Brand new to MyFitnessPal!!

Hey guys !!
Totally new to this app but I can't wait to see my progress with the help of all the trackers this provides. Gone through some struggles and unfortunately turned to food as a comfort but it's time to change that and get back on track!! Any suggestions or things that have worked for any of you guys I would love to hear about as well all go through our journeys together :)



  • kendahlj
    kendahlj Posts: 243 Member
    Prepare for lots of this: CICO
  • nedamoghaddas1994
    nedamoghaddas1994 Posts: 3 Member
    kendahlj wrote: »
    Prepare for lots of this: CICO

    What's CICO
  • cessi0909
    cessi0909 Posts: 654 Member
    kendahlj wrote: »
    Prepare for lots of this: CICO

    What's CICO

    Calories in, calories out
  • CatherineLaurel
    CatherineLaurel Posts: 197 Member
    Welcome you will love it. It works.
  • eringrace95_
    eringrace95_ Posts: 296 Member
  • Bearbo27
    Bearbo27 Posts: 339 Member
    Try and take it slow and steady.

    Don't be discouraged if the weight drops faster right at the beginning and then slows down.

    You will have moments where the weight loss may slow or stop due to water retention, time of the month, etc. Just stick with it and you will get past it.

    Get a food scale and weigh everything!

    Take time to look at the success stories for motivation.

    You got this :) This site is amazing and has helped me so much.
  • nedamoghaddas1994
    nedamoghaddas1994 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you guys so much !!!
  • RealTyler25
    RealTyler25 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome to the community :)
  • kargrego
    kargrego Posts: 2 Member
    Slow and steady! I'm just starting this app, but in weight loss since Dec '15. (40#!). I've been limiting carbs and sweets, and just discovered Cloud Bread (recipe on and in the stores, Shirataki noodles and Shirataki rice! What great discoveries!!
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    Welcome to the group xx
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
  • ticiaelizabeth
    ticiaelizabeth Posts: 139 Member
    Welcome! One piece of advise I can offer is not to have an all or nothing mentality. I struggled with that for years and would eat well for a couple weeks, have a bad weekend and quit. All that did was lead to 10+ years of dieting with nothing to show for it. Be forgiving and remember this is a long term thing, so splurging at a party or birthday every once in a while is not only okay, it is necessary to keep moving forward (for me at least).
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    You'll get so many pins my best suggestion is read the forums still really help you a lot. Here a few of my suggestions

    Calorie in calorie out
    Weigh and log your food with a scale
    Read the community forums you'll get different perspectives
    You'll have good days, you will have bad days what you have to realize this is a long-term Journey it's not a sprint
    Don't look at this as a diet if you do you'll fail diets suck you're miserable and you have to give up food that you enjoy. Look at this as a lifestyle change by it being a lifestyle change educate yourself about food and the consequences of eating and overeating

    You can eat whatever you want you don't have to give up anything it's just a matter of fitting it into your calorie count
  • burk89
    burk89 Posts: 1 Member
    The hardest part of loosing weight is starting the weight loss journey in my experience.

    I agree with the other poster who said eat what you want just don't eat as much, watch those pesky calories.
  • st476
    st476 Posts: 357 Member
    My two biggest tips are to weigh your food because it really does make a difference and don't think of food as good or bad. This is the first time I'm actually sticking to my diet and don't feel miserable and I realized that's because I eat more stuff that I actually like so it doesn't even feel like a diet sometimes. Just worry about the calories, because that's the only thing that matters when it comes to losing weight. Macros matter for other reasons but I don't track mine. For example, before for my diets I used to eat natural fruit Popsicles when I had ice cream cravings (which wasn't really doing it for me) but now I eat choc chip cookie dough frozen Greek yogurt bars. No wonder I gave up all the time, I was completely forbidding things I liked which would lead to me binging and never getting back on track. I don't have any desire to binge now that I have things in moderation. Don't feel like you're cheating your diet if you have something that isn't necessarily heathy because a calorie is a calorie, whether it's from an apple or chocolate cake. :smile: Good luck!