Getting back on track/learning to eat less again

What do you do after a really bad 3-4 days of eating (like really bad calorie surplus) to get back on track? I have a hard time keeping my calories at an appropriate level in general but went through some emotional eating and I'm just trying to at least get in the right mindset. What tips/tricks/actions do you use to get back to losing? I have always used intense exercise as an excuse to "eat more" and at this point...I feel like I need to learn to deal with hunger and going to bed hungry because that's always been my fear. When I lost a lot of weight years ago I would wake up every hour starving, sometimes eat in the middle of the night and was an insomniac. Now it's just the opposite and I put myself into a food coma every night to sleep. I have tried every kind of diet and think counting calories is more sustainable than something like keto but at the same time....I either fast as long as I can until the evening so I can not be so hungry or I eat way too much too early in the day and go way over. Really bad at stopping when I'm "satisfied" without going back every hour to eat. :(


  • samchez0
    samchez0 Posts: 364 Member
    How much water do you drink? I noticed that drinking more water helped me sustain that satisfied feeling. I've read that a lot of people mistake thirst for hunger and I've found that to be true for me. When I haven't drank enough I'm also more likely to choose in healthier foods and binge.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited July 2016
    You need to find a balance and a get in a better meal schedule. What have you set your calorie goal to, what rate of loss are you aiming for, and do you hit your goal most days?
  • charlenekapf
    charlenekapf Posts: 309 Member
    You need to find a balance and a get in a better meal schedule. What have you set your calorie goal to, what rate of loss are you aiming for, and do you hit your goal most days?

    Honestly I don't even know what to do anymore. I have never had a good meal structure and just did intermittent fasting for a while. that kind of screwed with my hunger and fullness a lot. I would like to lose 1lb a week as i think that is reasonable. I don't think i could stick to 1200 cal ever...I think 1500 is doable but it's very hard for me to eat less than 2000 since all this started. again, the extreme exercise kind of got me into the "burn more eat more" mindset. hoping that eventually i can get this right again. do you just have to get used to being constantly hungry? even vegetables fill me for like an hour. as soon as i pee out the water, hunger.
  • kendahlj
    kendahlj Posts: 243 Member
    I went low carb and am never hungry and am able to stay at a healthy deficit. It's not for everyone, but worth a try if you're struggling...
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    charkelsey wrote: »
    You need to find a balance and a get in a better meal schedule. What have you set your calorie goal to, what rate of loss are you aiming for, and do you hit your goal most days?

    Honestly I don't even know what to do anymore. I have never had a good meal structure and just did intermittent fasting for a while. that kind of screwed with my hunger and fullness a lot. I would like to lose 1lb a week as i think that is reasonable. I don't think i could stick to 1200 cal ever...I think 1500 is doable but it's very hard for me to eat less than 2000 since all this started. again, the extreme exercise kind of got me into the "burn more eat more" mindset. hoping that eventually i can get this right again. do you just have to get used to being constantly hungry? even vegetables fill me for like an hour. as soon as i pee out the water, hunger.

    I would suggest working on stabilizing before anything else. Find your maintenance level. Plan to eat all those calories spread over 3, 4 or 5 meals that fit with the rest of your day. Assemble regular meals, always have some different foods - meat/fish, grains/potatoes, fruit and vegetables, dairy, nuts. (Cooking is good.) Spend at least one month like that, aiming to eat every meal every day, and enjoy them - this means that you need to find foods and create meals that you like. Stop excessive exercising. Walk, dance and play more instead.

    Then you can reassess if you want/need to lose weight, and you'll understand better what you'll need to change.
  • charlenekapf
    charlenekapf Posts: 309 Member
    Thank you. where to find maintenance level?
    charkelsey wrote: »
    You need to find a balance and a get in a better meal schedule. What have you set your calorie goal to, what rate of loss are you aiming for, and do you hit your goal most days?

    Honestly I don't even know what to do anymore. I have never had a good meal structure and just did intermittent fasting for a while. that kind of screwed with my hunger and fullness a lot. I would like to lose 1lb a week as i think that is reasonable. I don't think i could stick to 1200 cal ever...I think 1500 is doable but it's very hard for me to eat less than 2000 since all this started. again, the extreme exercise kind of got me into the "burn more eat more" mindset. hoping that eventually i can get this right again. do you just have to get used to being constantly hungry? even vegetables fill me for like an hour. as soon as i pee out the water, hunger.

    I would suggest working on stabilizing before anything else. Find your maintenance level. Plan to eat all those calories spread over 3, 4 or 5 meals that fit with the rest of your day. Assemble regular meals, always have some different foods - meat/fish, grains/potatoes, fruit and vegetables, dairy, nuts. (Cooking is good.) Spend at least one month like that, aiming to eat every meal every day, and enjoy them - this means that you need to find foods and create meals that you like. Stop excessive exercising. Walk, dance and play more instead.

    Then you can reassess if you want/need to lose weight, and you'll understand better what you'll need to change.

  • charlenekapf
    charlenekapf Posts: 309 Member
    kendahlj wrote: »
    I went low carb and am never hungry and am able to stay at a healthy deficit. It's not for everyone, but worth a try if you're struggling...

