Eating late


I've been looking around and seen both pro and con posts about eating late. I normally get home from work and workout around 18:00, sometimes before, but as I'm usually up until 01:00 I feel this is a bit to soon for dinner.

Do I loose weight faster if I just get my dinner at 18-19.00 and go a bit hungry at the end of the day?


  • mrshalltb
    mrshalltb Posts: 10
    They say not to eat after 8pm so it gives your body time to digest and use the energy for the yest of the night. its best to try not eat too late and it may also affect your sleeping eating later on
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    There are a lot of different opinions out there about the pros and cons of eating late. For me, in the overall scheme I don't find that eating late has had any effect on my weight loss in general. Obviously if I eat dinner at 21:00, my weight will be up the very next morning, but overall I don't think it has hindered my weight loss. I've lost almost 94 pounds total.
  • Mahhafooznit
    Mahhafooznit Posts: 24 Member
    Have 2 spoonfuls of natural peanut butter close to bed. The kind you have to stir with a spoon
    because its all runny. The protein and the fatty acids will help stop your appetite.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    As long as you are within your calories, when doesn't especially matter. Eating "late" is somewhat relative to your individual sleep cycle and as long as you are on a regular schedule and feel satisfied, as opposed to say staying up til 1 just munching on junk 2x a week, I'd say go ahead and eat dinner later. Maybe consider lightening up your dinner a bit (and thus making breakfast/lunch the meals you focus on more) if you are concerned, but I really don't think it will make much difference as long as you are eating good foods in the recommended amounts.
  • misstash123
    I'm not too sure of the exact science, but I go off the idea that as long as you give your body 3-4hours to digest your food before you go to sleep, eating late wouldnt do any harm. If your going to bed quite late anyway, eating earlier just to not be "eating late" or after a certain time, will probably lead you to become more hungry as a longer time period will pass before you sleep.

    Thats my opinion by the way, I could be wrong!
    Hope this helps,
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I often eat late.... after 8:30pm.... sometimes as late as 10pm.... and I have consistently lost weight.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Hello, The concensus now is that it doesn't matter how late you eat, if you haven't consumed enough calories for the day. Personally, I have lost weight by scheduling and eating all of my meals before 8PM and I also have lost weight by eating my last daily meal well past 8PM. I KNOW it's all about your daily calorie allowance. If you are exercising at a high level and have earned back some calories, you could probably afford to eat a small nutricious snack after dinner to get you through the night. Just remember that EXTRA calories above and beyond your daily allowance are stored as fat.
  • AleksAas
    AleksAas Posts: 13
    Thank you so much for all the input. The idea of lightening dinner and adding more to lunch seams really good. I might enjoy some of the hot food at work as well since I'll be spending more of my calorie intake on that meal. Thank you so much everyone!