in need of motivation

Went to the drs this morning to basically be told I gained almost 10 lbs in a month. Iv been working on my weight but I guess not hard enough so she told me about this. My goal weight to lose is 100 lbs. So I have a long road ahead of me. I need help staying motivated because I tend to always give up.


  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    Carrot or stick?
  • doubletee2016
    doubletee2016 Posts: 7 Member
    What do you mean?
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    What type of motivation do you tend to respond to? Some people respond well to the carrot "You got this girl", "One step at a time", "I know you can do it" etc. Some to the stick.
  • doubletee2016
    doubletee2016 Posts: 7 Member
    Ohh I'd say carrot then. Iguess its different to hear it from someone else then to keep telling yourself. There's always that voice that tells you to give up.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member

    Look it's like this. Weight loss is simple it's just a matter of eating less calories than you need. That's not to say it's easy - it can be hard. But, there are things that you can do to make it happen for you.

    My tips:
    • Pick a sensible deficit - don't try to do it too fast. With 100lb to lose you can stand a couple of lbs per week but don't aim for more.
    • Weigh and track all your food. No excuses - Yes it's a pain in the *kitten* but it does get easier.
    • If you don't like exercising - don't do it. It's not necessary. Then again if you can find an activity to you like go for it.
    • There are not shortcuts, pills, potions or gimmicks that work. It's just about the deficit. high carb, low carb, meal timings, no food aft 8 pm - all irrelevant if the calories are not right.
    • Do not exclude the foods you enjoy - work them into your weekly calories.
    • Do not think that eating "diet foods" is the only way to eat - you can lose weight and eat normal everyday foods, just eat them according to your calorific target (that means smaller portions).

    Some stuff that can help with the motivation aspect of it all:
    • Remember that you're not competing with anyone else. It's today's you versus yesterday's you.
    • Do not beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon - we all do from time to time. Just get back on plan ASAP.
    • Negative people in your life - drop them like a hot brick.
    • Keep your head down - let your results speak for themselves. Do not be the girl who is always talking about her diet. Public dieting is asking for the whole world and their dog to give you hints, tips and advice. 99.9% of the time this unsolicited advice is utter bull.
    • You can do this - it is about making and sustaining small, incremental improvements and you are as capable of doing that as anyone else on the planet.

  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    Ohh I'd say carrot then. Iguess its different to hear it from someone else then to keep telling yourself. There's always that voice that tells you to give up.

    you know that voice that tells you to give up? It's a dick! It's a scared little *kitten* that is frightened of change. And you know how you can fight it? By recognising it and saying to it "I know you're just saying that because you're frighted of change, but I'm not listening to you anymore. I'm doing this.. get used to it".

    Eventually, it will STFU.