Recommendation for a good but inexpensive pedometer?



  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Thank you all for the suggestions and tips!

    After some bumps in the road with the setup, the Zip is on me recording away.
    It is almost midnight now, my steps for the day will draw to an end soon but I am not sure what the Zip will do tomorrow morning when I pick it back up and clip it on.
    For example, I am at 374 steps right now. Will it start from zero tomorrow or continue to count from 374?

    How do I reset it to zero for a new day? This is something that is still unclear both for me and my husband - who is much more techie than I am.

    Also, I have a bit of a hunch that this Zip is overestimating steps - a little bit.
    How did are users find it? Underestimating, overestimating or quite accurate?

    Thank you again!

    Here's a link to the FitBit group here in MFP. Lots of information there. Links to add FitBit Friends also.

  • wisdomfromyou
    wisdomfromyou Posts: 198 Member
    Thank you!
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Thank you all for the suggestions and tips!

    After some bumps in the road with the setup, the Zip is on me recording away.
    It is almost midnight now, my steps for the day will draw to an end soon but I am not sure what the Zip will do tomorrow morning when I pick it back up and clip it on.
    For example, I am at 374 steps right now. Will it start from zero tomorrow or continue to count from 374?

    How do I reset it to zero for a new day? This is something that is still unclear both for me and my husband - who is much more techie than I am.

    Also, I have a bit of a hunch that this Zip is overestimating steps - a little bit.
    How did are users find it? Underestimating, overestimating or quite accurate?

    Thank you again!

    Here's a link to the FitBit group here in MFP. Lots of information there. Links to add FitBit Friends also.

    Thank you!
  • ernestrodgers82
    ernestrodgers82 Posts: 203 Member
    I think I am so far from the recommended 10,000 steps a day, it's not at all funny.
    Most of my steps probably come from the hour of exercise I try to squeeze in most days - but the rest of the day? I add probably very little.
    I need a pedometer to keep me aware - but I do not want to spend much.
    I don't want any extra fun gadgets on it, no bells and whistles - just a reliable pedometer that I can wear on the bra or hip to show me how I do on my steps.

    Thank you so much!

    Hi @wisdomfromyou if you are able to walk around with your smartphone, there are free apps that will count your steps. If you have a Samsung, there is an app called "shealth" that will track your steps throughout the day using your phone. If you can't (or don't want to) carry you smartphone, get a inexpensive clip-on pedometer. I have one manufactured by Omron and it cost under $20. See the reviews here
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    I feel your frustration. I got a cheap Omron HJ 112 years ago (about $20). It is great, counts steps (aerobic & regular). But now the price is through the roof on Amazon.

    Simple pedometers are getting impossible to find. Everything out there is trying to copy near FitBit prices. The MisFit (mentioned by @shadow2soul) seems like a good idea. Syncing with MFP is going to give you a day-to-day match against your activity level. Great for maintenance.

    I got the Omron HJ-321 Tri-Axis Alvita Pedometer from the VA TeleMove program and used it until my sister gave me a fitbit for Christmas. It's $17.99 right now.

    I like my FB better, but still recommend Omron for those with a limited budget and no smart phone.

  • wisdomfromyou
    wisdomfromyou Posts: 198 Member

    I just wanted to add that during my first day of using the FitBit I got in 13,500 steps as of 9:45pm.

    This was not necessarily easy.
    I skiped the elevator and walked up and down the stairs at work I don't know how many times because I have had an epic print job that I sent to a floor below in batches. This is not normal for me.
    Then I walked to the gym 0.8 miles - did some weights there and then walked back 0.8 miles. And here I am.

    There will be days when I will be in danger of doing much less.
    Hopefully, the FitBit will remind me to step it up then.

    One final (and quite important for me) question: how in the world does my computer know how many steps are on my FitBit?
    I understand this is through sync-ing/blue tooth/who knows what ...but does that mean I am carrying all day long some kind of radiation on me with this FitBit?
    I am a little like the older brother in "Better Call Sall" when it comes to radiation of any kind...(I mean, slightly insane). If it means I am carrying around weird stuff on my body, I am ready to take it back and just get something basic and mechanical.

    Kindly advise! :-)
  • wisdomfromyou
    wisdomfromyou Posts: 198 Member
    Urggh. The Internet apparently says "yes.
    And if there is even a remote possibility that this is true (proven or not) - this cute little device is on his way back to the store. :-(

    Are any of the other devices recommended here purely mechanical (with no syncing and no EMF radiation whatsoever)?

    Thank you all.

    Gosh, I am so disappointed because I really liked having a pedometer. :-(((((
  • akweich89
    akweich89 Posts: 18 Member
    I had a fitbit but I hated it as it was never accurate and then stopped working after only a few months of use. I went to a plain-Jane pedometer that measures steps, daily activity in minutes, distance, calories, and it even has a daily goal bar that shows your progress toward your daily goal. It comes with a clip but I just attached the cord to my belt loop and stick it in my pocket for the day. It is more accurate than any other similar item in nature. I love it!
  • RaeYballe
    RaeYballe Posts: 20 Member
    If you live near a Daiso store they have cute pedometers. The kind you clip to your hip. $1.50.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited July 2016
    Yes there are millions of basic step counters

    But your radiation issue seems unfounded

    Do you own and carry a mobile phone?

    Do you eat Brazil nuts?

    Do you like conspiracy theory sites? Paranoia and supposition without source and rationality is what you find in "internet searches and 'health' blogs
    Urggh. The Internet apparently says "yes.
    And if there is even a remote possibility that this is true (proven or not) - this cute little device is on his way back to the store. :-(

    Are any of the other devices recommended here purely mechanical (with no syncing and no EMF radiation whatsoever)?

    Thank you all.

    Gosh, I am so disappointed because I really liked having a pedometer. :-(((((

  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 182 Member
    I got a free pedometer from my health insurance; some get them from their union. I used the pedometer and saved up so I could get a FitBit Charge HR as a present to myself when I lost my first 30 pounds. Best $130 I ever spent. Had the display go haywire on it, called them, received a brand new replacement 3 days later. All that said, since most of your activity is coming from a spurt of activity, you could use a (free) GPS-enabled smartphone app like RunKeeper, and then just try to increase activity other times. I use all kinds of goofy ways to get extra movement in - being deliberately inefficient (my daughter and I sort the grocery list alphabetically, causing many trips around the store - she thinks it's a hoot). I park as far as possible. We walk to as many errands as possible, sometimes march in place during commercials, and play alot. Best to you!
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    MFP does not sync well with my Garmen Vivofit 3. However, that little band is the best step counter I've ever used!