P90 vs P90X

So I am getting the P90X dvd's either tonight or tomorrow (my husband's friend is giving me a copy) and then I am going to sign up online to get all the paperwork - I am quite excited.

I know it will kick my butt, but I am ready for the challenge!

Just curious though.... do most people do P90 before even attempting P90X? I mean, I am going to go straight into P90X, but I was just wondering about P90 - do people even do that anymore?

I am a 27 year old woman and I want a nice strong, lean look - am I going about it the wrong way by doing P90X?


  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I'm also 27 and I have done 60 days of P90X before (sadly I made up excuses and didn't finish). I can say that it is AWESOME! I never tried P90, in fact I didn't even know it existed until about 3 weeks into P90X. P90X works as long as you stick to the workouts and the diet plan. You will look leaner, fitter, and strong by the end. Good luck :)
  • craig1768
    craig1768 Posts: 44 Member
    So I am getting the P90X dvd's either tonight or tomorrow (my husband's friend is giving me a copy) and then I am going to sign up online to get all the paperwork - I am quite excited.

    I know it will kick my butt, but I am ready for the challenge!

    Just curious though.... do most people do P90 before even attempting P90X? I mean, I am going to go straight into P90X, but I was just wondering about P90 - do people even do that anymore?

    I am a 27 year old woman and I want a nice strong, lean look - am I going about it the wrong way by doing P90X?

    p90 has a lower time commitment too it. It IMHO is more repetative, but still effective. p90x has a big time commitment to it, but if you can commit, you will see significant changes in 90 days. At the end of the day, p90x can be done by just about anyone if they modify the exercises. I have done 90x three times.... now working on Chalean Extreme (lower time commitment for the summer). Love 90x. Good luck on your adventure.
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member
    Thanks for the tips! But this all brings up another question... craig1768, you said you did P90X three times? Do you have to re-do it all the time? Or, after your 90 days, is there any type of maintenance mode you can do?
  • craig1768
    craig1768 Posts: 44 Member
    Well, my story goes like this. I was feeling a ton of stress and aggression at work. I was looking for something that would help burn it off, and so my first pass of 90x did that. I really didn't watch what I was eating (not that my diet was horrid)... so I decided to do a second pass and tried to work more on my diet. When I finished that, I didn't know what I wanted to do. I wanted to remain active but the weather was crappy so I did a third pass.

    There is no traditional 'maintenance' mode for 90x (that I know of), but you could easily follow the 'classic' routine and make it five days... so you could do the full 13 weeks and convert it to ... 15 weeks? Basically I am saying that your day six would become day one of week two... if that makes sense (90 days five days a week instead of six ...with two days off a week).

    Do a pass on 90x, it will change your body shape (if you aren't already a rock). Take a look at Chalean Extreme... it depends on what floats your boat for exercise. Chalean is 5 days a week 30 to 50 minutes a day. Which is what i was looking for over the summer... that way it gives me two days to do biking and such. If you aren't in shape already Chalean will lean you out... if you are already in shape, its a good maintenance with a lower commitment level.

    In response to 'Do you have to re-do it all the time?' Well, yes.. and no. I usually take a week or two off between the routines to regain the mental portion of my game and figure out what I am doing next. But can you do 90 days.. and then just stop for forever? Probably isn't in the cards if you want to remain in shape. There are plenty of options for 'maintenance' though... send me a mail if you want me to dissertate on other activities.
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member
    Thanks for the help!!!