be glad when mid-August is here...
  • SLambertAlaska
    SLambertAlaska Posts: 197 Member
    I take a "cheat day" for special events. I don't log food but do try to exercise. I really want this to be something I can do for the rest of my life and I just know I'm not going to eat celery when everyone else is eating cake and ice cream, so I'm trying to be realistic about it. Sometimes I go more than a week without a "cheat" but then other times it happens twice a week. Just depends on what's going on.
    I've gotten into "trouble" a few times when I ate something that everyone else was eating and then looked up the calories afterwards - big mistake. The longer I'm on MFP the better I can judge whether I can "afford" something on a regular day.
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    Yup, and I'm not afraid to admit it. I do it once every week or two, depending on special plans, social stuff, cravings, etc. I do try to plan for it and make a decision that I'm doing it, rather than just realizing that I've gone over my calories and decide to write off the rest of the day. Until yesterday, I've never logged any food on a cheat day cuz that's half the point - it's a DAY OFF. Yesterday I logged everything and was almost 1100 calories over my goal - ouch! But it won't stop me from having my days. I still feel like I need them in order to not start feeling deprived and quitting. The prospect of never being able to have movie theatre popcorn alone is enough to stop me dieting, but this way I know that I can go to a movie once in a while, on a planned cheat day and it's all okay. That's how I plan to keep this up for the rest of my life, everything in moderation or special occasion!

    Oh, and I've been on here since early April, so about 13 weeks, and I've lost 20 pounds without doing much exercise, so I'm very happy with my loss so far, and I don't think anyone can argue with the results! (I know I should be exercising, but I hate it, and I'm working on it, so no lectures on that part, okay!)
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    "Cheat day" sounds so nauty.

    When I crave something, I usually make margin for it. "Walk it off" has taken on a whole new meaning in my circle of friends. As to working out, it is something that I love to do; but sometimes I'd rather do something else. I take time off to recover not only physically but mentally and spiritually as well. You have to admit that there is an amount of 'work' that goes into being 'on track' with an eating and exercise plan. Sometimes all you need a break from counting calories or even thinking about it.

    Sunday was my day off and I had breakfast in bed and stayed home to read. I didn't workout and I didn't pay too close attention to what I was eating. You will notice that after some time you no longer crave the things that at one time you thought you could not live without. I look at my diary and my choices were still reasonable. No pizza, deep fried foods or sweets to speak of. It's pretty standard... almost boring, I would say.

    "Cheat day"? How about a day of rest instead? A day free of rules and restrictions. Would you feel the same way about a second serving of ice cream if you knew it was not off limits? Really? You realize that a pint of ice cream tastes the same as one scoop? You will be satisfied with less when you know you can have it any time. Trust me. Not only have I lost 35 lbs but I've kept it off for almost 3 years. It is possible to have it all.

    Keep ON... getting fit.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    It seems to have become a debate about diction, but I have a "cheat meal" once or twice a week. This usually consists of me not knowing how to count what I'm eating, so I eat reasonably (mostly veggies, but maybe indulge a little bit). For example, later this week, we're going to my parents' house, and my dad has a smoker. He makes his own bbq ribs, and there's no way I'm denying myself those (or really anything, for that matter). I'll have a couple, along with a big salad, and maybe half of a baked sweet potato, and not log it. BUT, I'll also exercise that day and make sure that I eat what I normally do for breakfast and lunch. Or if I'm over at a friend's house for dinner, I'm not going to bug her about every single ingredient so that I can make up a recipe and guestimate a serving size.

    So, you can call it a cheat meal, mindless self-indulgence meal, or a guilt-free meal: it just means I'm not tracking. It hasn't affected my loss at all, and I don't deny myself in my other meals (and try to log each one). And I'm REALLY looking forward to those ribs...:blushing:
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Nope. Have had one cheat meal in the last six months. Had some ice cream as a carb "refeed" to try to shock my system. Big regrets as my stomach felt like World War 3 was going on inside of it.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    nope, I have something yummy if I feel like it and have calories left for it on any given day. Otherwise, I'll work out beforehand in order to get a treat. That way, I don't feel deprived and I'm less prone to binge on one day.
  • milziemoox
    milziemoox Posts: 15
    Its always good to have one "cheat day" a week, or I call it "treat day" as it sounds better ;-) Its all about the planning. Mine is usually on a Saturday. If I have been under my calories all week, then I feel less guilty about having a treat day as I feel like I have worked hard for it and deserve it. I ALWAYS log my treat day as well so I am aware of what I am eating and don't go over the top. It also makes me realise and learn how much some of your favourite foods can be SO bad for you and therefore I will refuse to eat it during the week :-)

    I also go swimming on the Saturday to earn those extra calories to enjoy my favourite choccy bar or bag of crisps!
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    I have a cheat meal once a month, and on special occasions like today when I hit a milestone (90 days of P90x today!) I have a cheat day. However while I'll eat rubbish today I won't go over on my calorie target even if it means lots of extra exercise to afford all that junk food.

    If you are too strict with yourself you'll never stick to it long term, I'm going to be losing weight for 12 months so I need realistic targets otherwise I'm going to get disheartened and give up. Equally you can't reward yourself every five minutes or you'll never make any progress.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I generally have a treat meal once a week, or sometimes its treat alcohol depending what my plans are for the weekend!
  • NewLeafEats
    NewLeafEats Posts: 37 Member
    No, I cheat every day! :-D

    Really, though. I don't consider anything cheating. I stay roughly within the same calorie range. Some days I go over. Some days I'm under. Some days I skip a workout, other days I manage to be unexpectedly active. I do what I can to eat as well as I can without worrying too much about it.

    I will say, I'm currently in maintenance, but I had roughly the same attitude why I was losing. I just had a lower calorie range to shoot for.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Sometimes I have a guilt free meal where I don't take calories into account and don't feel guilty about it. Sometimes I try to count it, sometimes I don't. But no, I don't regularly schedule an ENTIRE day of cheat. And I allow myself treats in small quantities all the time.