
I do not have teeth, I need good foods to eat that are not hard. I know most diets say to eat nuts or fresh veggies as a snack. What is a good replacement snack?


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Nut butters? And blend your foods into a smoothie?
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    You can snack on pretty much anything that fits your needs. You don't have to eat certain foods to lose weight. Although some are better at keeping you full longer. I find nuts high calorie for what you get volume wise. Some people find them filling, I don't. The key to losing weight is staying at your calorie goal. What foods you use to get there is individual.
  • KassiesJourney
    KassiesJourney Posts: 306 Member
    Steam your veggies so they are softer, nut butters, smoothies
  • amcfan1
    amcfan1 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for the ideas.
  • dredremeg
    dredremeg Posts: 202 Member
    Hummus, mash potatoes, devil eggs, yogurt and butter nut squash ........
  • AliceAxe
    AliceAxe Posts: 172 Member
    edited July 2016
    I grind up fresh vegtables in a chopper/food processor until a mush and then add it to recipies. adding a little liquid to the process helps. very good for cold dishes like tuna salad made with a little olive oil or add to soups or smoothies. salsas and hummus can be made out of all sorts of ground up vegggies and beans. add all kinds of herbs and spices, same with desserts and fresh fruits ground and added to jellos and puddings, yogurt , sorbet, realy the possibilities are endless. Might be a good opportunity to experiment. try googling 'soft food cookbook'.