Question about stubborn muscle knots

Question about stubborn muscle knots. I tried everything to pbc pipe rolling, tennis ball rolling, deep tissue massage (it was super painful), hot Epsom salt bath, went to a chiropractor to get realigned twice, rested for 3 weeks, iced it, did mobilization exercises, and static stretches. I did all I can to fix the tightness on my neck, upper back, chest, and shoulder. Only my left side was fixed, but my right upper back muscle knots is so stubborn. My massage therapist did everything she can to fix it (very PAINFUL PROCESS). Is there anything else I can do to untie this STUBBORN KNOTS?


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Um. Usually I'd have something to suggest but it really seems like you tried everything. Is it a knot or a tweak? I was literally just saying that I would never suggest acupuncture to anyone because I don't really understand it, though I get it sometimes. I did get it for my lower back pain this week and it was one the next day.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,635 Member
    I got material improvement in some via physical therapy, but the PT people didn't use any modalities my massage therapist, osteopath, and I hadn't - it was just different exercises & massage techniques. It isn't perfect, but there was major improvement. FWIW, the most helpful massage - by MT or PT - was always . . . intense. Maybe you'd say painful. I try not to think of it that way - LOL!

    This is some shoulder/neck/jaw problems related (in my opinon, semi-confirmed by the oncology people) to fairly massive post-mastectomy radiation therapy for breast cancer - the tissue has just never gone back to a fully normal state, it seems.

    It also seems like the stronger & fitter I get, the better things get, in a very general sense, but that aspect has been verrrrryyy slooooowwwww.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    when i get a stubborn knot, i stop and take notice to everything i do on a regular basis, how i sit, how i drive, how i sleep , etc and try and pinpoint what might be keeping it tight. Sometimes its as simple as how i'm holding my hand and arm when i use my mouse at work. Whatever it is, its something thats continually recurring because it woulda relaxed after you did all that stuff. It might be something in your posture or recurring movements that you do each day that keeps it aggravated.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I find that a handheld electric massager helps sometimes. Those knots can be tough!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I love my handheld electric massager
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    oh what about a tens unit, i've used those before they are awesome.
  • socalrunner59
    socalrunner59 Posts: 149 Member
    IASTM (Graston) Therapy. I had it done on both feet for plantar fasciitis and on abdominal scar tissue some months after major surgery.

    Prior to Gaston, I had spent months in physical therapy and received 8 cortisone shots for plantar fasciitis. None of it helped much. The Gaston not only relieved my pain, but I haven't had another flare up of plantar fasciitis in the 4-5 years since treatment.

    After a tummy tuck (I lost over 70 lbs so had a lot to loose skin) I began to develop scar tissue just above the incision sight. The scar tissue was both painful and restricting my movement. My surgeon agreed Graston would break down the scar tissue and offered to teach me how to perform it on myself. Since it's pretty painful I opted instead to have it done by my sports medicine doctor.

    In total I had some 6-7 treatments for the two conditions--both completely successful.