Any vegans out there?

I've been vegan for a little over a month now, and I'm finding it to be harde than ever to avoid carbs and sugar since I removed cheese and eggs from my life. Are there any experienced vegans out there trying to lose weight? Can I get some tips on kicking the cravings for all bad foods; or for losing weight with such a lifestyle? Any advice would be appreciated!


  • rsmandala
    rsmandala Posts: 1 Member
    Many vegan foods are higher in calories. Often recipes won't have nutritional accounts, but one can figure them out. There are many vegan recipes on the computer. Also, good cheese substitutes ie. Daya. It takes carefully educating oneself. I recommend John Robbins' book, "May All Be Fed". There is great information and recipes. Any natural food stores in your area? There are also many supportive groups, ie. NWVeg in Portland, OR. If you are in an area of meet-up groups, I found some that are vegan. Good luck. It's confusing at first but with time and practice, it gets much easier.
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    1. There is nothing wrong with carbs. Cutting carbs isn't the answer.
    2. Yes, there are plenty.
    3. You will never kick the craving for all bad foods. Sorry.
    4. Losing weight? Sure! Eat less, move more. Congrats!
    5. Fibre. Track it religiously, get all you can get.
  • cardiaclearner
    cardiaclearner Posts: 14 Member
    The key to curb my cravings is to get enough protein in my diet. I have success by using vegan protein powder with my breakfast cereal or substitute a meal with vegan smoothie ( protein powder, almond milk, spinach , kale, dry date and frozen pineapple or mango).

    I am focusing on getting good nutrition & finding it is easier to curb my carving with something I enjoy in vegan version( e.g. Fresh seasonal fruit like cherry, frozen blueberry vs chips or ice cream).

    I enjoy vegan recipes by Isa Chandra and the Thug kitchen. I started by borrowing these books at my local library but you can find Isa's recipes by googling on line as well.
    I also finding my local Costco is having more vegan friendly products like Yves's kale vegan burger pattie ( delicious) & frozen stir fry veggie ( convience for make a vegan stir fry with tofu or meat substitute ).

    Feel free to add me and we could always compare notes & learn from each other.

    All the best for you to embark the fun world of vegan eating.