    I have tried and failed with LC many times. I feel awful when I am LC and never seem to get that tiger blood that most talk about. I love fruit and healthy carbs and meat and fat is just not sustainable for me long term. I lost weight years ago without having to be on a certain "plan" and while it may not have been maintainable due to taking it to extremes I would like to try to eat moderate carbs, low/moderate fat and adequate protein but first and foremost get my schedule in order so I'm not eating out of boredom/sadness/comfort.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    charkelsey wrote: »
    Thank you. where to find maintenance level?
    charkelsey wrote: »
    You need to find a balance and a get in a better meal schedule. What have you set your calorie goal to, what rate of loss are you aiming for, and do you hit your goal most days?

    Honestly I don't even know what to do anymore. I have never had a good meal structure and just did intermittent fasting for a while. that kind of screwed with my hunger and fullness a lot. I would like to lose 1lb a week as i think that is reasonable. I don't think i could stick to 1200 cal ever...I think 1500 is doable but it's very hard for me to eat less than 2000 since all this started. again, the extreme exercise kind of got me into the "burn more eat more" mindset. hoping that eventually i can get this right again. do you just have to get used to being constantly hungry? even vegetables fill me for like an hour. as soon as i pee out the water, hunger.

    I would suggest working on stabilizing before anything else. Find your maintenance level. Plan to eat all those calories spread over 3, 4 or 5 meals that fit with the rest of your day. Assemble regular meals, always have some different foods - meat/fish, grains/potatoes, fruit and vegetables, dairy, nuts. (Cooking is good.) Spend at least one month like that, aiming to eat every meal every day, and enjoy them - this means that you need to find foods and create meals that you like. Stop excessive exercising. Walk, dance and play more instead.

    Then you can reassess if you want/need to lose weight, and you'll understand better what you'll need to change.

    You can estimate your maintenance level right here on MFP's setup, but any BMR calculator will do. Be aware that the number you are after, is your real TDEE (what you expend in a day being the normal you), not BMR (you in a coma). They will all give slightly (or not so slightly) different numbers, but you may have to do some trial and error anyway to find the right level - it's not about being "exact", but being in the ballpark.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    edited July 2016
    This is a nice little calculator. You can compare these numbers to MFP. Remember that everything is an estimate. No calculator can know your personal metabolism to a T.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I go through this from time to time. All I do is try to get closer and closer each day. Pre-logging helps.
  • Tricia7188
    Tricia7188 Posts: 135 Member
    I do 1200 no problem (no hunger) during the week because I tend to be in higher cal environments during the weekend.
    I've found making protein a priority has helped ALOT on all levels(esp at 1200), it helps with staying full at the moment, staying full throughout the day, slowly over time decreasing my cravings for sugar, etc. I try to pair higher protein with high fiber veggies and fruit (I have to be careful with fruit at 1200 but can usually fit 1 serving/1 apple a day, just higher calorie than veg but worth it to me).
    The protein and fiber combo have me stuffed! I do try to incorporate healthy fats like a small amount of nuts but it can be hard to fit at 1200.
    I've also been at this for 6+ months so I'm in a good groove. Another big help has been meal prepping and using the recipe builder here. I make my meals about 200-250 cals and 30ish grams of protein. I can then add veggies,etc on the side if I want, or not.
    Also having easy, quick snacks and meals as a go to helps. Like canned tuna mixed up real quick with mustard, relish and a little mayo. Frozen shrimp are awesome cause they thaw quick, same for frozen fish. I precook chicken and premeasure into 3 oz portions and freeze that. Then I can use that for alot of things.
    Good luck! Add me if u want
  • charlenekapf
    charlenekapf Posts: 309 Member
    Tricia7188 wrote: »
    I do 1200 no problem (no hunger) during the week because I tend to be in higher cal environments during the weekend.
    I've found making protein a priority has helped ALOT on all levels(esp at 1200), it helps with staying full at the moment, staying full throughout the day, slowly over time decreasing my cravings for sugar, etc. I try to pair higher protein with high fiber veggies and fruit (I have to be careful with fruit at 1200 but can usually fit 1 serving/1 apple a day, just higher calorie than veg but worth it to me).
    The protein and fiber combo have me stuffed! I do try to incorporate healthy fats like a small amount of nuts but it can be hard to fit at 1200.
    I've also been at this for 6+ months so I'm in a good groove. Another big help has been meal prepping and using the recipe builder here. I make my meals about 200-250 cals and 30ish grams of protein. I can then add veggies,etc on the side if I want, or not.
    Also having easy, quick snacks and meals as a go to helps. Like canned tuna mixed up real quick with mustard, relish and a little mayo. Frozen shrimp are awesome cause they thaw quick, same for frozen fish. I precook chicken and premeasure into 3 oz portions and freeze that. Then I can use that for alot of things.
    Good luck! Add me if u want

    Do you workout too? How much have you lost?? Thank you for the advice. Do you have any sleep problems?
  • Amandajs232
    Amandajs232 Posts: 194 Member

