Need some filling snack suggestions!

bethberg12 Posts: 40 Member
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
Hi Everyone :-)
Nursing mom, constantly hungry, fighting a dwindling supply... and just not making the right choices when it comes to filling snacks. I think that I make pretty good choices when it comes to meals, but I lose it when it comes to snacks. I find myself reaching for the salty/crunchy/carby stuff, which doesn't fill me, and then I'm hungry again.

Any suggestions would be welcome!



  • bump.. I would like o know too! ;)
  • saldridge
    saldridge Posts: 125 Member
    We often buy 2 pounds of lean ground beef or turkey and make little meat balls (< golf ball size). Those are an excellent snack, easy to make, they can be eaten hot and cold.
    Mix up the flavor for example add chili powder and cumin, oregano and garlic, or curry. Go light on bread crumbs but don't omit them totally.

    We make 40 little meat balls, pack them into little bags or containers. Lean snack, high protein, with a savory bite to it!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I go for more protein stuff:

    125g cottage cheese
    Boiled egg and light mayo
    Few spoons peanut butter
    25g cheddar cheese

    All of them approx 100 cal
  • aclark6818
    aclark6818 Posts: 209 Member
    I like the laughing cow light swiss cheese wedges (35 calories)--I think the protein in it makes it more filling. Maybe look for snacks that have more protein. Good Luck
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    Hard boiled egg
    small handful of nuts
    If I'm not really hungry and just want to eat out of boredom I will grab some sugar free gum or a lifesaver wint-o-green mint (man, those things are addictive), which I find will get me over the hump.
  • semrants
    semrants Posts: 2
    10 almonds and veggies
    crackers and low fat cheese
    veggies and peanut butter/almond butter or hummus
    whole grain chips and salsa
    yogurt and fruit w/granola
    1 boiled egg and fruit
    plain almond milk mixed with pure cocoa powder and veggies or fruit
    dry multigrain cheerios and sunflower seeds
    small smoothie (1/2 frozen banana, 1 cup almond milk, 1 tbsp cocoa powder, 1 scoop protein powder and ice)
    cottage cheese and fruit or veggies

    That's all I got :)
  • i like to carry the bottle of blue diamond nut with me.. .they have some great flavors, i also love beef jerky. you can even make your own! cottage cheese cups are great, string cheese is awesome, carrot sticks are easy and convenient, or boiled eggs. hang in there!
  • I started making my own hummus and I love to dip carrots and broccoli in it. So that way I'm getting some protein as well as a bunch of fresh veggies! Plus by making it myself I can control the flavors and how much olive oil/sesame gets into the mix.

    Also look up a recipe for some baked kale chips. I didn't think I liked them at first but then, about an hour later, I looked down and my hole bowl was empty. I had just eaten a whole bundle of kale!:ohwell:
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    I eat plain cheerios with unsweetened soy milk and a handful a frozen blueberries thrown in. It's seriously delicious. I switched to unsweetened soy milk instead of skim milk in the cereal because it has MUCH less sugar than skim and the blueberries and cereal make it sweet anyway. About 300 calories for a pretty big bowl.

    Also, we keep Fiber One bars in the house for snacks, or get the mini bags of popcorn.
  • AmyNaylor7205
    AmyNaylor7205 Posts: 45 Member
    I go for all things salty and crunchy as well. LOL One of my favorite snacks are a serving of the (BIG) wheat thins and 1 or 2 tablespoons of philladelphia gaden vegetable cream cheese (with 1/3 less fat). It's a rich snack, full of crunchy and salty that we crave and it normally ties me over til the next meal. If not, add some fruit. Sometimes I add a half cup of grapes with it.

  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Popcorn! Popped plain and topped with some olive oil and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese.
  • bethberg12
    bethberg12 Posts: 40 Member
    these are GREAT suggestions - thank you!!

    I am a WW graduate and I just couldn't stay full on the snacks they suggested - all 0 point things like carrots and snap peas.

    I love me some kale chips, esp seasoned with Old Bay! Thanks for the meatball suggestion, too. I'm going to try this with some ground turkey later in the week.

    I need to find a way to bring this all to work with me, too. My office is right above the school cafeteria, so it's really tempting to run downstairs and grab a snack - and of course, being a college campus, it's all fries, chips, soda...etc.
  • Airliner
    Airliner Posts: 54 Member
    Slice a red bell pepper into strips and enjoy with some lowfat ranch veggie dip. You can eat half a bell pepper and 2 Tbsp of dip for less than 50 calories. Yummy and the Vitamin C is off the charts!
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    Ah yes the breastfeeding days when you THINK you can eat what you want and vast quantities of it! THis is how I gained my baby weight!

    Make some fruit salads in the fridge and have some low fat greek style yoghurt with it.
    rice cakes with peanut butter
  • amybrauch
    amybrauch Posts: 250 Member
    Spread some Turkey Pepperoni's out on a plate and take 1 string cheese and slice it into little "coins" and place one on top of each pepperoni and then nuke it for about 30 seconds - enough to melt the cheese. Good snack.
  • bethberg12
    bethberg12 Posts: 40 Member
    Ah yes the breastfeeding days when you THINK you can eat what you want and vast quantities of it! THis is how I gained my baby weight!

    Make some fruit salads in the fridge and have some low fat greek style yoghurt with it.
    rice cakes with peanut butter

    Yeah, I miss being pregnant - only b/c I could eat and not feel guilty about it! I'm terrified of what's going to happen when I finally wean my son. I imagine I'll keep eating like I'm nursing and then BAM - gain it all back.
  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member
    Keep a drawer stocked of nuts and bars and rice cakes. You can do it. I always pre pack my snacks in the morning, a piece of fruit for between breakfast and lunch and some almonds or guac w/veggies for the afternoon. Have you tried dry roasted edamame? so yummy.
  • NewLeafEats
    NewLeafEats Posts: 37 Member
    Peanut butter + apples/bananas/carrots
    Hummus + snow peas/carrots/bell pepper strips (raw veg, basically)
    Guacamole + raw veg
    Fruit + cheese
    Fruit + nuts/seeds
    Yogurt + fruit + granola/seeds
    Fruit + boiled egg

    Basically I balance fresh produce with a good protein+fat source. It helps satisfy my hunger for longer, and allows my stomach to digest better. Couldn't tell ya why. I just know that plain raw produce tends to upset my stomach unless I mix eat it with something else.
  • bethberg12
    bethberg12 Posts: 40 Member
    Keep a drawer stocked of nuts and bars and rice cakes. You can do it. I always pre pack my snacks in the morning, a piece of fruit for between breakfast and lunch and some almonds or guac w/veggies for the afternoon. Have you tried dry roasted edamame? so yummy.
    What was that 100 calorie guac you were telling me about?
  • yoshikosc
    yoshikosc Posts: 5 Member
    My new favorite snack is 3oz of fat-free yogurt, half a cup of jello and a couple chopped up strawberries. SO SO GOOD! Pretty filling for under 80 calories. If you are still hungry you can add more jello (only 8 cal, 0 fat and 0 carbs) or more fruit.

    Another good one is half an apple, half a banana, one teaspoon of peanut butter and 1/4 cup of granola. Warning: this is not low cal or low carb. I eat it on days I hacve trouble reaching my min calorie intake. But it so good I wish I could eat it every day.

    I try to stay away form things that come in wrappers, I don't trust high-fructose corn syrup!

    Fresh fruits and vegetables are a must!
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