    Eat to MFP 1lb weight loss kcals
    Eat only 1/3 exercise kcals back
    Plan ahead
    Bulk with lots of veg
    Eat plenty of lean protein
    Allow a proportionally bigger dinner
    Leave kcals for an evening snack
    Drink lots of water or zero kcal soda/soft drinks

    If you do this you won't go hungry and will lose. If you are hungry then think rationally "this hunger is emotional, I have plenty of reserves, my body is just adjusting, hunger is a feeling it is not pain". I have lost 100lb from 265lb to 165lb with about 50lb regained and relost in that time. I am now 6lb away from no longer being overweight and the above solutions always work for me. Good luck.
  • Tricia7188
    Tricia7188 Posts: 135 Member
    @charkelsey I was doing couch to 5k for a couple weeks (jog/walking intervals) but I can't keep it up so I switched to doing evening walks (2.5 miles, about 40 min) after work, I shoot for at least 3 days but every day after work would be awesome. My activity on weekends is sporadic, sometimes I walk alot (hiking) sometimes I do nothing lol. I only just started incorporating exercise a month or so ago, I didn't want to get overwhelmed so I focused on calories, cooking, experimenting on recipes until that has become a habit. Now I'm incorporating walking little by little. Mostly for health, I dont eat back my exercise cals.
    I've lost about 12-13 lbs since Jan.
    No, I don't really have sleep problems. But I always try to get at least 7.5-8 hrs that's just me though, I know some can function better on less. But I did notice when I was getting less sleep my cravings/hunger jumped a bit. Sleep is important!
  • Tricia7188
    Tricia7188 Posts: 135 Member

    Eat to MFP 1lb weight loss kcals
    Eat only 1/3 exercise kcals back
    Plan ahead
    Bulk with lots of veg
    Eat plenty of lean protein
    Allow a proportionally bigger dinner
    Leave kcals for an evening snack
    Drink lots of water or zero kcal soda/soft drinks

    If you do this you won't go hungry and will lose. If you are hungry then think rationally "this hunger is emotional, I have plenty of reserves, my body is just adjusting, hunger is a feeling it is not pain". I have lost 100lb from 265lb to 165lb with about 50lb regained and relost in that time. I am now 6lb away from no longer being overweight and the above solutions always work for me. Good luck.

    Agreed!!! I forgot about water I always drink 2- 30 oz bottles at least and shoot for 3, for 90 oz total.
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    More water
    Drink 1/2 your weight in ounces (200lbs. = 100ozs. water/day)
    I try to guzzle 3 cups as soon as I wake up & I try to drink 3 cups before lunch & dinner

    Protein + veggies
    I try to avoid white foods unless I know I've exercised enough to zero that food out

    Fresh fruits + fresh veggies
    You can eat a lot of what doesn't come with a label

    Walk on a treadmill, walk outside, walk in place, walk during commercials
    There are free walking videos on YouTube (Leslie Sansone)

    The extra movement will help you sleep, trust me, I'm an insomniac too
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    MiamiSeoul wrote: »
    More water
    Drink 1/2 your weight in ounces (200lbs. = 100ozs. water/day)
    I try to guzzle 3 cups as soon as I wake up & I try to drink 3 cups before lunch & dinner

    Just as a note of interest, be careful not to drink too much water, all day or especially all at once. My doc was very stern with me for giving myself low blood sodium and hyponatremia from guzzling water. :o

  • charlenekapf
    charlenekapf Posts: 309 Member
    i literally have to be careful about too much water as i pee all night long. i get up at least 3x to pee and pee right before bed, when i get up in the morning. my hormones i think being screwed up influence this .very low progesterone and estrogen, no period for 7+ years after losing a lot of weight and now back to overweight. i am basically menopausal and i think part of the bladder issue is related to the hormones. but i have lost the weight before with my hormones being nonexistant and i will do it again. just hated the sleep deprivation i suffered for years. i just need to get in the mindset of being calm about having hunger and not eating in the middle of the night if I keep waking up hungry. sucks.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I have hunger-fear too, and bladder issues as well. I eat often (sometimes hourly) and always have a bedtime yogurt. The bladder issues require retraining and pelvic floor issues. I had really improved last year, but then got last about my kegels and am now back to square one. Blah! LOL
    charkelsey wrote: »
    i literally have to be careful about too much water as i pee all night long. i get up at least 3x to pee and pee right before bed, when i get up in the morning. my hormones i think being screwed up influence this .very low progesterone and estrogen, no period for 7+ years after losing a lot of weight and now back to overweight. i am basically menopausal and i think part of the bladder issue is related to the hormones. but i have lost the weight before with my hormones being nonexistant and i will do it again. just hated the sleep deprivation i suffered for years. i just need to get in the mindset of being calm about having hunger and not eating in the middle of the night if I keep waking up hungry. sucks.

    I have hunger-fear too, and bladder issues as well. I eat often (sometimes hourly) and always have a bedtime yogurt. The bladder issues require retraining and pelvic floor issues. I had really improved last year, but then got lazy about my kegels and am now back to square one. Blah! LOL